Proto-Tibeto-Burman phonology
The structure of the PTB syllable may be schematized by the formula
(P1) (P2) Ci (G) V[T](:) (Cf) (s)
where (Ci) stands for the root-initial consonant, which could be preceded by up to two consonantal prefixes (P1 and P2) and optionally followed by a liquid or semivowel glide (G). After this came the vocalic nucleus, consisting minimally of a simple vowel (V), followed optionally by a restricted set of possible final consonants (Cf) and/or the suffix (s). This schema is quite similar to the syllables found in Written Tibetan, which range in complexity from simple Ci + V (e.g., k’a ‘bitter’) to P1 + P2 + Ci + G + V + Cf + s (e.g., brnyoŋs ‘convenient,’ bsnyigs ‘sediment’).
The prefixes, especially the stop or nasal ones (b-, d-, g-, m-), and especially when preceding a stop root-initial, were undoubtedly vocalized by an epenthetic schwa (ə) for ease of pronunciation, as in the pronunciation of the Polish city name Gdansk [gədansk]. Strictly speaking, such forms are sesquisyllabic (a syllable and a half long) rather than monosyllabic.
The glides (especially the semivowels -w- and -y-) occupied an ambiguous position in PTB, sometimes behaving as if they belonged to the initial consonant complex but sometimes as if they were part of the syllable’s vocalic nucleus. The semivowels could also occur postvocalically, forming falling diphthongs in -w and -y; in this position the semivowels are considered to belong to the inventory of Cf’s. Vowel length (symbolized by a colon, “:”) is contrastive, but only in syllables closed with a final stop, nasal, liquid, or semivowel. This contrast is rather marginal at the PTB level, with many irregularities and much variation. There is no contrast between syllables that have zero-initial *Ø- (e.g., *ap) and those with initial glottal stop *ʔ- (e.g., *ʔap). Reconstructing *ʔ- when there is no other initial consonant simplifies the canon somewhat, since Ci is then an obligatory element.

The status of contrastive tone at the PTB stage is still in doubt. Tonal languages use variations in pitch (often accompanied by other configurations of the larynx that produce “clear” versus “creaky” [glottalized] versus “breathy” [h-like] vowel qualities) to distinguish words from one another. (Nontonal languages like English use pitch variations “intonationally”—e.g., to distinguish statements from questions). Although some scholars claim that a two- or three-tone system may be reconstructed for PTB, it seems preferable to consider tone as having developed independently (though according to similar principles) at many different times and places throughout the history of TB. To reflect this uncertainty, the superscript T is enclosed in brackets in the above formula.
Many modern TB languages (especially Sinospheric ones) have vastly simpler syllabic possibilities than those of Written Tibetan. For example, Lahu syllables lack prefixes, glides, or final consonants, but (unlike Tibetan) each Lahu syllable must carry one of seven distinctive tones, so Lahu syllable structure may be schematized as (C) VT.
Figuring out how complex proto-syllables map into their simpler descendants is one of the most fascinating aspects of Sino-Tibetan historical phonology. Thus, PTB *b-r-gyat ‘eight’ is carried over unchanged into Written Tibetan brgyad but > Lahu hí (the symbol > means “becomes”), while PTB *k-r-wat ‘leech’ > Written Burmese krwat (with two prefixes, k- and r-), Magar ləwat (with the single prefix lə-), and Lahu vèʔ (with no prefix).
Initial consonants
The Conspectus reconstructed 23 simple initial consonants for PTB. Although many of its daughter languages have three or even four manners of articulation, only a simple two-way contrast in this feature (*voiced and *voiceless) is reconstructible for PTB obstruents (consonants produced by obstructing the flow of air from the vocal tract). Many factors have been involved in the proliferation of manner contrasts in the daughter languages, chiefly the intricate patterns of interaction between the prefix and the root-initial consonant. Nothing, in fact, is more unstable in diachronic TB phonology than the voicing or aspiration of initial obstruents (plosives, fricatives, and affricates). A *voiceless Ci could easily assimilate in voicing to a voiced prefix (e.g., to *m-), while a voiceless prefix (e.g., *s-) could devoice or aspirate an originally *voiced Ci. The prefix might then drop, leaving only the change in voicing of the Ci as a trace of its former presence. Of particular importance as prefix-induced types of secondary articulation are prenasalization and preglottalization, as in syllables like Luquan Yi nt’u ‘fern’ (from Proto-Loloish *m-da) or Lalo (Western Loloish) ʔlà ‘trousers’ (from Proto-Loloish *s-la). The voicing or voicelessness of the prevocalic consonant complex is also of key importance in the process of tonal development.
Besides the three primary positions of articulation for PTB stops (labial, dental, and velar) and the two primary series of affricates (dental and palatal), several other positional types of obstruents occur in one or another daughter language. These can be easily shown to be secondary, as with the postvelars (found especially in Qiangic and Loloish) or the labiodentals (found in Angami Naga and Lahu). There is persuasive evidence to reconstruct a series of *labiovelars at least as far back as the Proto-Lolo-Burmese level; the best example is the etymon for ‘dog,’ where Lahu phɨ̂ (with labial initial) reflects the Proto-Lolo-Burmese labiovelar root *kwəy.
No labiodental fricatives are reconstructed for PTB, though many daughter languages have /v/ (usually developed from *w) or /f/ (deriving in Lahu, for example, from earlier *hw and *ʔw). Both the dental (*s, *z) and palatal (*š, *ž) fricatives are reconstructible (though *ž was quite rare), with *z having a variety of reflexes in Lolo-Burmese, including Written Burmese s, Lahu y, Lisu r, and Mpi and Ugong l. The palatal fricatives and affricates may be interpreted as clusters of the dentals plus medial *-y-, as in *š = /sy/, *ž = /zy/, *tš = /tsy/, *dž = /dzy/. Quite a few modern TB languages have a retroflex series of affricates, fricatives, and stops, but they do not occur in Written Tibetan or Written Burmese and are not attested for Xixia; they seem to be secondarily derived from proto-clusters with medial liquids like *kr and *gr. Some languages have secondarily developed complex sibilant phonemes and clusters; the Dàyáng dialect of Pumi (Qiangic group) boasts no fewer than 32 fricatives and affricates.