- Related Topics:
- cicada
- plant hopper
- Auchenorrhyncha
- Coleorrhyncha
- Sternorrhyncha
In general the internal organs and systems are similar to those of other insects. Although the respiratory systems of homopterans and heteropterans are adapted for terrestrial life, certain species of both groups can live on submerged plants. The circulatory system is open, and blood circulates freely in the body cavity. The nervous system is composed of a ventral nerve cord with ganglionic masses for almost every segment.
The alimentary system is composed of three major parts, the foregut or stomodaeum, the midgut or mesenteron, and the hindgut or proctodaeum. The structure and function of the alimentary canal differ from other insects because homopterans feed entirely upon plant sap and ingest large amounts of it. Little absorption of food can take place in the foregut. The midgut, where digestion and absorption occur, is lined with epithelial cells that produce enzymes and absorb food after digestion. The residue passes into the ileum (small intestine) where, together with the waste products from the malpighian tubules, it passes to the colon for excretion.
Physiology and biochemistry
Plant sap contains a large quantity of water, and in order to extract sufficient nutrients to survive, a large quantity of sap must be ingested. The alimentary tract has a modification referred to as the filter chamber that allows nutrients to be concentrated in the midgut and small intestine as excess water (containing some sugar and waste materials) to bypass the midgut and small intestine and be exuded from the rectum as honeydew. It attracts ants and other hymenopteran and dipteran insects that feed on sweet nutrients.
Aphids are often called ant’s cows. One well-known association is the corn root aphid and the corn field ant. The ants collect eggs in autumn, carry them to their nests, maintain the eggs through the winter, and place the young aphids on the roots of small weeds and grasses in the spring. As soon as newly planted corn seeds germinate, the ants place the aphids on corn roots and obtain honeydew by stroking the aphids with their antennae. The aphids are almost totally dependent upon the ants and are almost helpless in finding their preferred host, the roots of corn plants, without assistance. In a similar manner virgin female Acropyga ants carry in their mandibles on their nuptial flight a fertilized female mealybug as a source of honeydew for the new nest.
Exuded from the alimentary tract by nymphs of the Cercopidae (i.e., spittlebugs) are spittle masses commonly found on stems of meadow plants. The spittle fluid is voided from the anus after it has been mixed with a mucilaginous substance excreted by epidermal glands of the seventh and eighth abdominal segments. Air bubbles are introduced into the spittle by means of the caudal appendages of the nymph. Immature spittlebugs rest head downward on the plant as spittle is voided. The spittle covers the nymph and is not easily dislodged, even by heavy rains. Adults do not produce spittle.
Glandular secretions
Wax, produced by numerous wax glands and secreted by cornicles on the abdomen, is secreted by many aphids and scale insects. Mealybugs, whiteflies, woolly aphids, and cottony scales are named for white wax on their bodies or wings. Probably the best known wax producers are males of the Chinese wax scale Ericerus pe-la that secrete large amounts of pure white wax useful in making candles. The Indian wax scale Ceroplastes ceriferus secretes a wax that is used for medicinal purposes.
There are several lac insects, some of which secrete highly pigmented wax. The Indian lac insect Laccifer lacca is important commercially. It is found in tropical or subtropical regions on banyan and other plants. The females are globular in form and live on twigs in cells of resin created by exudations of lac. Sometimes twigs become coated to a thickness of 1.3 to 3.4 cm (0.5 to 1.3 inches). To harvest these, the twigs are cut and the lac is melted off, refined, and used in shellac and varnishes.
A group of small scale insects that typically live on desert cacti and resemble mealybugs are known as cochineal insects. Dactylopius coccus is the source of a natural crimson or scarlet dye called cochineal dye, originally used by the Indians of Mexico. Mature females are brushed from the cacti and dried and the pigments extracted from the dried bodies. The Spanish used these dyes as early as 1518, and they were exported to Europe until they were replaced by aniline dyes about 1870. The crimson colour of cochineal dye is attributed to cochinealin or carminic acid.
Sound production
At one time it was thought that the familiar call of male cicadas was the only sound produced by homopterans. It is now known, however, that sound production is common among other Auchenorrhyncha (leafhoppers, treehoppers, planthoppers, and spittlebugs) although their songs cannot be detected by the human ear unless amplified. Sound has been observed also in a few aphids and in one psyllid (both Sternorrhyncha).
The auchenorrhynchan Homoptera have evolved the most complex insect sound-producing mechanism known, the tymbal organ. A pair of tymbals, circular membranes supported by heavy chitinous rings, occur on the dorsolateral surface of the first abdominal segment. Contraction of a large tymbal muscle attached to the membrane causes distortion of the tymbal, producing a sharp click or pulse. The tymbal springs back by its own elasticity when the muscle is relaxed. If the rates of muscle contraction and relaxation are rapid, the sound seems continuous to the human ear. The frequency of contractions of the tymbal muscles range from 120 to 480 per second. Associated with tymbal organs in cicadas are large chambers that open to the exterior and have resonant frequencies comparable to tymbal vibration frequencies.
Although the tymbal organ is similar in all species studied, the songs they produce are variable. This variation is caused by actions of the tensor muscles that control pulse repetition frequency and sound intensity. In addition, abdominal movements control expansion and contraction of the air sacs and the consequent resonance frequency. With the exception of stout tibial hairs, which are scraped over ridges on the abdomen of some aphids (Toxoptera coffeae) to produce rhythmic and synchronous scraping sounds, the tymbal is the only evolved sound-producing mechanism in the Homoptera.
Each cicada species has a characteristic song that is often useful in identification. The analysis of periodical cicada songs has been the basis for morphological separation and determination of geographical range for several 13- and 17-year species. Thirteen-year species sometimes occupy parts of the same geographical areas as 17-year species. The primary song in all cicadas is produced by the male as a mating or pair-forming (aggregating) call. Female cicadas have no sound-producing organs. Males are attracted to calls of other males and stimulate each other to sing in chorus. Male cicadas also can be stimulated to sing in the presence of tape recordings of songs of their species. Courtship songs or signals occur after pair formation or aggregating calls. Courtship interruption calls occur also for pair reforming. Calls produced when the insect is attacked, trapped, or in “distress” have been observed and are known as “dying yells.”
Sound-producing organs occur in males of some cercopids, membracids, fulgorids, and cicadellids and in females of certain cicadellids. In Doratura both sexes have well developed sound-producing organs. The female of Paropia has a striated tymbal that is poorly developed in the male. The sound-producing organ in the female is probably a primitive condition. Unlike cicadas, several leafhopper males produce calls in darkness and commonly produce mating calls when females are near. Rivalry calls between males also have been observed, usually accompanied by leg movements (kicks) that are attempts to strike and drive away a rival male.