1953 to 1977
Mamie Eisenhower (1953–61), the wife of Dwight D. Eisenhower, did not significantly change the role of first lady. Popular with many Americans for her down-to-earth style, she saw her first name attached to a hairstyle (“Mamie bangs”) and a chocolate fudge recipe. Her press conferences were limited to social matters, and, when she published an article before the 1952 election, she refused to take sides, telling readers to vote for her husband or for Adlai Stevenson but to “please vote.”
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis (1961–63) was, as the wife of John F. Kennedy, the youngest first lady in 75 years. She gained enormous popularity at home and abroad because of her youth, her glamour and style, and her two photogenic young children. The first president’s wife to name her own press secretary, she struggled to guard her privacy. Her White House renovation, which was aimed at restoring the mansion to its original elegance, gained wide approval. In 1961 she established the White House Historical Association, which later facilitated the mansion’s official designation as a museum (1988).
Lady Bird Johnson (1963–69) had been a member of Washington society for nearly three decades while her husband, Lyndon B. Johnson, served in the House of Representatives and the Senate. An efficient household administrator, she had also taken an active part in her husband’s political campaigns, and during World War II she had briefly run his Washington office. By the presidential election of 1960, she was such a seasoned campaigner that Robert Kennedy credited her with carrying Texas for the Democrats. In 1964, when her husband’s popularity in some parts of the country was low because of his support for civil rights, she undertook a whistle-stop campaign through the South. After he won the presidential election that year, she spearheaded a program that encouraged Americans to do more to improve the appearance of their neighbourhoods and that resulted in the Highway Beautification Act of 1965.
Pat Nixon (1969–74), the wife of Richard M. Nixon, also had a long Washington apprenticeship, but she received little credit for her accomplishments in the White House. A dutiful consort, she traveled thousands of miles, giving speeches and greeting potential voters. She opened the White House to groups that had not been invited before—including the blind, who were permitted to touch the furnishings—and she staged special holiday functions for senior citizens. Her program to encourage volunteerism never really caught on, however, and her reluctance to discuss her role or highlight her achievements diminished her place in history. Nevertheless, she continued to be named one of the most-admired American women long after she returned to private life.
Betty Ford (1974–77), the wife of Gerald R. Ford, often said that because she entered the White House in the wake of the Watergate affair, which forced Nixon’s resignation, she felt an enormous responsibility to be candid. During a press conference within a month of becoming first lady, she openly expressed opinions that differed from her husband’s on several important issues, including abortion. A few weeks later, after undergoing a mastectomy for breast cancer, she insisted on telling the truth instead of concealing the matter, as some of her predecessors had done during their own serious illnesses. Following her example, many women went for medical examinations, a fact that, as she later wrote, made her realize the power of the first lady. Some of the interviews she gave, including one in which she discussed her teenage daughter’s sex life, led to criticism, but, on balance, Americans approved of her openness. After she left the White House, her confessions of alcoholism and drug dependence won additional approval.
1977 to present
Rosalynn Carter (1977–81), the wife of Jimmy Carter, broke new ground for first ladies in several ways. Eighteen months before the 1976 election, she began campaigning for her husband on her own. In 1977, soon after becoming first lady, she traveled to seven Latin American countries, where she met with political leaders and discussed substantive matters such as trade and defense. This marked a departure from the kind of “fact-finding” trips that Eleanor Roosevelt had undertaken, and, after encountering criticism, she confined future trips to ceremonial or goodwill missions. Nevertheless, she attended cabinet meetings when the subject of discussion interested her—the first president’s wife to do so. She also made headlines by testifying in support of the Mental Health Systems Act before a committee of the U.S. Senate. After leaving the White House, she wrote First Lady from Plains, an insightful look at her husband’s administration.
Nancy Reagan (1981–89), the wife of Ronald Reagan, insisted that she had little influence on her husband’s decisions, but, before she left the White House, the New York Times wrote that she had “expanded the job of First Lady into a sort of Associate Presidency.” She was often credited with influencing personnel decisions (both in hiring and firing), setting her husband’s travel schedule, and shaping his agenda. She was criticized for what many considered “elitist” social behaviour and excessive spending, though private donors footed the bills. Her early association with a foster-grandparents program brought little favourable attention. However, her self-deprecating performance at a private dinner for journalists in 1982 and her leadership in an antidrug campaign, “Just Say No,” increased her popularity.
Barbara Bush (1989–93), the wife of George Bush, followed tradition in refusing to specify how her own opinions differed from her husband’s, and she was enormously popular for her personal style. White-haired and full-figured, she laughingly reported that there were “a lot of fat, white-haired wrinkled ladies…tickled pink” to see someone like themselves in the White House. Her association with a campaign to increase literacy also won her admirers, and all the revenue earned from her best-selling book about her dog Millie was donated to the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy.
Hillary Rodham Clinton (1993–2001), the wife of Bill Clinton, entered the White House with a law degree, a successful career of her own, and connections to a large network of successful professionals, including other lawyers and activists. When she took an office in the West Wing of the White House (the first president’s wife to do so) and was named by the president to head a task force on health care reform, many expected that she would carve out a substantive policy role for herself. Although the deliberations of the task force did not result in important legislation, they did highlight the first lady’s power. After a group of physicians complained that she was not a “government official” and thus had no right to keep the task force meetings closed, a federal appeals court ruled in her favour, citing a long tradition of presidents’ wives acting “as advisers and personal representatives of their husbands”; her appearance before five Congressional committees to discuss the recommendations of the task force focused attention on the leading role she had taken in health care reform. Her public pronouncements on foreign policy and her changing stance on several other issues were frequently criticized, and they sometimes even conflicted with positions taken by her husband’s administration. But her social activism, her frequent trips abroad without the president, the interviews she gave before, during, and after her husband’s impeachment, and her successful candidacy for a U.S. Senate seat from New York state in 2000 all highlighted the independent power that a first lady could attain.
Laura Welch Bush (2001–09), the wife of George W. Bush, was less of an activist than her predecessor but more of a public figure than her traditional mother-in-law. She publicly disagreed with her husband’s position on Roe v. Wade (1973), the U.S. Supreme Court decision that guaranteed the legality of abortion (she supported the ruling, he opposed it); she also invited writers to the White House who had openly criticized her husband, and she agreed to testify before a Senate committee on education. In a more traditional vein, she organized a national book fair to promote literacy and to encourage Americans to use libraries, organized a foundation for American libraries, and devoted considerable time to comforting Americans after the September 11 attacks of 2001.
Michelle Obama (2009–17), the wife of Barack Obama, was the first African American first lady. A successful lawyer and a mother of two young children, she put her own unique stamp on the role, in part by promoting programs to improve child nutrition.
Melania Trump (2017–21; 2025– ), the wife of Donald Trump, was the second foreign-born first lady, after Louisa Adams. She launched the Be Best initiative in 2018, which sought to end cyberbullying, among other goals.
Jill Biden was first lady during the presidency of her husband, Joe Biden (2021–25). As first lady, she continued her teaching career at Northern Virginia Community College and was involved in numerous causes, including the Joining Forces program to support military families.
Since 1789 the role of first lady has changed considerably. Although still dependent on individual personalities, it has come to include involvement in political campaigns, management of the White House, championship of social causes, and representation of the president at official and ceremonial occasions. Because first ladies now typically publish their memoirs, which are viewed as potential sources of additional information about their husbands’ administrations, and because the public is interested in these increasingly independent women in their own right, first ladies frequently remain a focus of attention long after their husbands’ terms of office have ended.
Betty Boyd Caroli The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica