Metaphysical issues
- Related Topics:
- the Five Ways
- religion
- philosophy
The idea of God
The claim that there is a God raises metaphysical questions about the nature of reality and existence. In general, it can be said that there is not one concept of God but many, even among monotheistic traditions. The Abrahamic religions are theistic; God is both the creator of the world and the one who sustains it. Theism, with its equal stress on divine transcendence of the universe and immanence within it, constitutes a somewhat uneasy conceptual midpoint between deism and pantheism. Deist conceptions of the divine see God as the creator of a universe that continues to exist, without his intervention, under the physical impulses that he first imparted to it. In pantheism, God is identified with the universe as a whole. Theism itself has numerous subvarieties, such as occasionalism, which holds that the only real cause in the universe is God; thus, all other causes are simply signs of coincidence and conjunction between kinds of events occurring within the created order. For example, heat is not what causes the water in a teakettle to boil but is simply what uniformly occurs before the water boils. God himself is the cause of the boiling.
An important object of metaphysical reflection is God’s nature, or the properties of that nature. Is God simple or complex? If omniscience, omnipotence, and beauty are part of the divine perfection, what exactly are these properties? Is timeless eternity part of God’s perfection? Can an omnipotent being will that there be a four-sided triangle or change the past? Does an omniscient being know the future actions of free agents? (If so, how can they be free?) Does an omniscient being who is timelessly eternal know what time it is now?
God and the universe
Whatever may have been the influence of Classical philosophy on the Abrahamic religions, they have not, in general, accepted the Greek idea of the eternity of matter but have stressed the contingency of the universe as the free creation of God. It has been argued, most notably and influentially by Aquinas, that neither the eternity of matter nor the doctrine of creation can be established by reason alone; thus, the belief that the universe is not eternal and was created by God must be derived from revelation. Some, including Augustine, have claimed that God created the universe from a standpoint outside time; others claim that God, like the universe, is in time.
It is at points such as these in the philosophy of religion that philosophical arguments have less to do with establishing the truth of some proposition and more to do with working out a consistent and intelligible account of religious doctrine. At least since Augustine, philosophers in the Abrahamic religions have seen one of their tasks to be the achievement of a greater understanding of their own faith. They have examined the logical consequences of religious doctrines and sought to establish their consistency with the consequences of other beliefs, as illustrated in the remainder of this section.
God and human action
Philosophical reflection on the nature of God has typically assumed that God is the sum of perfection and is omnipotent and omniscient. Questions have arisen not only about the exact meaning of these claims but also about their consistency with widespread beliefs about human beings, chiefly the belief that they usually act freely and responsibly and should be held accountable for their actions. If God, being omniscient, knows the future, then God presumably knows what each person will do in the future. But if these actions are known by God, how can the person be free not to do them? And if the person is not free not to do them, how can he be held accountable for what he does? Even more difficult, perhaps, is the question: If God is omnipotent and exercises providential control over his creation, how can people be other than puppets?

Various strategies have been devised to overcome or to diminish the force of such difficulties. It has been supposed, for example, that God is outside time and so does not, strictly speaking, know anything beforehand. It has also been suggested that God does not know what humans will freely do before they actually do it. Some thinkers have drawn a distinction between the first cause of all that happens, which is God, and secondary causes, including humans and other creatures. And some philosophers of religion have been content with a conception of human freedom that is consistent with causal determinism, the view that all events and choices are determined by previously existing causes. According to them, an action is free if it is voluntary and uncoerced, and an action can be voluntary and uncoerced even though it is causally determined. These issues remain the subject of vigorous debate among contemporary philosophers.