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- food processing
- fruit
Packaging systems for fresh fruit usually involve a simple plastic breathable bag or overwrap. However, as the market value of high-quality fruit has increased, so too have efforts to develop improved packaging. These efforts have been primarily in the area of modified-atmosphere packaging (MAP). In this type of packaging the barrier properties of the material are carefully selected according to the respiration characteristics of the fruit. The goal is to allow an exchange of gases and moisture that produces the optimal storage environment. Continued work in this field is producing “smart” films, which not only produce the optimal atmosphere for storage but also change their barrier properties depending on the ambient temperature and on the respiration rate of the fruit.
Fruit juice
After fresh fruit, one of the most common fruit products is fruit juice. Fruit juice can take on many forms, including a natural-style cloudy product, a “nectar”-type product containing suspended solids, a fully clarified juice, juice concentrate, and fruit drinks.
The processing of fruit juice involves washing, extraction, clarification, and preservation.
Fruit is usually washed prior to any processing. Washing is typically conducted with a high-pressure soak or spray system. Under some conditions a surfactant or detergent may be added in order to release stubborn soil attached to the fruit. In apple processing a high-quality wash is necessary to ensure the safe removal of microorganisms responsible for mycotoxin formation and possible gastrointestinal poisoning.
Juice extraction
Fruit is prepared for juice extraction by removing unwanted parts. This may include pitting operations for stone fruit such as apricots, cherries, or plums or peeling for such fruits as pineapples. In one large class of fruit, citrus fruit, juice extraction and separation from the peel are combined. Two major juice extraction systems for citrus exist. One is a reaming technique, in which the fruit is cut in half and the individual halves reamed to extract both the juice and the inner fruit solids. In the second major system, a hole is punched in the fruit and the juice squeezed out at the same time.

If the entire fruit is to be used in the juice, then typically it is disintegrated in a drum grater or a hammer mill. Care must be taken to control disintegration so that the particle size of the mash is compatible with the press system.
Many different types of press are used for juice extraction. The most traditional is a rack-and-frame press, in which ground fruit (mash) is pumped into cloth partitions, called cheeses, which are separated by wooden or metallic racks. After a stack of cheeses has been produced, the press is activated and the juice expressed from the assembly.
Many variations of the rack-and-frame press exist. These include the continuous belt press, the bladder press, and the basket press.
As an alternative to press systems, some processors have gone to total enzymatic liquefaction of the fruit mash. Cellulase and pectinase enzymes are added, and the mash is heated in order to accelerate the enzyme’s performance.
If the juice is to be clarified further or concentrated after extraction, treatment with pectinase may be required. The juice is monitored for pectin content using a qualitative pectin check, consisting of combining one part juice with two parts ethanol. If a gel forms, pectin is still present and depectinization must continue. When depectinization is complete, a floc is typically formed by the aggregation of partially degraded pectin-protein aggregates.
Filtration systems are varied in design, operation, and application. The most traditional system is diatomaceous earth (DE) filtration, in which DE is used to aggregate and collect suspended solids. The DE is collected on filter paper inside the pressure filter as the juice passes through the unit. The resulting juice is sparkling clear. Owing to concern over the cost of DE and its disposal, other filtration processes have been designed. The most successful is membrane filtration, in which hollow fibre, open tubular, or ceramic membranes are employed in juice filtration systems.
Once the juice has been clarified, it is ready to be preserved. In some cases large reserves of single-strength juice are kept in juice silos after having been pasteurized, but usually the juice is immediately processed into retail or institutional packages. For a single-strength juice packaging line, a typical process is to heat the juice to 88 °C (190 °F) and then bottle it. This produces a shelf-stable product.
For producing concentrate, the juice is passed through an evaporator, where the level of soluble solids is typically brought to 70 percent by weight. Retail packages of concentrate are typically filled at 45 percent dissolved solids; at this concentration a three-to-one dilution by the consumer will create a finished product with a soluble solid level of approximately 12 percent.