- In full:
- Giotto di Bondone
- Born:
- 1266/67 or 1276, Vespignano, near Florence [Italy]
- Died:
- January 8, 1337, Florence (aged 61)
- Movement / Style:
- Renaissance
Documents show that Giotto was in Florence in 1311–14 and 1320, and it was probably during these years, before going to Naples (c. 1329), that he painted frescoes in four chapels in Santa Croce belonging to the Giugni, Tosinghi-Spinelli, Bardi, and Peruzzi families. The Giugni Chapel frescoes are lost, as are all the Tosinghi-Spinelli ones, except for an Assumption over the entrance, not universally accepted as by Giotto. The Bardi and Peruzzi chapels contained cycles of St. Francis, St. John the Baptist, and St. John the Evangelist, but the frescoes were whitewashed and were not recovered until the mid-19th century, when they were damaged in the process of removing the whitewash and then heavily restored. Much the same happened to a portrait of Dante in the Bargello Museum, also in Florence, for which there is a traditional attribution to Giotto. Writers tended to take more or less account of these additions and restorations according to the view they held of the Assisi problem, but a prolonged cleaning and re-restoration of both chapels in the mid-20th century demonstrated that the Bardi Chapel has few but splendid figures remaining, painted in true fresco, whereas the Peruzzi Chapel figures are now largely ghosts, since they were painted in a different technique. The older view, that the two cycles were contemporary, is no longer necessarily valid, and there is no evidence for the date of either cycle, except that both are probably later than the Arena Chapel frescoes.
Naples and the last Florentine period
In January 1330 King Robert of Naples promoted Giotto to the rank of “familiar” (member of the royal household), which implies that he had been in Naples for some while, possibly since 1329, and he remained there until 1332–33. All the works he executed there have been lost, but traces of his style may be distinguished in the local school. On April 12, 1334, he was appointed capomastro, or surveyor, of the Duomo in Florence and architect to the city. This was a tribute to his great fame as a painter and not on account of any special architectural knowledge. On July 19 of the same year he began the campanile, or bell tower, of the Duomo. It was later altered but is known, in part at least, from a drawing in Siena. He may have designed some of the reliefs carved by Andrea Pisano on the campanile; certainly the bronze doors of the baptistery by Andrea show clear traces of Giotto’s frescoes in Santa Croce. Indeed the whole course of painting in Tuscany was dominated by his pupils and followers—by Taddeo Gaddi, Bernardo Daddi, Maso di Banco, Andrea Orcagna, and Pietro and Ambrogio Lorenzetti in Siena—but none of these really understood all of his innovations.
Giotto achieved great personal fame in his own lifetime; in The Divine Comedy, Dante says of his relation to his reputed teacher, the Florentine artist Cimabue, that “Cimabue thought to hold the field in painting, but now Giotto has the cry, so that the fame of Cimabue is obscured.” The mere fact that he was mentioned in Dante, whether or not in a particularly flattering context, was sufficient to establish and maintain this fame in 14th- and 15th-century Italy, and legends soon began to crystallize around his name. When, in 1550, the artist and biographer Giorgio Vasari published Le vite de’ più eccellenti pittori, scultori, ed architettori italiani… (Lives of the Most Eminent Italian Painters, Sculptors, and Architects …), he naturally began his history of Italian art with Giotto as the man who, even more than Cimabue, broke away from the Middle Ages and ushered in the “good modern manner.” It was not until the Renaissance, with Masaccio and Michelangelo, that his true successors arose.
Peter J. Murray The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica