In the United States, Great Britain, and the rest of the Western world generally, biography today enjoys a moderate popular and critical esteem. In the year 1929, at the height of the biographical “boom,” there were published in the United States 667 new biographies; in 1962 exactly the same number appeared, the population in the meantime having increased by something like 50 percent. On the average, in the English-speaking world, biographical titles account for approximately 5 percent of the annual output of books. Yet they have won their share of literary prizes and for their authors a considerable degree of literary eminence; if few universally acclaimed masterpieces are being produced, it is probably true that the art of biography is seeing a higher general level of achievement than ever before. The re-creation of a life is also now being attempted in other media than that of prose. Biographical drama has of course been staged from before the time of Shakespeare; it continues to be popular, whether translated from narrative to the theatre (as the Diary of Anne Frank) or written specifically for the stage, like Jean Anouilh’s Becket and Robert Bolt’s study of Sir Thomas More, A Man for All Seasons (which nonetheless owes a great deal to William Roper). The cinema often follows with its versions of such plays; it likewise produces original biographical films, generally with indifferent success. Television, too, offers historical “re-creations” of various sorts, and with varying degrees of responsibility, but has achieved only a few notable examples of biographical illumination, for the conflict between gripping visual presentation and the often undramatic, but important, biographical truth is difficult to resolve. Biography, indeed, seems less innovative, less rewarding of experiment, and less adaptable to new media, than does fiction or perhaps even history. Words are no longer the only way to tell a story and perhaps in time will not be regarded as the chief way; but so far they seem the best way of unfolding the full course of a life and exploring the quirks and crannies of a personality. Anchored in the truth of fact, though seeking the truth of interpretation, biography tends to be more stable than other literary arts; and its future would appear to be a predictably steady evolution of its present trends.
Paul Murray Kendall The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
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