Agriculture & Agricultural Technology, PRA-ZEM
Agriculture, the active production of useful plants or animals in ecosystems that have been created by people. Agriculture has often been conceptualized narrowly, in terms of specific combinations of activities and organisms—wet-rice production in Asia, wheat farming in Europe, cattle ranching in the Americas, and the like—but a more holistic perspective holds that humans are environmental engineers who disrupt terrestrial habitats in specific ways.
Agriculture & Agricultural Technology Encyclopedia Articles By Title
prazo, any of the great feudal estates acquired by Portuguese and Goan traders and soldiers in the valley of the......
prescribed fire, form of land management in which fire is intentionally applied to vegetation. Prescribed fires......
propagation, in horticulture, the reproduction of plants by any number of natural or artificial means. With crops......
pruning, in horticulture, the removal or reduction of parts of a plant, tree, or vine that are not requisite to......
ranch, a farm, usually large, devoted to the breeding and raising of cattle, sheep, or horses on rangeland. Ranch......
rangeland, any extensive area of land that is occupied by native herbaceous or shrubby vegetation which is grazed......
reaper, any farm machine that cuts grain. Early reapers simply cut the crop and dropped it unbound, but modern......
Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), U.S. government agency established by Congress on January 22, 1932, to......
reforestation, the conversion of previously forested land back to forest. Reforestation is an essential part of......
regenerative agriculture, alternative to modern industrial agriculture that prioritizes conserving and rehabilitating......
RJR Nabisco, Inc., former conglomerate corporation formed by the merger in 1985 of R.J. Reynolds Industries, Inc.......
rodenticide, any substance that is used to kill rats, mice, and other rodent pests. Warfarin, 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate),......
John Rolfe was a Virginia planter and colonial official who was the husband of Pocahontas, daughter of the Indian......
roller, farm implement used to break up lumps left by harrows and to compact the soil, eliminating large air spaces.......
Edmund Ruffin was known as the father of soil chemistry in the United States, who showed how to restore fertility......
Sara Lee Corporation, major American producer of frozen baked goods, fresh and processed meats, coffee, hosiery......
scarecrow, device posted on cultivated ground to deter birds or other animals from eating or otherwise disturbing......
scythe, one of the most important of all agricultural hand tools, consisting of a curved blade fitted at an angle......
Seagram Company Ltd., former Canadian corporation that was the world’s largest producer and distributor of distilled......
selective breeding, the practice of mating individuals with desired traits as a means of increasing the frequency......
sericulture, the production of raw silk by means of raising caterpillars (larvae), particularly those of the domesticated......
sharecropping, form of tenant farming in which the landowner furnished all the capital and most other inputs and......
shifting agriculture, system of cultivation that preserves soil fertility by plot (field) rotation, as distinct......
shōen, in Japan, from about the 8th to the late 15th century, any of the private, tax-free, often autonomous estates......
sickle, one of the most ancient of harvesting tools, consisting of a metal blade, usually curved, attached to a......
silage, forage plants such as corn (maize), legumes, and grasses that have been chopped and stored in tower silos,......
silo, in agriculture, airtight structure that encloses and protects silage (q.v.; partially fermented fodder, called......
slash-and-burn agriculture, method of cultivation in which forests are burned and cleared for planting. Slash-and-burn......
smoking, in food processing, the exposure of cured meat and fish products to smoke for the purposes of preserving......
smother crop, crop sown to suppress persistent weeds. Among the most effective smothering crops is alfalfa, which......
smudge pot, device, usually an oil container with some crude oil burning in the bottom, used in fruit orchards,......
sovkhoz, state-operated agricultural estate in the U.S.S.R. organized according to industrial principles for specialized......
spearfishing, sport of underwater hunting that became popular in the early 1930s and after World War II spread......
spraying and dusting, in agriculture, the standard methods of applying pest-control chemicals and other compounds.......
Elvin Charles Stakman was a pioneering American plant pathologist and educator who established the methods for......
Sir George Stapledon was a British agriculturalist and pioneer in the development of grassland science. Stapledon......
Gunnar Georg Emanuel Strang was a Swedish politician who was finance minister (1955–76) in a succession of Social......
straw, the stalks of grasses, particularly of such cereal grasses as wheat, oats, rye, barley, and buckwheat. When......
Strobane, (trademark), of a chlorine-containing organic compound used as an insecticide. See...
studbook, official record of the pedigree of purebred animals, particularly horses and dogs, usually published......
subsistence farming, form of farming in which nearly all of the crops or livestock raised are used to maintain......
suckering, Vegetative formation of a new stem and root system from an adventitious bud of a stem or root, either......
sustainable agriculture, a system of farming that strives to provide the resources necessary for present human......
Svalbard Global Seed Vault, secure facility built into the side of a mountain on Spitsbergen, the largest of the......
M.S. Swaminathan was an Indian geneticist and agricultural scientist who spearheaded India’s agricultural transformation.......
Tempō reforms, (1841–43), unsuccessful attempt by the Tokugawa shogunate (1603–1868) to restore the feudal agricultural......
tenant farming, agricultural system in which landowners contribute their land and a measure of operating capital......
terrace cultivation, method of growing crops on sides of hills or mountains by planting on graduated terraces built......
tetraethyl pyrophosphate, an organic phosphorus compound used as an insecticide, particularly for the control of......
three-field system, method of agricultural organization introduced in Europe in the Middle Ages and representing......
thresher, farm machine for separating wheat, peas, soybeans, and other small grain and seed crops from their chaff......
tillage, in agriculture, the preparation of soil for planting and the cultivation of soil after planting. Tillage......
Ben Tillman was an outspoken U.S. populist politician who championed agrarian reform and white supremacy. Tillman......
tilth, Physical condition of soil, especially in relation to its suitability for planting or growing a crop. Factors......
topiary, the training of living trees and shrubs into artificial, decorative shapes. Thickly leaved evergreen shrubs......
toxaphene, a dense, yellowish, semisolid mixture of organic compounds made by chlorination of camphene (a hydrocarbon......
transplant, in horticulture, plant or tree removed from one location and reset in the ground at another. Most small......
trawler, fishing vessel that uses a trawl, a conical net that snares fish by being dragged through the water or......
Rexford Guy Tugwell was an American economist, one of the three members of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s so-called......
Jethro Tull was an English agronomist, agriculturist, writer, and inventor whose ideas helped form the basis of......
two-field system, basis of agricultural organization in Europe and the Middle East in early times. Arable land......
United Farm Workers (UFW), U.S. labour union founded in 1962 as the National Farm Workers Association by the labour......
vegetable farming, growing of vegetable crops, primarily for use as human food. The term vegetable in its broadest......
vegetable processing, preparation of vegetables for use by humans as food. Vegetables consist of a large group......
Sir Cornelius Vermuyden was a Dutch-born British engineer who introduced Dutch land-reclamation methods in England......
vernalization, the artificial exposure of plants (or seeds) to low temperatures in order to stimulate flowering......
vertical farming, agricultural technique in which crops are grown indoors in vertical, stacked layers with no soil.......
viticulture, the cultivation of grapes. See...
Henry A. Wallace was the 33rd vice president of the United States (1941–45) in the Democratic administration of......
warfarin, anticoagulant drug, marketed as Coumadin. Originally developed to treat thromboembolism (see thrombosis),......
well-field system, the communal land organization supposedly in effect throughout China early in the Zhou dynasty......
whaling, the hunting of whales for food and oil. Whaling was once conducted around the world by seafaring nations......
Sir William Willcocks was a British civil engineer who proposed and designed the first Aswān (Assuan) Dam and executed......
windbreak, trees or shrubs planted in a row to slow and redirect the wind. Windbreaks may also include fences,......
windrower, self-propelled or tractor-drawn farm machine for cutting grain and laying the stalks in windrows for......
Women’s Land Army (WLA), U.S. federally established organization that from 1943 to 1947 recruited and trained women......
World Food Council (WFC), United Nations (UN) organization established by the General Assembly in December 1974......
Arthur Young was a prolific English writer on agriculture, politics, and economics. Besides his books on agricultural......
Samuel Zemurray was the longtime president and financial director of United Fruit Company (name changed to United......