- Also called:
- angling
- Key People:
- Izaak Walton
- Dame Juliana Berners
- Related Topics:
- fly-fishing
- spearfishing
- trolling
- catch-and-release angling
- bait fishing
The five basic methods of angling are bait fishing, fly-fishing, bait casting, spinning, and trolling. All are used in both freshwater and saltwater angling.
Bait fishing, also called still fishing or bottom fishing, is certainly the oldest and most universally used method. In British freshwater fishing it is used to catch what are called coarse (or rough) fish. These include bream, barb, tench, dace, and other nongame species. A bait is impaled on the hook, which is “set” by the angler raising the tip of the rod when the fish swallows it. Common baits in fishing include worms, maggots, small fish, bread paste, cheese, and small pieces of vegetables and grain. The bait may be weighted down with what is called a ledger in Britain and a sinker in the United States, usually of lead. In this type of fishing, the angler simply holds the rod or lays it down and waits for the telltale tug of the fish to be transmitted through the line. Bait may also be fished by suspending it at a chosen depth under a buoyant object attached to the line that is made of cork or plastic, called a float in Britain and a bobber in the United States. The angler attempts to suspend the bait at a depth where foraging fish will notice it and in locations near the natural hiding places of fish—such as sunken weed beds, logs, and underwater rock formations.
The rods used in still fishing both in North America and Britain are usually 6 to 9 feet (1.8 to 2.7 metres) long, with a fixed-spool reel and monofilament line of 2- to 25-pound (900- to 11,300-gram) test strength. In North America, still fishing is usually practiced with conventional bait-casting or spinning tackle. Freshwater fish taken by this method include bluegills, crappies, perch, carp, and catfish, as well as bass and walleyes. The most common natural North American baits are worms, minnows, crayfish, cut-up fish, leeches, and grubs or maggots.
Another type of bait fishing, most commonly done in rivers and streams, involves drifting a baited hook into deep pools and beneath in-stream cover (such as logs and rocks) to entice game fish that station themselves in those locations for feeding. Conventional spinning gear is the tackle of choice for this style of fishing.
Ice fishing, through holes cut in frozen lakes, is particularly popular in the northeastern United States and the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence valley region of the United States and Canada. Equipment is commonly a three-foot rod with a simple reel or a cleatlike device to hold nonfreezing monofilament line and a tilt, or tip-up, to signal when the fish has taken the bait. Fish taken through the ice vary from panfish (crappies, bluegills, and perch) to larger game fish (pike, walleye, bass, and lake trout). Ice fishing became increasingly popular in the 20th century in Scandinavian and other European countries where heavy freezing permits it.
Fly-fishing is a method of angling employing a rod 7 to 11 feet (2.1 to 3.4 metres) in length, a simple arbor reel, and a heavy plastic-coated line joined to a lighter nylon leader. The rod is used to cast artificial flies—made of hair, feathers, or synthetic materials and designed to imitate the natural food sources of the fish. The fly-fisher snaps the long rod back and forth, allowing the heavier weight of the line to propel the nearly weightless fly forward. The fly needs to land as gently as possible upon the water to avoid startling the fish. A simple reel is used only to contain the line and to help in tiring a hooked fish. Species fished include trout and salmon, but by the end of the 20th century virtually all game fish, from panfish to muskellunge, were fished with flies.
Bait casting and spin casting differ essentially in the type of reel, the rod length, and the strength of the line used. Bait casting usually employs a reel with heavier line, often in the 10- to 20-pound (4,500- to 9,000-gram) test range. Most spinning reels are usually spooled with lighter lines in the 6- to 10-pound (2,700- to 4,500-gram) test class. Spinning rods are generally 6–10 feet (1.8–3.0 metres) long, while the usual length of a bait-casting rod is 5–6 feet (1.5–1.8 metres). Bait casting originally used live minnows but grew to use artificial lures—pieces of metal or painted plastic designed to imitate a fish’s natural prey—as well as metal spoons and spinners. The lures are cast in likely fish-rich areas and are retrieved in a manner that allows them to effect a swimming action in the water. Lures vary in weight from 1/16 to 1 ounce (1.8 to 28 grams) or more. Spinning tackle is usually used with lighter lures, and bait-casting tackle is used with heavier lures.
Trolling involves the use of live bait or artificial lures that are drawn through the water behind a slow-moving boat, originally rowed but now generally motor-powered. Trolling is usually done inland on lakes and reservoirs, but it is also the primary method for big-game fishing in the oceans. The method has the advantage of covering a large amount of territory where fish might otherwise be difficult to locate. The correct depth and speed of the lure are crucial in the method. The introduction of sonar equipment in the second half of the 20th century greatly increased the effectiveness of trolling. Rods are usually 5–7 feet (1.5–2.1 metres) long, and lines are heavy, occasionally of metal, with added weights used to get the lure to greater depths. In inland trolling, the rod is held at a right angle to the motion of the boat to take advantage of the rod’s resilience when a fish strikes. Lures are much like those used in bait casting. Salmon, large trout, walleye, and pike are the main species fished.