- Related Topics:
- nickname
- eponym
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- personal name
- proper name
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name, a word or group of words used to refer to an individual entity (real or imaginary). A name singles out the entity by directly pointing to it, not by specifying it as a member of a class.
It is possible to refer to the same entity, for example, a river, in two distinct ways: (1) “The Colorado is a beautiful river” and (2) “The river that flows through Austin is beautiful.” Because there is only one river that flows through Austin, Texas, the subject of sentence 2 is unambiguously identified, and the reference of the sentence is fully individual. The subject of sentence 2, however, is not a name but rather a nominal (noun) phrase that specifies one member of the whole class of rivers by indicating a unique property of it. The word Colorado in sentence 1, on the other hand, is a name because it directly points to the specific river. The fact that there is more than one river called Colorado, and that more specific information is sometimes needed to identify the one being discussed (e.g., “I prefer the Texan Colorado to the California one”), does not change the status of Colorado as a name, because each of the two rivers is referred to in the way required by the definition.
Names and appellatives
A general appellative (i.e., a common noun) capable of being used in reference to a whole class of entities can also be used with an individual reference. For instance, if an inhabitant of Austin, Texas, says, “Let’s go swimming today, not in the pool but in the river,” there is no doubt that the word river has a unique, individual reference to one single river—namely, the Colorado. This fact, however, does not make a name out of it; river is here a common noun, but its reference is specified by the extralinguistic context of the situation in which the sentence was said. Some names seem to belong more to the category of appellatives than to the category of names like Colorado in “the Colorado River.” For example, names like Big River, Red River, Stony Brook, and Cedar Hill may have their origin in a specific use of a general noun. If a sentence like “After five days of marching, we had to cross a river, the big one, not one of the smaller ones” is used very often, the name Big River may result. Such names are more frequently given as directly descriptive names. The similarity of names of this type with expressions like those exemplified in sentence 2 above is deceptive. There is, after all, more than one big river, so the specification “the big river” is not complete. The full identification of one single river as the reference is given by the context. Therefore, apart from certain special expressions (like “the big one, not one of the smaller ones”), names like Big River, Red River, and so on have the same status as names like Colorado.
In some languages, a name is differentiated from an appellative (common noun) by formal means. The difference is sometimes indicated by the script; e.g., languages using alphabets such as the Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Armenian, and Georgian use a capital letter at the beginning of a name. (But, on the contrary, in German all nouns, not only names, are written with an initial capital.) There are examples of a purely grammatical differentiation of names as well, such as the usual absence of the articles a or an in English—e.g., “Yesterday I saw an archer practicing his art” and “Yesterday I saw (Bill) Archer practicing his art.”
The distinction between names and appellatives (common nouns) is generally clear: names are used in individual reference, and appellatives can be used in reference to all members of a class or to any number of them (e.g., river, hill, man, girl, car, table, virtue, and so on). Nevertheless, there are some borderline cases. For instance, a nation can be conceived as an individualized entity, so that “Americans,” “Englishmen,” and “Spaniards” are names; on the other hand, it is clear that other groups of people are not conceived in this way, so that expressions like “soldiers,” “sailors,” and “clergy” are not names. It is difficult to decide on the status of expressions like “the Baptists,” “Adventists,” and “spiritists.” In a similar way, if all vehicles produced by Henry Ford are Fords and if one can buy an individual Ford as well, is Ford a name? It probably is, or approaches that status, but names of this type frequently lose the character of names and develop into common nouns. Expressions like “the Roman Catholic Church” and “the Ministry of Education” (of a specific state) also have a dubious position as to their status as real names. The uncertainty in this respect is indicated by the vacillation in the use of capital letters in various languages. This overlapping has a long history and is reflected in modern terminology. The Greeks used the term “noun” (onoma) for both the common noun and the name; when they wished to make a distinction, they specified the name as a proper noun (onoma kyrion). It is in this tradition that the term proper noun, or proper name, is used for a name, and noun, general noun, or common noun is used for an appellative.