Changes in pronunciation
- Related Topics:
- speech
- Received Pronunciation
- accent
- Inland Northern American
- itacism
- On the Web:
- Education Resources Information Center - Why is Pronunciation So Difficult to Learn? (PDF) (Feb. 21, 2025)
It is accepted as a truism that pronunciation changes more or less continuously. Since there is no inheritance of language and every hearing child learns to speak by listening, it is to be expected that the learning will not be perfect in every detail. Most individual eccentricities are discouraged by the conservatism of the community and are not passed on to the succeeding generation. By and large the language corrects itself. From time to time, however, what might be called a mistake in pronunciation seems to catch on and a change gets under way, sometimes so gradual in development as to be recorded only in retrospect.
A change which affects one phone or a group of related phones without apparent influence by the environment is known as isolative or independent. Thus the Great Vowel Shift in English was a gradual change in the pronunciation of all long vowels wherever they occurred. The only explanation that can be made of this shift is that it did not materially alter the system, either as to number of phonemes or distribution. The new diphthongal vowels, in line and cow, were not easier to produce than the simple vowels that were lost, to be reintroduced later in calm and law. For this and other isolative changes in English and in other languages, it is hard to say why they took place or why they happened when they did.
Vowel shifts in London English | ||||
*Expressed in the International Phonetic Alphabet. **Two syllables. | ||||
Chaucer’s spelling |
Chaucer’s pronunciation* |
Shakespeare’s pronunciation* |
present pronunciation* |
present spelling |
lyf | li:f | leif | laif | life |
deed | de:d | di:d | di:d | deed |
deel | dɛ:l | de:l | di:l | deal |
name | na:mə** | nɛ:m | neim | name |
hoom | hɔ:m | ho:m | houm | home |
mone | mo:nə** | mu:n | mu:n | moon |
hous | hu:s | hous | haus | house |
Changes which affect certain phones or groups of phones only in certain environments are known as combinative or dependent. The general pattern is one of ease of pronunciation, the speaker tending to make the least effort; this tendency is countered by the demand of the hearer for easy intelligibility. Thus the i-umlaut or i-mutation in English and other languages results when the speaker, anticipating the articulation for a front [i] or [j] in the next syllable (later lost), shifts the articulation of the vowel in question from back to front; thus fill (compare with the Gothic fulljan) beside full.
The most obvious effort-reducing change is assimilation of consonants. The term is itself an example, from ad- (“to”) + simil- (“similar”), the forms adsimil- and assimil- both attested in Classical Latin. Assimilations may or may not be accepted by the community. Thus [∫], representing a reciprocal assimilation of [s] + [j], prevails in issue in America but [sj] in England; [č] is usual in literature but [tj] occurs, sometimes taken as a sign of affectation; can’t you may be pronounced with [tj] or [č], the latter subject to social sanctions. Most such assimilations merely shift the distribution of phonemes. When [z] + [j] became [3], vision, the new phoneme filled a gap in the English system which British lexicographer John Hart had pointed out half a century earlier.
The change in English which had the greatest effect was the obscuration of vowels in unaccented syllables. As direct consequence the neutral vowel came to be the most frequently occurring syllabic in the language, and as indirect consequence many inflectional endings earlier marked by vowel contrasts became non-discriminating and then were simplified or lost. The number of reconstructions in the system of English brought about by changes in pronunciation is reported, by Charles Hockett, as approximately 100.
Graphic representation of pronunciation
The principal way of holding pronunciation still for examination or for transmitting it through time and space is alphabetic, or syllabic, writing. The written word is not coordinate with, much less superordinate to, the spoken word. A Chinese ideograph may correspond in a way with an English word, but the first is a first-order symbol, the other a second-order symbolization of the composition of a first-order symbol.
In a way it may be said that any language can be phonemically written with any alphabet and that, as Leonard Bloomfield said, “A language is the same no matter what system of writing may be used to record it, just as a person is the same no matter how you take his picture.” Roman and Cyrillic and Arabic and other alphabets are used for the writing of quite dissimilar languages, and it is not to be expected that they will work equally well for all. Nor does writing often keep up with changes in pronunciation. Thus, although the early writing of English in an augmented Roman alphabet was adequate, most of the later phonemic changes have not been recorded. Moreover, useless new spellings were introduced, by Anglo-French scribes, as were analogical and etymological spellings—some of the latter encouraging spelling pronunciations. Similarly, for other languages, if on a smaller scale, the long-established writing has come to be less than satisfactory. The languages now having adequate phonemic writing are those which have recently adopted a new alphabet or reformed the spelling.
To correct the deficiency, individuals and organizations have developed phonetic alphabets, either for spelling reform, in English quite unsuccessful, or for special purposes such as language learning. Nonalphabetic systems with symbols descriptive of articulations, such as that of Alexander Melville Bell, have not found favour, although some such symbols are used for teaching the deaf.
Investigation of pronunciation
The study of the distribution of linguistic forms over an area is known as linguistic, or dialect, geography. The usual systematic technique is direct investigation by trained field workers, who go into selected communities and interview typical informants according to a fixed scheme, recording the findings in phonetic notation. Postal questionnaires may be used rather than, or as supplementary to, direct interviews. Recordings are usually made when possible, to serve either as the basis for phonetic interpretation or as a supplementary check. The number of communities investigated, the number of informants used in a community, and the length and coverage of the worksheets vary according to special conditions, especially the number of investigators and amount of funds and time available. Large-scale investigations are rarely limited to data on pronunciation, and the number of strictly phonetic items on a worksheet may be small. As a rule the phonetic recording of morphological, syntactical, and lexical data is trustworthy and can be used as data on pronunciation.
Some variations on the general plan of investigation are noteworthy. One is the quantitative investigation of a limited number of items with many randomly or systematically selected informants in a community, the results expressed in percentages. Another is the use of a single informant on the basis of whose speech the pattern of pronunciation, the phonemic system, and other features of the dialect or language are described. The letter method is particularly useful when informants are hard to come by and more frequently used for individual studies than in large-scale undertakings.
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica