The modern textile industry
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Both industrialized and developing countries now have modern installations capable of highly efficient fabric production. In addition to mechanical improvements in yarn and fabric manufacture, there have been rapid advances in development of new fibres, processes to improve textile characteristics, and testing methods allowing greater quality control.
The modern textile industry is still closely related to the apparel industry, but production of fabrics for industrial use has gained in importance. The resulting wide range of end uses demands a high degree of specialization. In the most technically advanced communities, the industry employs technicians, engineers, and artists; and a high degree of consumer orientation leads to emphasis on marketing operations. Some manufacturing operations, usually serving specialized or local markets and dependent on a limited number of firms for product consumption, still employ many hand operations, however.
Modern fabrics
The many types of modern textile fabrics, produced from both traditional and synthetic materials, are often classified according to structure. Fabrics made by interlacing include woven and knitted types, lace, nets, and braid; fabrics produced from fibre masses include bonded types, wool felt, and needle-woven types; composite fabrics are produced by uniting layers of various types. Conventional weaving and knitting methods are currently the major textile manufacturing techniques, but newer construction methods are achieving acceptance and may replace certain long-established products as costs of conventional textiles continue to rise and rapid technological advances continually develop new materials.
Quality control
Textile fabrics are judged by many criteria. Flexibility and sufficient strength for the intended use are generally major requirements, and industrial fabrics must meet rigid specifications of width, weight per unit area, weave and yarn structure, strength and elongation, acidity or alkalinity, thickness, and porosity. In apparel fabrics, design and colour are major considerations, and certain physical properties may be of secondary importance. In addition, the various tactile properties of a fabric, described as its “hand,” “handle,” or “feel,” influence consumer acceptance.
The textile industry increasingly employs research and development in the area of quality control. Medieval craft guilds were concerned with maintaining high quality standards, and later textile mills established rigid systems of inspection, realizing that a reputation for supplying fault-free goods encouraged repeat orders. Modern quality control has been assisted by development of techniques and machines for assessing fibre, yarn, and fabric properties; by the introduction of legislation regarding misrepresentation in many industrialized countries; and by the establishment of rigid specifications by a growing number of buyers. Specifications have been established for the purchase of industrial fabrics, for textiles used by the military and other branches of governments, and for similar purchasing methods adopted by some retailers and other large buyers. In consumer-oriented areas, the public is becoming aware of product testing and is beginning to require proof that products have met certain test standards.

Many modern textile organizations test product quality at every major stage of processing. Yarns are tested for uniform thickness and other characteristics; fabric pieces are checked for defects; and the fastness of finishes and colours to various conditions is determined. Although it would not be feasible to test each yarn or fabric piece produced, statistical techniques allow maintenance of quality within previously specified limits, and the introduction of automatic testing devices has greatly reduced testing time and cost. Methods for assessing such properties as dimensions, strength, and porosity have been established, and their validity is generally accepted within the industry. Standards are available for colourfastness, although such important properties as water-repellency, resistance to creasing, and flame resistance are presently more difficult to define, and various organizations have adopted their own test procedures. It is important, for example, that a fabric described as flame-resistant should conform to some specification in which the meaning of flame resistance is clearly defined.
Some manufacturers attach trademarks and quality labels to tested goods, and licensed trademarks are often associated with particular processes for which the manufacturer has been granted a license. The terms of the license require the manufacturer to ensure that his products meet the standards laid down by the proprietors of the particular process.