- Key People:
- Arnold van Gennep
- Related Topics:
- death rite
- birth rite
- marriage rite
- initiation rite
- coming-of-age rite
In simple societies dependent for subsistence upon hunting and gathering, in which social groups are small and specialization in labour is limited to distinctions by sex and age, no social statuses may exist except those of child, adult, male, female, and disembodied spirit. Among simple societies that are somewhat more advanced technologically and culturally, however, specialized groups based upon common interests appear, and these customarily require rites of induction or initiation. In culturally sophisticated societies with elaborate divisions of labour, social statuses of leadership and specialized occupation are multiple. If all societies of the world, preliterate and literate, are considered, the most commonly recurrent rites of passage are those connected with the normal but critical events in the human life span—birth, attainment of physical maturity, mating and reproduction, and death.
Birth rites
Rites surrounding the birth of a child are often a complex of distinct rituals that prescribe different behaviours on the part of the mother, the father, other relatives, and nonfamilial members of society with respect to the newborn. Observances may begin when pregnancy is first noted and may continue until the time of delivery, when the full rite of passage is observed, and for a variable period of time afterward. In many simple societies, as in European societies of the past, the expectant mother is isolated from other members of society at this time for the stated reason that the blood that flows during childbirth has inherently harmful qualities. Where this belief is strong, the classic couvade may be practiced. Regions of the world in which the couvade was formerly common include the Amazon basin (aboriginal South America), Corsica, the Basque areas of France and Spain, and among various societies of Asia. Old ethnological writings created the impression that ritual attention is limited entirely to the father, but later investigations made it appear doubtful that the mother in any society is free from ritual requirements. In many societies, rites that have been called the couvade are observed by both parents. The anthropologist Alfred L. Kroeber (1876–1960) reported that among most of the many tribes of aboriginal California, rites at childbirth were much alike for both mother and father. To prevent harm to their child and to other people during the ritual period, the parents observed food taboos and performed as little work as possible. They ate in seclusion and avoided contact with other people. They also refrained from various other acts of ordinary behaviour, including cooking, touching tools, and eating salt, meat, and fish. Women often were under injunctions to scratch themselves only with a stick or a bone for fear that their nails at this time would leave permanent scars on their bodies.
Practices of sympathetic and contagious magic relating to birth and the later well-being of both child and mother are abundant and diverse. Among the First Nations people of British Columbia, the mother inserted a smooth beachstone, an eel, or other slippery object under her garment at the neckline, permitting it to slide to the ground to symbolize and ensure a quick and successful childbirth. In societies of Southeast Asia and Indonesia, religious specialists dressed as women simulated successful delivery. Rites directed toward the newborn similarly symbolize or ensure health and well-being; after some days, weeks, or months have passed, these rites often include baptism or other ritual acts that introduce the child to supernatural beings. Both child and mother are often regarded as being defenseless at this time, and many ritual acts have the purpose of protecting them from harmful supernatural beings and forces. In Southeast Asia and Indonesia, a practice called mother roasting, which requires that the mother be placed for some days over or near a fire, appears once to have had the goal of protecting the mother from such evil influences. This practice survives today in an altered form in the rural Philippines, where it is regarded as having therapeutic value.
Native explanations of the ritual procedures at childbirth reflect beliefs of a mystic affinity between parent and child, and many of the prescriptions have the manifest goals of preventing harm to the infant until it is able to fend for itself. Among South American Indians practicing the classic couvade, this belief of affinity between father and child relates to the soul, which is not fully transmitted to the child until the end of the ritual period.
In addition to the social (communal) and psychological significances of birth rites already noted, scholars have offered interpretations of these ceremonies as reinforcing familial ties. The classic couvade was seen by anthropologist Bronisław Malinowski as a sympathetic symbolic stressing of the relationship between the husband and the wife and her kin, which is instituted when the child is born. In addition to serving as a means of allaying husbandly anxiety over the welfare of the wife, the practices of the couvade establish social paternity, which in turn promotes familial and societal solidarity.