Literary Criticism, ROY-VAR
Everyone's a critic. But not all literary criticism involves judging the quality of a text; it can also focus on interpreting the meaning of a work or evaluating an author's place in literary history.
Literary Criticism Encyclopedia Articles By Title
Camille Roy was a critic and literary historian, noted as an authority on the development of French Canadian literature.......
Vasily Vasilyevich Rozanov was a Russian writer, religious thinker, and journalist, best known for the originality......
Thomas Rymer was an English literary critic who introduced into England the principles of French formalist Neoclassical......
José Régio was a Portuguese poet, novelist, dramatist, and literary critic, generally considered one of the most......
Umberto Saba was an Italian poet noted for his simple, lyrical autobiographical poems. Saba was raised by his Jewish......
The Sacred Wood, book of critical essays by T.S. Eliot, published in 1920. In it, Eliot discusses several of the......
Edward Said was a Palestinian American academic, political activist, and literary critic who examined literature......
Charles de Marguetel de Saint-Denis, seigneur de Saint-Évremond was a French gentleman of letters and amateur moralist......
Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve was a French literary historian and critic, noted for applying historical frames......
George Saintsbury was the most influential English literary historian and critic of the early 20th century. His......
Pedro Salinas y Serrano was a Spanish poet, scholar, dramatist, and essayist who was one of the outstanding writers......
William Sanday was a New Testament scholar, one of the pioneers in introducing to English students and the Anglican......
George Santayana was a Spanish-American philosopher, poet, and humanist who made important contributions to aesthetics,......
Iñigo López de Mendoza, marquis de Santillana was a Spanish poet and Humanist who was one of the great literary......
Severo Sarduy was a novelist, poet, critic, and essayist, one of the most daring and brilliant writers of the 20th......
Jean-Paul Sartre was a French philosopher, novelist, and playwright, best known as the leading exponent of existentialism......
Satō Haruo was a Japanese poet, novelist, and critic whose fiction is noted for its poetic vision and romantic......
Saʿadia ben Joseph was a Jewish exegete, philosopher, and polemicist whose influence on Jewish literary and communal......
Julius Caesar Scaliger was a French classical scholar of Italian descent who worked in botany, zoology, grammar,......
August Wilhelm von Schlegel was a German scholar and critic, one of the most influential disseminators of the ideas......
Friedrich von Schlegel was a German writer and critic, originator of many of the philosophical ideas that inspired......
Johann Elias Schlegel was a German author and critic whose plays and criticism helped give the German theatre a......
Delmore Schwartz was an American poet, short-story writer, and literary critic noted for his lyrical descriptions......
Eugène Seers was a French Canadian poet and critic who is regarded as the first major literary critic of Quebec.......
Johann Salomo Semler was a German Lutheran theologian who was a major figure in the development of biblical textual......
Servius was a Latin grammarian, commentator, and teacher, author of a valuable commentary on Virgil. As an adulescens......
Seven Types of Ambiguity, critical work by William Empson, published in 1930 and revised in 1947 and 1953. The......
Severian Of Gabala was a bishop of Gabala (now Latakia, Syria), theologian and orator, principal opponent of the......
Karl Shapiro was an American poet and critic whose verse ranges from passionately physical love lyrics to sharp......
Granville Sharp was an English scholar and philanthropist, noted as an advocate of the abolition of slavery. Granville......
George Bernard Shaw was an Irish comic dramatist, literary critic, and socialist propagandist, winner of the Nobel......
Percy Bysshe Shelley was an English Romantic poet whose passionate search for personal love and social justice......
Shirakaba, humanistic literary journal (1910–23) founded by a loose association of writers, art critics, artists,......
Viktor Shklovsky was a Russian literary critic and novelist. He was a major voice of Formalism, a critical school......
Elaine Showalter is an American literary critic and teacher and founder of gynocritics, a school of feminist criticism......
Shōhaku was a Japanese scholar and author of waka and renga (“linked-verse”) poetry during the late Muromachi period......
Sir Philip Sidney was an Elizabethan courtier, statesman, soldier, poet, and patron of scholars and poets, considered......
Charles Simeon was an Anglican clergyman and biblical commentator who led the Evangelical (or Low Church) movement,......
William Gilmore Simms was an outstanding Southern novelist. Motherless at two, Simms was reared by his grandmother......
Andrey Donatovich Sinyavsky was a Russian critic and author of novels and short stories who was convicted of subversion......
Constance Lindsay Skinner was a Canadian-born American writer, critic, editor, and historian, remembered for her......
A.J.M. Smith was a Canadian poet, anthologist, and critic who was a leader in the revival of Canadian poetry of......
Sir George Adam Smith was a Scottish preacher and Semitic scholar who helped to make generally acceptable the higher......
W.D. Snodgrass was an American poet whose early work is distinguished by a careful attention to form and by a relentless......
Snorri Sturluson was an Icelandic poet, historian, and chieftain, author of the Prose Edda and the Heimskringla.......
Hermann von Soden was a German biblical scholar who established a new theory of textual history of the New Testament.......
Wole Soyinka is a Nigerian playwright and political activist who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1986.......
Sir Stephen Spender was an English poet and critic, who made his reputation in the 1930s with poems expressing......
Henric Laurenszoon Spieghel was a poet of the northern Dutch Renaissance whose highly individual spiritual beliefs......
Benedict de Spinoza was a Dutch Jewish philosopher, one of the foremost exponents of 17th-century Rationalism and......
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak is an Indian literary theorist, feminist critic, postcolonial theorist, and professor......
Sir J. C. Squire was an English journalist, playwright, a leading poet of the Georgian school, and an influential......
Germaine de Staël was a French-Swiss woman of letters, political propagandist, and conversationalist, who epitomized......
C.K. Stead is a New Zealand poet and novelist who gained an international reputation as a critic with The New Poetic:......
Edmund Clarence Stedman was a poet, critic, and editor, whose writing was popular in the United States during the......
George Steevens was an English Shakespearean commentator who collaborated with Samuel Johnson on a 10-volume edition......
George Steiner was an influential French-born American literary critic who studied the relationship between literature......
Sir Leslie Stephen was an English critic, man of letters, and the first editor of the Dictionary of National Biography.......
Alfred George Stephens was an Australian literary critic and journalist whose writings in newspapers and periodicals......
Douglas Stewart was a poet, playwright, and critic who helped establish an Australian national tradition through......
J.I.M. Stewart was a British novelist, literary critic, and educator who created the character of Inspector John......
Lucius Aelius Stilo Praeconinus was the first systematic student, critic, and teacher of Latin philology and literature......
Lytton Strachey was an English biographer and critic who opened a new era of biographical writing at the close......
David Friedrich Strauss was a controversial German-Protestant philosopher, theologian, and biographer whose use......
Burnett Hillman Streeter was an English theologian and biblical scholar, noted for his original contributions to......
Studies in Classic American Literature, collection of literary criticism by English writer D.H. Lawrence, published......
Emanuel Swedenborg was a Swedish scientist, Christian mystic, philosopher, and theologian who wrote voluminously......
Algernon Charles Swinburne was an English poet and critic, outstanding for prosodic innovations and noteworthy......
Arthur Symons was a poet and critic, the first English champion of the French Symbolist poets. Symons’s schooling......
Ernesto Sábato was an Argentine novelist, journalist, and essayist whose novels are notable for their concern with......
Villy Sørensen was an influential writer of modernist short stories and a leading literary critic in Denmark after......
Hippolyte Taine was a French thinker, critic, and historian, one of the most-esteemed exponents of 19th-century......
Taiyō, Japanese magazine published from 1895 to 1928 and especially known for its literary criticism, Japanese......
Tanizaki Jun’ichirō was a major modern Japanese novelist, whose writing is characterized by eroticism and ironic......
Alessandro Tassoni was an Italian political writer, literary critic, and poet, remembered for his mock-heroic satiric......
Allen Tate was an American poet, teacher, novelist, and a leading exponent of the New Criticism. In both his criticism......
Tel Quel, French avant-garde literary review published from 1960 to 1982 by Éditions du Seuil. Founded by Philippe......
Francisco José Tenreiro was an African poet writing in Portuguese whose poems express the sufferings caused by......
textual criticism, the technique of restoring texts as nearly as possible to their original form. Texts in this......
Theodore Bar Konai was a Syrian scholar and author of a noted collection of annotations on the entire Syriac Bible.......
Theodoret Of Cyrrhus was a Syrian theologian-bishop, representative of Antioch’s historico-critical school of biblical-theological......
Edward Thomas was an English writer who turned to poetry only after a long career spent producing nature studies......
Thomas Thorild was a poet and critic who opposed the influence of French classicism on Swedish culture. After studying......
Ludwig Tieck was a versatile and prolific writer and critic of the early Romantic movement in Germany. He was a......
Times Literary Supplement (TLS), weekly literary journal founded in 1902 as a supplement to The Sunday Times of......
Konstantin von Tischendorf was a German biblical critic who made extensive and invaluable contributions to biblical......
Aleksey Konstantinovich, Count Tolstoy was a Russian poet, novelist, and dramatist. He was an outstanding writer......
Bartolomé de Torres Naharro was a playwright and theorist, the most important Spanish dramatist before Lope de......
Charles Cutler Torrey was a U.S. Semitic scholar who held independent and stimulating views on certain biblical......
Philip Toynbee was an English writer and editor best known for novels that experiment with time and symbolical......
Vasily Kirillovich Trediakovsky was a Russian literary theoretician and poet whose writings contributed to the......
Lionel Trilling was an American literary critic and teacher whose criticism was informed by psychological, sociological,......
Tsubouchi Shōyō was a playwright, novelist, critic, and translator who occupied a prominent position in Japanese......
Marina Ivanovna Tsvetayeva was a Russian poet whose verse is distinctive for its staccato rhythms, originality,......
John Tzetzes was a Byzantine didactic poet and scholar who preserved much valuable information from ancient Greek......
Juan Valera y Alcalá Galiano was an important Spanish 19th-century novelist and stylist, also a diplomat and politician.......
Carl Van Doren was a U.S. author and teacher whose writings range through surveys of literature to novels, biography,......
Mark Van Doren was an American poet, writer, and eminent teacher. He upheld the writing of verse in traditional......
Charles Van Lerberghe was a Belgian poet, short-story writer, and playwright whose reputation rests largely on......
Mario Vargas Llosa is a Peruvian Spanish writer whose commitment to social change is evident in his novels, plays,......