Slave protest
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Throughout history human beings have objected to being enslaved and have responded in myriad ways ranging from individual shirking, alcoholism, flight, and suicide to arson, murdering owners, and mass rebellion. Perhaps the most common individual response to enslavement was sluggishness, passivity, and indifference. A nearly universal stereotype of the slave was of a lying, lazy, dull brute who had to be kicked or whipped. There probably were three mutually reinforcing factors at work: an unconscious response to overcontrol and absence of freedom, a conscious effort to sabotage the master’s desires, and a conditioned response to the expectation of stereotypical behavior. Some owners tried to overcome such behavior by a system of incentives or by strict regimentation, such as the gang system, but historically they were in a minority. Less frequent was suicide. A number of slaves are known to have jumped overboard during the Middle Passage because they feared that the transatlantic voyage was taking them to be eaten by witches or barbarians, a fate that seemed worse than drowning.
Flight, either individually or in groups, was one of the most visible forms of protest against enslavement. The rates of flight, which varied greatly from society to society throughout history, usually depended less on individual slave-owner conduct than on the likelihood of success. Immediate conditions, such as the brutality of an overseer or master or a temporary lapse of supervision, often precipitated slave flight, but willingness to undertake such a form of rebellion against the system was usually determined by such factors as the accessibility of refuge or the ability to blend in with the free population (some societies marked slaves to inhibit such blending). Slave flight was infrequent in societies such as the peacetime American South or in West Africa, where a refuge of freedom was very distant. In East Africa, where flight was curtailed by slave owners united in their desire to prevent it in spite of a high demand for labor, runaways joined neighboring communities and then raided their former masters. For more than two centuries fugitive slaves in Brazil known as Maroons set up independent polities, or quilombos, that lasted for years. Maroon communities were found in many other places in Latin America and the Caribbean as well. In Muscovy, where most of the slaves were natives or of similar origin (Poles and Swedes), where there was an open frontier, and where masters had no compunction about taking in other owners’ slaves, the rate of flight was very high, and as many as a quarter to a third of the slaves ran away. In China flight by male slaves was also common. During the American Revolution, when the slave owners were occupied with fighting the British, fugitive slaves numbered in the tens of thousands.
Direct, personal attacks on slave owners often were determined by the nature of the slave regime. Where owners believed they enjoyed automatic sexual access to female slaves, both the women and their “husbands” were prone to respond by assaulting the owners or their agents. In Hausaland, killings by concubines instilled great fear in slave owners. Where slaves were driven, assault on the drivers was not an uncommon response. As a result, overseers in the Mississippi valley feared for their lives and constantly carried arms.
The most dramatic form of slave protest was outright rebellion. Slave uprisings varied enormously in frequency, size, intensity, and duration. Perhaps the calmest of all known slave societies were those of West Africa, where the predominance of women and children caused rebellions to be very few. Slave rebellions in North America were also noticeably few and involved only a handful of participants: the New York revolt of 1712, the Stono rebellion of South Carolina (1739), the Gabriel plot in Richmond, Virginia (1800), the Denmark Vesey conspiracy in Charleston, South Carolina (1822), and Nat Turner’s uprising in Jerusalem, Virginia (1831), are the best known. Southern slave uprisings were so few and so small because of the absolute certainty that they would be brutally repressed. The Turner rebellion is usually given as the reason for the marked increase in the severity of the slave regime after 1831.
Other slave revolts were on a much grander scale than those of West Africa and North America. One of the most famous slave uprisings was the Gladiatorial War led by Spartacus against Rome in 73–71 bce. The Spartacus rebellion was brutally repressed (the roads leading into Rome were lined with gibbets from which rebel corpses hung). Slaves led the Khlopko and Bolotnikov uprisings in Muscovy in 1603 and 1606, respectively, a time of dynastic crisis. Another great slave rebellion was that of the Zanj (Black slaves imported from Zanzibar) in Iraq and Khuzistan in the years 869–883. It was joined by fair-skinned slaves as well and was on a larger scale than the Spartacus revolt. Slave rebellion in China at the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th century was so extensive that owners eventually eschewed male slaves and converted the institution into a female-dominated one.
Slave rebellions occurred in every slave society in the Americas from the 16th century onward. Prominent slave revolts occurred in Jamaica in 1760, 1798, and 1831–32, in Barbados in 1816, and in British Guiana in 1823. Perhaps the most famous Caribbean rebellion, in Saint-Domingue, began in 1791 and was subsequently led to victory by the freedman Toussaint-Louverture; it produced the emancipation of its slaves while the French were preoccupied with their own revolution and ultimately led to the independent state of Haiti.