Urartian language
- Also called:
- Chaldean or Vannic
- Related Topics:
- Anatolian languages
Urartian language, ancient language spoken in northeastern Anatolia and used as the official language of Urartu in the 9th–6th centuries bce. Urartu centred on the district of Lake Van but also extended over the Transcaucasian regions of modern Russia and into northwestern Iran and at times even into parts of northern Syria. Non-Indo-European in origin, it is thought to be descended from the same parent language as the older Hurrian language.
Surviving texts of the language are written in a variant of the cuneiform script called Neo-Assyrian. They consist mostly of monumental inscriptions (annals and votive inscriptions related to building and irrigation activities), some small inscriptions on helmets and shields dedicated in the temple, and a few economic records. There also existed a poorly attested indigenous hieroglyphic script; it is so meagrely represented that few efforts have been made toward its translation.
Two bilingual inscriptions in Assyrian and Urartian led to the deciphering of Urartian. In 1933 Johannes Friedrich published the first reliable description of the language in his Urartian grammar.