- Related Topics:
- cicada
- plant hopper
- Auchenorrhyncha
- Coleorrhyncha
- Sternorrhyncha
Paleontologists do not agree on the exact or relative ages of either the Homoptera or Heteroptera. While some entomologists consider each group a separate insect order, others feel they have a common origin and classify them as suborders of the order Hemiptera. Although characteristics of the earliest Homoptera are not known, it is probable that the Protohomoptera had three tarsal segments, three ocelli, two pairs of wings about equal in size and shape with complete venation, an alimentary tract lacking a filter chamber, and male genitalia fitted with harpogones and subgenital plates.
Based on the primitive nature of the ovipositor, the primitive sucking pump, and simple alimentary canal, the fulgorids are considered to be different from other Auchenorrhyncha and are probably the oldest group. The ovipositor of Scolops pungens is more primitive than that found in many of the Orthoptera. Thus the Fulgoridae are a combination of specialized sucking mouthparts and a primitive ovipositor.
The similarity of the thoracic sterna combined with jumping hind legs places the cicadellids, membracids, and cercopids together and differentiates them from the cicadas, which have different thoracic characters, lack the enlarged hind femurs, and have a third (median) ocellus on the head. The Cercopidae show some relationship to the Cicadidae by having a complete tentorium in which the anterior tentorial arms are connected with the posterior arms. However, they differ in this respect from the Cicadellidae and Membracidae, in which the tentorial structure is reduced. The hind legs of both Cicadellidae and Membracidae bear rows of spines that are absent on the hind legs of Cercopidae. Therefore, although the cicadellids, membracids, and cercopids are related and differ from other Auchenorrhyncha, the Cicadellidae and Membracidae are more closely related to each other than are the Cercopidae to either group. Furthermore, the cicadas and cicadellids, both of which retain different combinations of primitive characteristics, cannot be related through the cercopids, which lack these characteristics entirely. The cicadellids, in their structural and biological diversity, differ from other Homoptera and show a greater array of evolutionary stages in various combinations. Unlike other groups, cicadellids contain groups that stabilized at different evolutionary levels.
The Sternorrhyncha were probably separated from the Auchenorrhyncha as early as the Lower Permian (about 280 million years ago). Although small in size, many fossil psyllids are found in the Upper Permian (about 260 million years ago) strata and onward. If fossil remains have been identified properly, the aleurodids date from the Upper Permian also. They are highly specialized, both biologically and structurally. The aphids exhibit various degrees of polymorphism, such as reduction of female genitalia, although two groups, the Adeligidae and the Phylloxeridae, have retained a true basic ovipositor. A fossil wing of Permaphidopis sojaneusis from the Permian resembles the wing of recent aphids.
Female coccids (scale insects) are wingless and sessile and are unlike the tiny winged males. Although the structural characters that have not been lost provide little information on phylogeny, they do show varying degrees of specialization. Most coccids, for example, have a single tarsal segment, but all species of Xylococinae have two. Male genitalia is a simple tubular, heavily sclerotized organ similar to the genitalia of aleurodids. The Peloridoidea represents a primitive form, probably a Paleozoic relic (about 251 million to 542 million years old). Highly specialized in some respects, it still has some primitive characteristics.
The Fulgoridae were the earliest group differentiated from the base of the Auchenorrhyncha stem. The cicadellids probably were next, apparently in Late Permian or early Triassic (about 251 million years ago). The cercopids probably were derived from this stock, whereas the membracids are a later branch. The cicadas probably arose from the early cicadellid stem but are not found in fossils until the Cretaceous (about 145.5 million to 65.5 million years ago). If fossil forms have been properly placed, cicadellids and cicadas differentiated no later than the Permian, and the cercopids and fulgorids have an even earlier origin. In the Sternorrhyncha, the psyllids are probably the earliest group to be differentiated and are known from abundant fossils in the Late Permian. The aleurodids also apparently arose in the Late Permian, whereas aphids date back to the Late Triassic (about 200 million years ago). The precretaceous fossil, Mesoccus asiatica Bekker-Migdisova, from the Permian seems to place the coccids in this geologic age.
Distinguishing taxonomic features
The beak (mouth parts) and wings are the most distinctive features of homopterans. The beak is fastened rigidly to the head and appears to arise from the ventral margin and consists of two pairs of stylets (mandibles and maxillae) adapted for piercing and sucking. In most homopterans, both pairs of wings are either transparent or slightly thickened, and the front pair have a uniform structure throughout. When at rest, the forewings are held rooflike over the dorsum with a slight overlapping on the inner margin near the tip. The digestive tract is complex, forming a filter chamber in most groups.
The suborders are distinguished by point of origin of the beak, length and appearance of antennae, and number of tarsal segments. Separation of families of the Auchenorrhyncha is based on characters of the ocelli, position of antennae, form of pronotum, and spination of legs. Families of Sternorrhyncha are separated on the basis of number of tarsal segments, structure and venation of wings, and presence or absence of cornicles.