- Key People:
- Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze
- Theodor Julius Geiger
Ideology and religion
Ideologies, in fact, are sometimes spoken of as if they belonged to the same logical category as religions. Both are assuredly in a certain sense “total” systems, concerned at the same time with questions of truth and questions of conduct, but the differences between ideologies and religions are perhaps more important than the similarities. A religious theory of reality is constructed in terms of a divine order and is seldom, like that of the ideologist, centred on this world alone. A religion may present a vision of a just society, but it cannot easily have a practical political program. The emphasis of religion is on faith and worship; its appeal is to inwardness and its aim the redemption or purification of the human spirit. An ideology speaks to the group, the nation, or the class. Some religions acknowledge their debt to revelation, whereas ideology always believes, however mistakenly, that it lives by reason alone. Both, it may be said, demand commitment, but it may be doubted whether commitment has ever been a marked feature of those religions into which a believer is inducted in infancy.
Even so, it is in certain religious movements that the first ideological elements in the modern world can be seen. The city of Florence, which in so many fields witnessed the birth of modernity, produced perhaps the first “ideological” Christian. The attempt of Girolamo Savonarola to construct a puritan utopia was marked by several of the qualities by which one recognizes a modern ideology: Savonarola treated the vision of a Christian community as a model that humans should actually seek to realize in the here and now. His method was to dominate the state through an appeal to the populace, and then to use the powers of the state to control both the economy and the private lives of the citizens. The enterprise was given a militant spirit; it was presented by Savonarola as being at one and the same time an outward struggle against papal corruption, the commercial ethos, and Renaissance humanism and an inward struggle against worldly ambitions and carnal desires.
Savonarola had numerous followers in his attempt to give Christianity an ideological dimension: he inspired Calvin’s Geneva and the Puritan communities of the New World. Indeed, in both the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation, when Christianity was invested with a new militancy and a new intolerance, when a new emphasis was placed on creeds and conversion, religion itself moved that much nearer to ideology.
Ideology in early political philosophy
The Italian political philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli was one of Savonarola’s sharpest critics, but he was also, like him, a precursor of modern ideologists. Historians who speak of him only as an immoralist overlook the extent to which Machiavelli was a man with an ideal—a republican ideal. Jean-Jacques Rousseau recognized this when he spoke of Il Principe (1513; The Prince) as a “handbook for republicans.” Machiavelli’s dream was to see revived in modern Italy a republic as glorious as that of ancient Rome, and he suggested that it could be achieved only by means of a revolution that had the strength of will to liquidate its enemies. Machiavelli was the first to link ideology with terror, but he was too much of a political scientist to enact the role of the ideologue.
Seventeenth-century England occupies an important place in the history of ideology. Although there were then no fully fledged ideologies in the strict sense of the term, political theory, like politics itself, began to acquire certain ideological characteristics. The swift movement of revolutionary forces throughout the 17th century created a demand for theories to explain and justify the radical action that was often taken. Locke’s Two Treatises of Government (1690) is an outstanding example of literature written to justify individual rights against absolutism. This growth of abstract theory in the 17th century, this increasing tendency to construct systems and discuss politics in terms of principles, marks the emergence of the ideological style. In political conversation generally it was accompanied by a growing use of concepts such as right and liberty—ideals in terms of which actual policies were judged.
Hegel and Marx
Although the word ideology in the sense derived from Destutt de Tracy’s understanding has passed into modern usage, it is important to notice the particular sense that ideology is given in Hegelian and Marxist philosophy, where it is used in a pejorative way. Ideology there becomes a word for what these philosophers also call “false consciousness.” G.W.F. Hegel argued that people were instruments of history; they enacted roles that were assigned to them by forces they did not understand; the meaning of history was hidden from them. Only the philosopher could expect to understand things as they were. This Hegelian enterprise of interpreting reality and reconciling the world to itself was condemned by certain critics as an attempt to provide an ideology of the status quo, in that if individuals were indeed mere ciphers whose actions were determined by external forces, then there was little point in trying to change or improve political and other circumstances. This is a criticism Karl Marx took up, and it is the argument he developed in Die deutsche Ideologie (written 1845–46, published 1932; The German Ideology) and other earlier writings. Ideology in this sense is a set of beliefs with which people deceive themselves; it is theory that expresses what they are led to think, as opposed to that which is true; it is false consciousness.
Marx, however, was not consistent in his use of the word ideology, for he did not always use the term pejoratively, and some of his references to it clearly imply the possibility of an ideology being true. Twentieth-century Marxists, who frequently discarded the pejorative sense of ideology altogether, were content to speak of Marxism as being itself an ideology. In certain communist countries, “ideological institutes” were established, and party philosophers were commonly spoken of as party ideologists. Marxism is an excellent example, a paradigm, of an ideology.