Nonstandard versions of PC
Qualms have sometimes been expressed about the intuitive soundness of some formulas that are valid in “orthodox” PC, and these qualms have led some logicians to construct a number of propositional calculi that deviate in various ways from PC as expounded above.
Underlying ordinary PC is the intuitive idea that every proposition is either true or false, an idea that finds its formal expression in the stipulation that variables shall have two possible values only—namely, 1 and 0. (For this reason the system is often called the two-valued propositional calculus.) This idea has been challenged on various grounds. Following a suggestion made by Aristotle, some logicians have maintained that propositions about those events in the future that may or may not come to pass are neither true nor false but “neuter” in truth value. Aristotle’s example, which has received much discussion, is “There will be a sea battle tomorrow.” It has also been maintained, by the English philosopher Sir Peter Strawson and others, that, for propositions with subjects that do not have anything actual corresponding to them—such as “The present king of France is wise” (assuming that France has no king) or “All John’s children are asleep” (assuming that John has no children)—the question of truth or falsity “does not arise.” Another view is that a third truth value (say, “half-truth”) ought to be recognized as existing between truth and falsity; thus, it has been advanced that certain familiar states of the weather make the proposition “It is raining” neither definitely true nor definitely false but something in between the two.
The issues raised by the above examples no doubt differ significantly, but they all suggest a threefold rather than a twofold division of propositions and hence the possibility of a logic in which the variables may take any of three values (say 1, 1/2, and 0), with a consequent revision of the standard PC account of validity. Several such three-valued logics have been constructed and investigated; a brief account will be given here of one of them, in which the most natural interpretation of the additional value (1/2) is as “half-true,” with 1 and 0 representing truth and falsity as before. The formation rules are as they were for orthodox PC, but the meaning of the operators is extended to cover cases in which at least one argument has the value 1/2 by the five entries in Click Here to see full-size tableTable 4. (Adopting one of the three values of the first argument, p, given in the leftmost column [1, 1/2, or 0] and, for the dyadic operators, one of the three values of the second, q, in the top row—above the line—one then finds the value of the whole formula by reading across for p and down for q.) It will be seen that these tables, owing to the Polish logician Jan Łukasiewicz, are the same as the ordinary two-valued ones when the arguments have the values 1 and 0. The other values are intended to be intuitively plausible extensions of the principles underlying the two-valued calculus to cover the cases involving half-true arguments. Clearly, these tables enable a person to calculate a determinate value (1, 1/2, or 0) for any wff, given the values assigned to the variables in it; a wff is valid in this calculus if it has the value 1 for every assignment to its variables. Since the values of formulas when the variables are assigned only the values 1 and 0 are the same as in ordinary PC, every wff that is valid in the present calculus is also valid in PC. Some wffs that are valid in PC are, however, now no longer valid. An example is (p ∨ ∼p), which, when p has the value 1/2, also has the value 1/2. This reflects the idea that if one admits the possibility of a proposition’s being half-true, one can no longer hold of every proposition without restriction that either it or its negation is true.
Given the truth tables for the operators in Table 4, it is possible to take ∼ and ⊃ as primitive and to define (α ∨ β) as [(α ⊃ β) ⊃ β]—though not as (∼α ⊃ β), as in ordinary PC; (α · β) as ∼(∼α ∨ ∼β); and (α ≡ β) as [(α ⊃ β) · (β ⊃ α)]. With these definitions as given, all valid wffs constructed from variables and ∼, ·, ∨, ⊃, and ≡ can be derived by substitution and modus ponens from the following four axioms:
- p ⊃ (q ⊃ p)
- (p ⊃ q) ⊃ [(q ⊃ r) ⊃ (p ⊃ r)]
- [(p ⊃ ∼p) ⊃ p] ⊃ p
- (∼p ⊃ ∼q) ⊃ (q ⊃ p)
Other three-valued logics can easily be constructed. For example, the above tables might be modified so that ∼1/2, 1/2 ⊃ 0, 1/2 ≡ 0, and 0 ≡ 1/2 all have the value 0 instead of 1/2, as before, leaving everything else unchanged. The same definitions are then still possible, but the list of valid formulas is different; e.g., ∼∼p ⊃ p, which was previously valid, now has the value 1/2 when p has the value 1/2. This system can also be successfully axiomatized. Other calculi with more than three values can also be constructed along analogous lines.

Other nonstandard calculi have been constructed by beginning with an axiomatization instead of a definition of validity. Of these, the best-known is the intuitionistic calculus, devised by Arend Heyting, one of the chief representatives of the intuitionist school of mathematicians, a group of theorists who deny the validity of certain types of proof used in classical mathematics (see mathematics, foundations of: Intuitionistic logic). At least in certain contexts, members of this school regard the demonstration of the falsity of the negation of a proposition (a proof by reductio ad absurdum) as insufficient to establish the truth of the proposition in question. Thus they regard ∼∼p as an inadequate premise from which to deduce p and hence do not accept the validity of the law of double negation in the form ∼∼p ⊃ p. They do, however, regard a demonstration that p is true as showing that the negation of p is false and hence accept p ⊃ ∼∼p as valid. For somewhat similar reasons, these mathematicians also refuse to accept the validity of arguments based on the law of excluded middle (p ∨ ∼p). The intuitionistic calculus aims at presenting in axiomatic form those and only those principles of propositional logic that are accepted as sound in intuitionist mathematics. In this calculus, ∼, ·, ∨, and ⊃ are all primitive; the transformation rules, as before, are substitution and modus ponens; and the axioms are the following:
- p ⊃ (p · p)
- (p · q) ⊃ (q · p)
- (p ⊃ q) ⊃ [(p · r) ⊃ (q· r)]
- [(p ⊃ q) · (q ⊃ r)] ⊃ (p ⊃ r)
- p ⊃ (q ⊃ p)
- [p · (p ⊃ q)] ⊃ q
- p ⊃ (p ∨ q)
- (p ∨ q) ⊃ (q ∨ p)
- [(p ⊃ r) · (q ⊃ r)] ⊃ [(p ∨ q) ⊃ r]
- ∼p ⊃ (p ⊃ q)
- [(p ⊃ q) · (p ⊃ ∼q)] ⊃ ∼p
From this basis neither p ∨ ∼p nor ∼∼p ⊃ p can be derived, though p ⊃ ∼∼p can. In this respect this calculus resembles the second of the three-valued logics described above. It is, however, not possible to give a truth-table account of validity—no matter how many values are used—that will bring out as valid precisely those wffs that are theorems of the intuitionistic calculus and no others.
Natural deduction method in PC
PC is often presented by what is known as the method of natural deduction. Essentially this consists of a set of rules for drawing conclusions from hypotheses (assumptions, premises) represented by wffs of PC and thus for constructing valid inference forms. It also provides a method of deriving from these inference forms valid proposition forms, and in this way it is analogous to the derivation of theorems in an axiomatic system. One such set of rules is presented in Click Here to see full-size tableTable 5 (and there are various other sets that yield the same results).
A natural deduction proof is a sequence of wffs beginning with one or more wffs as hypotheses; fresh hypotheses may also be added at any point in the course of a proof. The rules may be applied to any wff or group of wffs, as appropriate, that have already occurred in the sequence. In the case of rules 1–7, the conclusion is said to depend on all of those hypotheses that have been used in the series of applications of the rules that have led to this conclusion; i.e., it is claimed simply that the conclusion follows from these hypotheses, not that it holds in its own right. An application of rule 8 or rule 9, however, reduces by one the number of hypotheses on which the conclusion depends; and a hypothesis so eliminated is said to be a discharged hypothesis. In this way a wff may be reached that depends on no hypotheses at all. Such a wff is a theorem of logic. It can be shown that those theorems derivable by the rules stated above—together with the definition of α ≡ β as (α ⊃ β) · (β ⊃ α)—are precisely the valid wffs of PC. A set of natural deduction rules yielding as theorems all the valid wffs of a system is complete (with respect to that system) in a sense obviously analogous to that in which an axiomatic basis was said above to be complete (see Axiomatization of PC.
As an illustration, the formula [(p ⊃ q) · (p ⊃ r)] ⊃ [p ⊃ (q · r)] will be derived as a theorem of logic by the natural deduction method. (The sense of this formula is that, if a proposition [p] implies each of two other propositions [q, r], then it implies their conjunction.) Explanatory comments follow the proof.
The figures in parentheses immediately preceding the wffs are simply for reference. To the right is indicated either that the wff is a hypothesis or that it is derived from the wffs indicated by the rules stated. On the left are noted the hypotheses on which the wff in question depends (either the first or the second line of the derivation, or both). Note that since 8 is derived by conditional proof from hypothesis 2 and from 7, which is itself derived from hypotheses 1 and 2, 8 depends only on hypothesis 1, and hypothesis 2 is discharged. Similarly, 9 depends on no hypotheses and is therefore a theorem.
By varying the above rules it is possible to obtain natural deduction systems corresponding to other versions of PC. For example, if the second part of the double-negation rule is omitted and the rule is added that, given α · ∼α, one may then conclude β, it can be shown that the theorems then derivable are precisely the theorems of the intuitionistic calculus.