Professionalization of philosophy
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In his Éléments de philosophie (1759; “Elements of Philosophy”), d’Alembert wrote:
Our century is the century of philosophy par excellence. If one considers without bias the present state of our knowledge, one cannot deny that philosophy among us has shown progress.
D’Alembert was calling attention to the self-examination for which the 18th century is famous, and he was undoubtedly referring to the activities of mathematicians (like himself), jurists, economists, and amateur moralists rather than to those of narrow philosophical specialists. But the 18th century was clearly the “century of philosophy par excellence” in a more technical sense also, for it was the period in which philosophizing first began to pass from the hands of gentlemen and amateurs into those of true professionals. The chief sign of this shift was the return of reputable philosophy to the universities.
This transformation first occurred in Germany and is mainly associated with the University of Halle (founded 1694). During the time of the generation between Leibniz and Kant, the philosophical climate changed profoundly. The best representative of this change was Christian Wolff (1679–1754), who taught philosophy at Halle. Kant called Wolff “the real originator of the spirit of thoroughness in Germany,” and Wolff was indeed a pioneer in techniques that transformed philosophy into a professional discipline: the self-conscious adoption of a systematic approach and the creation of a specialized philosophical vocabulary. Wolff carefully distinguished the various fields of philosophy, wrote textbooks in each of them, which were used in the German universities for many years, and created many of the specialized philosophical terms that have survived to the present day.
The German Enlightenment was the first modern period to produce specialists in philosophy. In England philosophizing in the universities did not become serious until well after the time of Hume, but already philosophical fields had been sufficiently distinguished to be represented by distinct professorships. The titles professor of mental philosophy, professor of moral philosophy, and professor of metaphysical philosophy, as they arose at Oxford and Cambridge, were the product of the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
Two additional features of the German Enlightenment are relevant: (1) the founding of the first professional journals and (2) the increasing concern of philosophy with its own history. The learned journal, like the scientific society, was an innovation of the 17th century. But what had begun as a general intellectual endeavour became in 18th-century Germany a specifically philosophical enterprise. Journals were published in great numbers: e.g., Acta Philosophorum (Halle, 1715–26), Der philosophische Büchersaal (Leipzig, 1741–44; “The Philosophical Book Room”), and the short-lived Neues philosophisches Magazin (Leipzig, 1789–91), devoted exclusively to the philosophy of Kant.
More interesting still is the publication of voluminous German histories of philosophy after 1740, among them Johann Brucker’s The History of Philosophy, 6 vol. (1742–67); Johann Buhle’s Lehrbuch der Geschichte der Philosophie, 8 vol. (1796–1804; “Textbook on the History of Philosophy”); Dietrich Tiedemann’s Geist der spekulativen Philosophie von Thales bis Berkeley, 6 vol. (1791–97; “The Spirit of Speculative Philosophy from Thales to Berkeley”); and Gottlieb Tennemann’s Geschichte der Philosophie, 11 vol. (1789–1819; excerpted in A Manual of the History of Philosophy).
Critical examination of reason in Kant
All these developments led directly to the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, the greatest philosopher of the modern period, whose works mark the true culmination of the philosophy of the Enlightenment. Historically speaking, Kant’s great contribution was to elucidate both the sensory and the a priori elements in knowledge and thus to bridge the gap between the extreme rationalism of Leibniz and the extreme empiricism of Hume. But in addition to the brilliant content of his philosophical doctrines, Kant was responsible for three crucial philosophical innovations: (1) a new definition of philosophy, (2) a new conception of philosophical method, and (3) a new structural model for the writing of philosophy.
Kant conceived of reason as being at the very heart of the philosophical enterprise. Philosophy’s sole task, in his view, is to determine what reason can and cannot do. Philosophy, he said, “is the science of the relation of all knowledge to the essential ends of human reason”; its true aim is both constructive (“to outline the system of all knowledge arising from pure reason”) and critical (“to expose the illusions of a reason that forgets its limits”). Philosophy is thus a calling of great dignity, for its aim is wisdom, and its practitioners are themselves “lawgivers of reason.” But in order for philosophy to be “the science of the highest maxims of reason,” the philosopher must be able to determine the source, the extent, and the validity of human knowledge and the ultimate limits of reason. And these tasks require a special philosophical method.
Sometimes Kant called this the “transcendental method,” but more often the “critical method.” His purpose was to reject the dogmatic assumptions of the rationalist school, and his wish was to return to the semiskeptical position with which Descartes had begun before his dogmatic pretensions to certainty took hold. Kant’s method was to conduct a critical examination of the powers of a priori reason—an inquiry into what reason can achieve when all experience is removed. His method was based on a doctrine that he himself called “a Copernican revolution” in philosophy (by analogy with the shift from geocentrism to heliocentrism in cosmology): the assumption that objects must conform to human knowledge—or to the human apparatus of knowing—rather than that human knowledge must conform to objects. The question then became: What is the exact nature of this knowing apparatus?
Unlike Descartes, Kant could not question that knowledge exists. No one raised in the Enlightenment could doubt, for example, that mathematics and Newtonian physics were real. Kant’s methodological question was rather: How is mathematical and physical knowledge possible? How must human knowledge be structured in order to make these sciences secure? The attempt to answer these questions was the task of Kant’s great work Critique of Pure Reason (1781).
Kant’s aim was to examine reason not merely in one of its domains but in each of its employments according to the threefold structure of the human mind that he had inherited from Wolff. Thus the critical examination of reason in thinking (science) is undertaken in the Critique of Pure Reason, that of reason in willing (ethics) in the Critique of Practical Reason (1788), and that of reason in feeling (aesthetics) in the Critique of Judgment (1790).
Literary forms
The literary form of Enlightenment philosophizing was simple and straightforward. Except for an occasional reversion to the dialogue form, as in Berkeley’s Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous (1713) and in Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (1779), it consisted of inquiries, discourses, treatises, dissertations, and essays, generally well written in clear, relatively nontechnical prose. But Kant not only introduced a formidable technical philosophical terminology into his works but was, in fact, the originator of a new philosophical form—the “critique” or “critical examination”—that had its own special architectonics. Each of Kant’s three critiques is divided into the same three parts: (1) an “analytic,” or analysis of reason’s right functioning, (2) a “dialectic,” or logic of error, showing the pitfalls into which a careless reason falls, and (3) a “methodology,” an arrangement of rules for practice. It is a form that was unique to Kant, but it raised certain problems of “oppositional” thinking, to which 19th-century philosophers such as Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer, and Søren Kierkegaard were subsequently to turn.