Approaches to understanding idealism
- Key People:
- Slavoj Žižek
- Richard Rothe
- Solomon Formstecher
- On the Web:
- CFR Education - Idealism Versus Realism (Feb. 28, 2025)
What idealism is may be clarified by approaching it in three ways: through its basic doctrines and principles, through its central questions and answers, and through its significant arguments.
Basic doctrines and principles
Six common basic conceptions distinguish idealistic philosophy:
The union of individuality and universality
Abstract universals—such as “canineness,” which expresses the common nature or essence that the members of a class (e.g., individual dogs or wolves) share with one another—are acknowledged by many philosophers. Many idealists, however, emphasize the concept of a concrete universal, one that is also a concrete reality, such as “humankind” or “literature,” that can be imagined as gatherable into one specific thing. As opposed to the fixed formal abstract universal, the concrete universal is essentially dynamic, organic, and developing. Thus, universality and individuality merge.
The contrast between contemporaneity and eternity
Whereas most philosophers tend to focus on matters of contemporary concern, idealists always seek a much wider perspective that embraces epochs and eras in the broad sweep of history. In the words of the 17th-century rationalist philosopher Benedict de Spinoza, they strive to view the contemporary world “under the aspect of eternity.” Thus, in spite of the extensive formative influence of culture, idealists claim that their philosophy transcends the parochialism of a particular culture; and idealisms are found, in fact, in all the major cultures of the world.
The doctrine of internal relations and the coherence theory of truth
It seems natural to suppose, as nonidealists usually do, that the consideration of two things in their relatedness to one another can have no effect on the things themselves—i.e., that a relation is something in addition to the things or terms related and is thus external. On that basis, truth would be defined as a relation of correspondence between a proposition and a state of affairs. The idealist believes, however, that reality is more subtle than that. The relationship between a mineral deposit and the business cycle, for example, is an internal one: the deposit of an ore changes when prices render it profitable to mine the mineral. Similarly, it is part of the essence of a brick that it is related to a wall or pavement. Thus, terms and relations logically determine one another. Ultimate reality is therefore a system of judgments or propositions, and truth is defined in terms of the coherence of those propositions with one another to form a harmonious whole. Thus, a successful spy is judged either a hero or a villain only in relation to a total system of international relations, an accepted philosophy of history, and the moral judgments involved. There are therefore degrees of reality and degrees of truth within a system of truth cohering by internal relations, and the truth of a judgment reflects its place in that system.
The dialectical method
Idealism seeks to overcome contradictions by penetrating into the overall coherent system of truth and continually creating new knowledge to be integrated with earlier discoveries. Idealism is thus friendly to all quests for truth, whether in the natural or behavioral sciences or in art, religion, and philosophy. It seeks the truth in every positive judgment and in its contradictory as well. Thus, it traditionally uses the dialectical method of reasoning to remove the contradictions characteristic of human knowledge. Such removal leads to a new synthetic judgment that incorporates in a higher truth the degree of truth that was present in each of the two lower judgments.
The centrality of mind in knowledge and being
Idealism is not reductive, as are opposing philosophies that identify mind with matter and reduce the higher level of reality to the protons and electrons of mathematical physics. On the contrary, idealism defends the principle that the lower is explained by the higher—specifically, that matter can be explained by mind but that mind cannot be explained by matter. The word spirit can be substituted for mind or even placed above it, and at one time “spiritualism” was used, especially in Europe, as a synonym for idealism.
The transmutation of evil into good
Nearly all idealists accept the principle that the evils with which humankind has to deal may become ingredients in a larger whole that overcomes them. The American Hegelian Josiah Royce held that the larger whole is the Absolute Mind, which keeps evils under control as a person might hold a viper under the sole of his boot. Along with that doctrine of the sublimation or transmutation of evil, Royce incorporated into his metaphysics a point from the irrationalism of Arthur Schopenhauer, itself a voluntaristic form of idealism, that is to say that “the world is my idea.” Schopenhauer, however, was probably the only idealist who defended the converse principle that good is transmuted into evil.