- In full:
- Thomas Woodrow Wilson
- Died:
- February 3, 1924, Washington, D.C. (aged 67)
- Political Affiliation:
- Democratic Party
- Awards And Honors:
- Hall of Fame (1950)
- Nobel Prize (1919)
- Hall of Fame for Great Americans (1950)
- Nobel Peace Prize (1919)
- Notable Family Members:
- spouse Edith Wilson
- spouse Ellen Wilson
- son of Joseph Ruggles Wilson
- son of Janet Woodrow
- married to Edith Wilson (married 1915)
- married to Ellen Wilson (1885–1914 [her death])
- father of Margaret Woodrow Wilson (b. 1886–d. 1944)
- father of Jessie Woodrow Wilson Sayre (b. 1887–d. 1933)
- father of Eleanor Wilson McAdoo (b. 1889–d. 1967)
- brother of Joseph Ruggles Wilson, Jr.
- brother of Marion Wilson Kennedy
- brother of Annie Wilson Howe
- Subjects Of Study:
- history of United States
- Education:
- Davidson College
- Princeton University (B.A., 1879)
- University of Virginia (graduated 1881)
- Johns Hopkins University (Ph.D., 1886)
- Taught At:
- Wesleyan University
- Princeton University
- Bryn Mawr College
- Published Works:
- "On Being Human" (1916)
- "Constitutional Government in the United States" (1908)
- "A History of the American People" (1902)
- "When a Man Comes to Himself" (1901)
- "Division and Reunion, 1829–1889" (1893)
- "The State: Elements of Historical and Practical Politics" (1889)
- "Congressional Government: A Study in American Politics" (1885)
News •
Wilson prevailed in the 1916 election, becoming the first Democrat to win a second consecutive term since Andrew Jackson. His narrow victory by 277 to 254 electoral votes over Charles Evans Hughes, the nominee of the reunited and resurgent Republicans, was a great political feat. The campaign cry “He kept us out of war” helped, but Wilson’s domestic record on progressive and labor issues played the biggest part in his achieving a healthy plurality in the popular vote and a small electoral margin.
His reelection assured, Wilson mounted a peace offensive in December 1916 and January 1917 aimed at ending the world war. First he made a public diplomatic appeal to the belligerent countries to state their peace terms and accept American mediation, and then on January 22 he gave a stirring speech in which he called for a “peace without victory” and pledged to establish a league of nations to prevent future wars.
Unfortunately, the Germans rendered Wilson’s peace efforts moot by unleashing their submarines on February 1. For the next two months Wilson agonized over how to respond. Public opinion remained divided and uncertain, even after publication of the Zimmermann Telegram, a secret communication by the German foreign secretary that offered Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona to Mexico in return for going to war against the United States. Wilson finally decided to intervene, mainly because he could see no alternative and hoped to use American belligerency as a means to build a just, lasting peace. On April 2, 1917, he went before Congress to ask for a declaration of war so that the United States could strive to fulfill his injunction that “the world must be made safe for democracy.”
Wilson proved to be a surprisingly effective war president. Recognizing what he did not know, he delegated military decisions to professional soldiers, particularly Gen. John J. Pershing, who commanded the American Expeditionary Force in France, and economic mobilization to such men as Bernard Baruch, William Gibbs McAdoo, and Herbert Hoover. Careful planning also ensured the success of the Selective Service Act (see Selective Service Acts), which became law in May. This helped to raise the strength of the armed forces to five million men and women, two million of whom reached France by the war’s end. The boost given to the Allies by American money, supplies, and manpower tipped the scales against the Germans, who sued for peace and laid down their arms with the Armistice of November 11, 1918.
A less happy side to Wilson’s delegation of war-making tasks came at home, where some of his cabinet members, most notably U.S. Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, brutally suppressed dissent. The overzealous hounding of radical groups, aliens, and dissidents both during the war and in the Red Scare of 1919–20 was justified on grounds of national security but was condemned by civil libertarians and ultimately discredited. Diplomacy was the one job that Wilson kept to himself. He seized the initiative on war aims with his Fourteen Points speech of January 8, 1918, in which he promised a liberal, nonpunitive peace and a league of nations. Determined to keep those promises, Wilson made the controversial decision to go in person to the Paris Peace Conference, where he spent seven months in wearying, often acrimonious negotiations with the British, French, and Italians. The final product, the Treaty of Versailles, was signed on June 28, 1919. The treaty’s financial and territorial terms severely compromised Wilson’s aims, but those were offset by its inclusion of the Covenant of the League of Nations, which he believed would adjust international differences and maintain peace.

Wilson returned from the peace conference exhausted and in failing health, in no shape to face the biggest fight of his career. Republican senators, led by Henry Cabot Lodge, sought either to reject the treaty or to attach reservations that would gravely limit America’s commitments to the League of Nations. After two months of frustrating talks with senators, Wilson took his case to the people in September 1919 in the hope of shaping public opinion on this important issue of the day. A master of the English language and public oratory, he threw himself into a whirlwind cross-country tour, giving 39 speeches in three weeks.
The strain, both mental and physical, was too much for him. He had a near breakdown on September 25, after which his doctor canceled the rest of the tour and rushed him back to Washington. On October 2, 1919, Wilson suffered a massive stroke that left him partially paralyzed on his left side. His intellectual capacity was not affected, but his emotional balance and judgment were badly impaired.
This was the worst crisis of presidential disability in American history, and it was handled badly. No one seriously suggested that Wilson resign. His wife, Edith, controlled access to him, made decisions by default, and engineered a cover-up of his condition, which included misleadingly optimistic reports from his doctors. Although he gradually recovered from the worst effects of the stroke, Wilson never again fully functioned as president.
The peace treaty went down to defeat in the Senate, as a consequence of Wilson’s stroke-induced rigidity. He demanded that Democratic senators spurn all efforts at compromise with Lodge and the Republicans. Twice, on November 19, 1919, and March 19, 1920, the Treaty of Versailles failed to gain the two-thirds vote necessary for ratification. Later, under Warren G. Harding, Wilson’s Republican successor, the United States made a separate peace with Germany, something Wilson had believed “would place ineffable stain upon the gallantry and honor of the United States.” The United States never joined the League of Nations.
In the 1920 election Wilson called for “a great and solemn referendum” on the treaty and the League of Nations and entertained fantasies about running on that issue himself. Edith Wilson and his closest friends quietly scotched those notions. Instead, the Democrats nominated James M. Cox, the governor of Ohio, on the strength of his lack of association with Wilson, although an administration loyalist, Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt, received the vice presidential nomination. The election did become a referendum on Wilson, as Harding called for a return to “normalcy” and blamed all the country’s troubles on the man in the White House. The Republicans won a landslide victory, which they interpreted as a mandate to reverse Wilson’s progressive policies at home and his internationalism abroad.