Literary Criticism, MEN-ROD
Everyone's a critic. But not all literary criticism involves judging the quality of a text; it can also focus on interpreting the meaning of a work or evaluating an author's place in literary history.
Literary Criticism Encyclopedia Articles By Title
Catulle Mendès was a prolific French poet, playwright, and novelist, most noted for his association with the Parnassians,......
Ramón Menéndez Pidal was a scholar whose work on the origins of the Spanish language, as well as critical editions......
Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo was a Spanish literary critic and historian, remarkable for his vast erudition and......
Louis-Sébastien Mercier was one of the first French writers of drame bourgeois (middle-class drama). In Du théâtre......
Johann Heinrich Merck was a German writer and critic who provided valuable guidance to the young writers of the......
Paul Meyer was a French language and literary scholar and one of the great authorities on the Medieval French and......
J. Hillis Miller was an American literary critic who was associated initially with the Geneva group of critics......
Czesław Miłosz was a Polish American author, translator, critic, and diplomat who received the Nobel Prize for......
Maurycy Mochnacki was an early Polish Romantic literary critic who passionately advocated Romanticism and was the......
James Moffatt was a Scottish biblical scholar and translator who singlehandedly produced one of the best-known......
Jean Molinet was a poet and chronicler who was a leading figure among the Burgundian rhetoricians and is best remembered......
Claude Joseph Goldsmid Montefiore was a Jewish theologian and Reform leader; he was the first modern Jew to write......
George Foot Moore was an American Old Testament scholar, theologian and Orientalist, whose knowledge and understanding......
Paul Elmer More was an American scholar and conservative critic, one of the leading exponents of the New Humanism......
John Morley, Viscount Morley was an English Liberal statesman who was a friend and official biographer of W.E.......
Sir John Morris-Jones was a teacher, scholar, and poet who revolutionized Welsh literature. By insisting—through......
Manuel Moschopoulos was a Byzantine grammarian and critic during the reign (1282–1328) of Andronicus II Palaeologus.......
Motoori Norinaga was the most eminent scholar in Shintō and Japanese classics. His father, a textile merchant,......
Sigmund Mowinckel was a Norwegian biblical scholar and the founder of the Scandinavian school of Old Testament......
Es’kia Mphahlele was a novelist, essayist, short-story writer, and teacher whose autobiography, Down Second Avenue......
Edwin Muir was a literary critic, translator, and one of the chief Scottish poets of his day writing in English.......
Manuel Mujica Láinez was a popular Argentine writer whose novels and short stories are best known for their masterful......
Iris Murdoch was a British novelist and philosopher noted for her psychological novels that contain philosophical......
Marc-Antoine de Muret was a French humanist and classical scholar, celebrated for the elegance of his Latin prose......
Gilbert Murray was a British classical scholar whose translations of the masters of ancient Greek drama—Aeschylus,......
John Middleton Murry was an English journalist and critic whose romantic and biographical approach to literature......
Wilhelm Müller was a German poet who was known both for his lyrics that helped to arouse sympathy for the Greeks......
Vladimir Nabokov was a Russian-born American novelist and critic and the foremost of the post-1917 émigré authors.......
V.S. Naipaul was a Trinidadian writer of Indian descent known for his pessimistic novels set in developing countries.......
George Jean Nathan was an American author, editor, and drama critic, who is credited with raising the standards......
Mikhāʾīl Naʿīmah was a Lebanese literary critic, playwright, essayist, and short-story writer who helped introduce......
Naḥmanides was a Spanish scholar and rabbi and Jewish religious leader. He was also a philosopher, poet, physician,......
With such books as Bluets (2009) and The Argonauts (2015), American writer Maggie Nelson is known for works that......
Howard Nemerov was an American poet, novelist, and critic whose poetry, marked by irony and self-deprecatory wit,......
New Criticism, post-World War I school of Anglo-American literary critical theory that insisted on the intrinsic......
New Humanism, critical movement in the United States between 1910 and 1930, based on the literary and social theories......
Nicholas Of Lyra was an author of the first printed commentary on the Bible and one of the foremost Franciscan......
Friedrich Nicolai was a writer and bookseller who, with Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and Moses Mendelssohn, was a leader......
Lewis Nkosi was a South African author, critic, journalist, and broadcaster. After attending a technical college......
Sigurdur Jóhannesson Nordal was an Icelandic philologist, critic, and writer in many genres, who played a central......
Martin Noth was a German biblical scholar who specialized in the early history of the Jewish people. In his book......
Joyce Carol Oates is an American novelist, short-story writer, and essayist noted for her vast literary output......
Elder Olson was an American poet, playwright, and literary critic. He was a leading member of the Chicago critics—a......
Kole Omotoso is a Nigerian novelist, playwright, and critic who writes from a Yoruba perspective and couples the......
On the Sublime, treatise on literary criticism by Longinus, dating to about the 1st century ce. The earliest surviving......
Martin Opitz was a German poet and literary theorist who introduced foreign literary models into German poetry......
Origen was the most important theologian and biblical scholar of the early Greek church. His greatest work is the......
Ozaki Kōyō was a novelist, essayist, and haiku poet, one of the pioneers of modern Japanese literature. In 1885,......
Frank O’Connor was an Irish playwright, novelist, and short-story writer who, as a critic and as a translator of......
José Emilio Pacheco was a Mexican critic, novelist, short-story writer, translator, and poet. Early in his career......
Jacob Paludan was a Danish novelist and conservative critic whose work expressed a mistrust—based on the fear of......
Giovanni Papini was a journalist, critic, poet, and novelist, one of the most outspoken and controversial Italian......
Emilia, condesa de Pardo Bazán was a Spanish author of novels, short stories, and literary criticism. Pardo Bazán......
Teodor Parnicki was a Polish historical novelist who modernized the genre through his interest in psychoanalysis......
Vernon L. Parrington was an American literary historian and teacher noted for his far-reaching appraisal of American......
Cesare Pavese was an Italian poet, critic, novelist, and translator, who introduced many modern U.S. and English......
Octavio Paz was a Mexican poet, writer, and diplomat, recognized as one of the major Latin American writers of......
Jacques Peletier was a French poet and critic whose knowledge and love of Greek and Latin poetry earned him a membership......
Edgar du Perron was a writer and critic, cofounder with Menno ter Braak of the influential Dutch literary journal......
Bliss Perry was an American scholar and editor, especially noted for his work in American literature. Perry was......
William Lyon Phelps was an American scholar and critic who did much to popularize the teaching of contemporary......
Philo Judaeus was a Greek-speaking Jewish philosopher, the most important representative of Hellenistic Judaism.......
Robert Pinsky is an American poet and critic whose poems search for the significance underlying everyday acts.......
Platonic criticism, literary criticism based on the philosophical writings of Plato, especially his views on art......
Edgar Allan Poe was an American short-story writer, poet, critic, and editor who is famous for his cultivation......
Poliziano was an Italian poet and humanist, a friend and protégé of Lorenzo de’ Medici, and one of the foremost......
Marie Ponsot was an American poet, essayist, literary critic, teacher, and translator who has been described as......
Alexander Pope was a poet and satirist of the English Augustan period, best known for his poems An Essay on Criticism......
Port-Royal, critical work by Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve, published in three volumes in 1840–48. It was based......
Everhardus Johannes Potgieter was a Dutch prose writer and poet who tried to set new standards and encourage national......
Frederick A. Pottle was an American scholar who became the foremost authority on the 18th-century English biographer......
Georges Poulet was a Belgian writer, who was a major exponent of the nouvelle critique (“new criticism”) of French......
Ezra Pound was an American poet and critic, a supremely discerning and energetic entrepreneur of the arts who did......
Mario Praz was an Italian literary critic and essayist, a preeminent scholar of English literature. Praz was educated......
V.S. Pritchett was a British novelist, short-story writer, and critic known throughout his long writing career......
George Puttenham was an English courtier, generally acknowledged as the author of the anonymously published The......
Salvatore Quasimodo was an Italian poet, critic, and translator. Originally a leader of the Hermetic poets, he......
Sir Peter Quennell was an English biographer, literary historian, editor, essayist, and critic. He was a wide-ranging......
Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch was an English poet, novelist, and anthologist noted for his compilation of The......
Quintilian was a Latin teacher and writer whose work on rhetoric, Institutio oratoria, is a major contribution......
Gregory Rabassa was an American translator who was largely responsible for bringing the fiction of contemporary......
Philip Rahv was a Ukrainian-born American critic who was cofounder (1933) with William Phillips of The Partisan......
Kathleen Raine was an English poet, scholar, and critic noted for her mystical and visionary poetry. Raine studied......
Sir Walter Raleigh was a Scottish man of letters and critic who was a prominent figure at the University of Oxford......
John Crowe Ransom was an American poet and critic, leading theorist of the Southern literary renaissance that began......
Arthur Ransome was an English writer best known for the Swallows and Amazons series of children’s novels (1930–47),......
Rashi was a renowned medieval French commentator on the Bible and the Talmud (the authoritative Jewish compendium......
Sir Herbert Read was a poet and critic who was the chief British advocate and interpreter of modern art movements......
Marcel Reich-Ranicki was a Polish-born German columnist and television personality who became Germany’s most influential......
Alfonso Reyes was a poet, essayist, short-story writer, literary scholar and critic, educator, and diplomat, generally......
Cassiano Ricardo was a poet, essayist, literary critic, and journalist, one of the most versatile 20th-century......
I.A. Richards was an English critic, poet, and teacher who was highly influential in developing a new way of reading......
Laura Riding was an American poet, critic, and prose writer who was influential among the literary avant-garde......
Michael Riffaterre was an American literary critic, whose textual analyses emphasize the responses of the reader......
George Ripley was a journalist and reformer whose life, for half a century, mirrored the main currents of American......
F.W. Ritschl was a German classical scholar remembered for his work on Plautus and as the founder of the Bonn school......
Alain Robbe-Grillet was a representative writer and leading theoretician of the nouveau roman (“new novel”), the......
Edward Robinson was an American biblical scholar, considered the father of biblical geography. Robinson graduated......
Henry Wheeler Robinson was a notable Nonconformist English Baptist theologian and Old Testament scholar. Robinson......
Édouard Rod was a French-Swiss writer of psychological novels and a pioneer of comparative criticism. After his......