Hoofed Mammals, STE-ZEB
Artiodactyl, any member of the mammalian order Artiodactyla, or even-toed ungulates, which includes the pigs, peccaries, hippopotamuses, camels, chevrotains, deer, giraffes, pronghorn, antelopes, sheep, goats, and cattle. It is one of the larger mammal orders, containing about 200 species, a total...
Hoofed Mammals Encyclopedia Articles By Title
steer, young neutered male cattle primarily raised for beef. In the terminology used to describe the sex and age......
Suffolk, smallest draft-horse breed, which originated in Suffolk, Eng. Descended from the medieval “great horse,”......
Suffolk, breed of medium-wool, dark-faced, hornless sheep developed in England during the years 1800 to 1850 by......
suid, any member of the family Suidae, hoofed mammals, order Artiodactyla, including the wild and domestic pigs.......
Sumatran rhinoceros, (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis), one of three Asian species of rhinoceroses and the smallest living......
tahr, (genus Hemitragus), any of three wary and sure-footed wild goatlike mammals of the family Bovidae (order......
takin, (Budorcas taxicolor), heavily built, hoofed mammal of Southeast Asia, belonging to the family Bovidae (order......
tamarau, (species Anoa mindorensis), small species of buffalo...
tapir, (genus Tapirus), any of five species of hoofed mammals, the only extant members of the family Tapiridae......
tarpan, European wild horse that survived in small herds in remote parts of central Europe during the Middle Ages......
Tennessee walking horse, breed of horse that derives its name from the state of Tennessee and from its distinctive......
Thoroughbred, breed of horse developed in England for racing and jumping (see photograph). The origin of the Thoroughbred......
titanothere, any member of an extinct group of large-hoofed mammals that originated in Asia or North America during......
Toggenburg, breed of dairy goat originating in the Toggenburg valley of Switzerland. The oldest breed of dairy......
topi, (Damaliscus lunatus), one of Africa’s most common and most widespread antelopes. It is a member of the tribe......
tylopod, any of the pad-footed, even-toed, hoofed mammals of the suborder Tylopoda (order Artiodactyla). This group......
urial, (Ovis orientalis), medium-size, rather stout-bodied wild sheep, distributed from northwest India and Ladakh......
vicuña, (Vicugna vicugna), smallest member of the camel family, Camelidae (order Artiodactyla). The vicuña is closely......
Wagyu, slow-growing Japanese cattle breed prized for its tender, flavorful, and highly marbled meat. Evidence suggests......
warthog, (Phacochoerus aethiopicus), member of the pig family, Suidae (order Artiodactyla), found in open and lightly......
water buffalo, (Bubalus bubalis), either of two forms, wild and domestic, of Asian mammal similar to the ox. There......
waterbuck, antelope species of the genus Kobus...
Welsh pony, breed of small horse popular as a child’s or an adult’s mount. A hardy breed that developed in the......
white-tailed deer, (Odocoileus virginianus), common American deer of the family Cervidae (order Artiodactyla) that......
The long neck of a giraffe (genus Giraffa) is a classic example of adaptation, which is the process by which a......
woolly rhinoceros, (genus Coelodonta), either of two extinct species of rhinoceros found in fossil deposits of......
yak, (Bos grunniens), long-haired, short-legged oxlike mammal that was probably domesticated in Tibet but has been......
Yorkshire, breed of swine produced in the 18th century by crossing the large indigenous white pig of North England......
zebra, any of three species of strikingly black-and-white striped mammals of the horse family Equidae (genus Equus):......