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- Acadeṁia - Levels of marine human-wildlife conflict : a whaling case study (PDF) (Feb. 21, 2025)
The demise of whales and whaling was regularly forecast in the 1930s. The major states and companies involved introduced their own controls, but restraint was hampered by the selfishness of commerce and the ignorance of science. In 1931 the League of Nations organized an International Whaling Convention, but this had little success in leading the way toward restrictive regulations. The International Whaling Commission (IWC) was established in 1946 to conserve whale stocks. It prohibited the killing of right and gray whales and limited the annual Antarctic kill to 15,000 Blue Whale Units (BWU; 1 BWU = 2 fin, 2.5 humpback, or 6 sei whales). The commission created closed areas and closed seasons around the world, but enforcement was difficult, and the BWU standard was overoptimistic about total and optimum whale stocks. Eventually, scientific pressure coinciding with commercial crisis resulted in the downward adjustment of the BWU limit to 2,300 by 1962. Soon afterward, two additional species were protected: the humpback whale (1963) and the blue whale (1965). In 1972 the United Nations voted in vain for a moratorium on whaling, but instead the BWU was replaced with quotas for each of the other species. In 1979 the use of floating factories was banned except for minke whales. Finally, to protect remaining stocks and allow time for detailed research, a moratorium on all commercial whaling during the 1986–90 seasons was agreed to by members of the IWC. It remains in force. However, some residual Japanese and Norwegian whaling continues, often under the guise of scientific research.
The IWC allows some cultural whaling: minke and fin whales are taken by Greenlanders, gray whales by Russians, and right whales by Native Americans. Only the last poses any threat to the species, and growing numbers of smaller whales have in recent years encouraged calls for the reintroduction of whaling for “meat” species such as minke and pilot whales. Such suggestions are met by fervent opposition from preservation groups, but the demand for whale meat is so great that coastal whaling may be resumed. This prospect has raised the idea, even among some antiwhaling groups, that the best way to conserve whales may be to allow carefully monitored whaling within IWC regulations rather than provoking a free-for-all outside the commission. In either case, limited whaling seems likely to return under a very strictly monitored regime.
Whale products
Most, but not all, economic products derived from whales over the centuries have been rendered obsolete by other materials. Some, such as lubricants based on whale oil and sperm oil, whereas others, such as baleen, spermaceti, and sperm whale teeth (the raw material used in the art of scrimshaw), were mainly utilized prior to the 20th century. Sperm whales were also the source of ambergris, a waxy substance that was highly prized for use in perfumes. Whale meat was of no value in early commercial whaling because it putrefied quickly. Modern operations, however, produced meat meal for animal consumption or fertilizer, and in the late 1940s refrigerated ships facilitated recovery of edible meat. Most countries have rejected whale meat for human consumption, but it has long been popular in Japan, where its high value supported the last phase of commercial whaling.
Gordon Jackson