- Key People:
- Sir Edward Frankland
After pretreatment, chemical treatment and refinement can occur. That process includes coagulation, a step in which chemicals are added that cause small particles suspended in the water to clump together. Flocculation follows, which mixes the water with large paddles so that coagulated particles can be brought together into larger clumps (or “floc”) that slowly settle on the bottom of the tank or basin.
After the majority of the suspended particles have settled, water exits the flocculation basin and then enters a sedimentation basin. Sedimentation basins move treated waters along through the purification process while allowing remaining particles to settle. Sludge forms that appear on the floor of the tank are removed and treated. From that basin, water is moved to the next step, filtration, which removes the remaining suspended particles and unsettled floc in addition to many microorganisms and algae.
Disinfection is the final step in water purification. During that step, harmful microbes, such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, are killed through the addition of disinfectant chemicals. Disinfection usually involves a form of chlorine, especially chloramines or chlorine dioxide. Chlorine is a toxic gas, resulting in some danger from release associated with its use. To avoid those risks, some water treatment plants use ozone, ultraviolet radiation, or hydrogen peroxide disinfection instead of chlorine. Other purification methodologies include ultrafiltration for specific dissolved substances, ion exchange to remove metal ions, and fluoridation to prevent tooth decay.
In certain areas of the world that do not have access to water treatment plants, alternative methods of purification must be used. Those methods include boiling, granular activated-carbon filtering, distillation, reverse osmosis, and direct contact membrane distillation.
Industrial water purification
In addition to drinking and domestic uses, industries also consume significant amounts of water. Chemical, petroleum, food processing, and textile industries, for example, require water for manufacturing, processing, heating, cooling, washing, rinsing, and other applications. Such industrial systems require treated water, and the lack of appropriate purification can lead to issues such as scaling, corrosion, deposition, bacterial growth within piping or processing equipment, and poor product quality. In addition to conventional water treatment processes, industrial water purification may also involve specialized techniques such as electrodeionization, ion exchange, membrane systems, ozone treatment, evaporation, and ultraviolet irradiation. Technologies selection depends upon the raw water quality and the intended industrial use.
Saline water purification
The vast majority of communities rely on freshwater resources for drinking and domestic water supplies. However, with shrinking freshwater reserves and rising water demands complicated by natural factors such as droughts, floods, and climate change impacts, several countries have begun to utilize oceans and inland seas as alternative water sources. Desalination technologies that remove salts and minerals from seawater are emerging to produce potable water suitable for drinking and domestic purposes. Reverse osmosis, vacuum distillation, multistage flash distillation, freeze-thaw, and electrodialysis are gaining importance for saltwater purification. Such processes usually involve higher energy consumption and are comparatively more expensive than conventional freshwater treatment processes. Numerous efforts are under way to make desalination methods cost-effective and economically viable.
System configurations and improvements
The size and capacity of water treatment systems vary widely, ranging from simple household units to small facilities that serve manufacturing industries to large-scale centralized water treatment plants dedicated to cities and towns. Selection of specific treatment processes depends upon factors such as intake water quality, degree of purification required, intended water use, flow capacity requirements, government regulations, available capital, and the operations and maintenance costs involved. Treated water is distributed to consumers via water distribution systems involving pipes, pumps, booster stations, storage tanks, and associated appurtenances.
In an effort to meet stringent environmental regulations and to satisfy the rising water demands of growing populations, many water treatment plants have employed smart technologies to increase operations reliability. Water sustainability improvements, which can increase the energy efficiency of a plant and reduce its carbon footprint, often include the optimization of chemical use, a minimization of waste generation, and the use of solar or wind energy. Additionally, with the advancement of sophisticated technologies, water treatment processes have incorporated complex instrumentation and process control systems. Use of online analytical instruments, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, and dedicated software have resulted in automation and computerization of treatment processes with the provision for remote operations. Such innovations can improve system operations significantly to achieve consistent water quality with minimal supervision, especially in larger system configurations.
Stephen T. Schroth Jordan K. Lanfair Archis Ambulkar The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica