Physical Geography of Water, ABY-BOT
Whether it's Lake Michigan, the Gulf of Panama, or the River Thames, bodies of water of all shapes and sizes can be found around the globe, and they play a critical role for human beings, who use such bodies of water as a source of drinking water, a means of transporting both goods and people themselves, or a place to engage in water sports, among a plethora of other possible uses. Additionally, many bodies of water provide striking scenes of natural beauty and house important marine ecosystems. Satiate your thirst for knowledge about Earth's oceans, lakes, seas, rivers, waterfalls, bays, and more.
Physical Geography of Water Encyclopedia Articles By Title
abyssal hill, small, topographically well-defined submarine hill that may rise from several metres to several hundred......
abyssal plain, flat seafloor area at an abyssal depth (3,000 to 6,000 m [10,000 to 20,000 feet]), generally adjacent......
Abū Qīr Bay, semicircular inlet of the Mediterranean Sea, lying between Abū Qīr Point (southwest) and the mouth......
Academy Bay, bay at the south end of Santa Cruz (Indefatigable) Island (one of the Galapagos Islands), in the eastern......
Adam’s Bridge, chain of shoals between Mannar Island, off the northwest coast of Sri Lanka, and Rameswaram Island,......
Gulf of Aden, deepwater basin that forms a natural sea link between the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea. Named for......
Admiralty Inlet, passage of water located between Brodeur and Borden peninsulas and indenting for 230 miles (370......
Adriatic Sea, arm of the Mediterranean Sea, lying between the Italian and Balkan peninsulas. The Strait of Otranto......
Adélie Coast, part of the coast of Wilkes Land in eastern Antarctica, extending from Clarie Coast (west) to George......
Aegean Sea, an arm of the Mediterranean Sea located between the Greek peninsula on the west and Asia Minor on the......
Agulhas Current, surface oceanic current that forms the western boundary current of the southern Indian Ocean.......
Cape Agulhas, cape that is the southernmost point of the African continent, located 109 miles (176 km) southeast......
Gulf of Agíou Orous, inlet of the Aegean Sea, northeastern Greece. It is the larger and deeper of two gulfs (the......
Akaka Falls, waterfall, Hawaii county, northeastern Hawaii island, Hawaii, U.S. A central feature of Akaka Falls......
Alaska Current, surface oceanic current, a branch of the West Wind Drift that forms a counterclockwise gyre in......
Gulf of Alaska, broad inlet of the North Pacific on the south coast of Alaska, U.S. Bounded by the Alaska Peninsula......
Albemarle Sound, shallow coastal inlet of northeastern North Carolina, U.S. Protected from the Atlantic Ocean by......
Albert Canal, waterway connecting the cities of Antwerp and Liège in Belgium. The Albert Canal is about 130 km......
Aleutian Current, surface oceanic current, an eastward-flowing mixture of the Kuroshio (Japan Current) and the......
Aleutian Trench, submarine trench located on the south side of the Aleutian Islands between the Gulf of Alaska......
Alexander Bay, inlet of the Atlantic Ocean at the mouth of the Orange River on the extreme northwest coast of Northern......
Lake Alexandrina, estuarine lagoon, southeastern South Australia, 45 miles (70 km) southeast of Adelaide. Together......
Amatique Bay, inlet of the Gulf of Honduras in the Caribbean Sea, indenting eastern Guatemala and southeastern......
Amphitrite, in Greek mythology, the goddess of the sea, wife of the god Poseidon, and one of the 50 (or 100) daughters......
Amsterdam-Rhine Canal, Dutch waterway connecting the port of Amsterdam with the Rhine River. From Amsterdam the......
Amundsen Gulf, southeastern extension of the Beaufort Sea of the Arctic Ocean. Extending for 250 miles (400 km),......
Amundsen Sea, arm of the Southern Ocean adjoining West Antarctica south of about 70° S latitude, bordered on the......
Gulf of Anadyr, gulf in far eastern Russia, in the northwestern part of the Bering Sea. The width of the gulf at......
And Fjord, fjord, in the Norwegian Sea, indenting northwestern Norway, located between the islands of And (west)......
Andaman Sea, marginal sea of the northeastern Indian Ocean. It is bounded to the north by the Irrawaddy River delta......
Anegada Passage, channel in the West Indies, connecting the Atlantic Ocean with the Caribbean Sea; it is 40 miles......
Angel Falls, waterfall in the Guiana Highlands in Bolívar state, southeastern Venezuela, on the Churún River, a......
Cape Ann, cape on the Atlantic Ocean comprising the eastern extremity of Essex county, northeastern Massachusetts,......
Antarctic Circumpolar Current, wind-driven surface oceanic current encircling Antarctica and flowing from west......
Antarctic Intermediate Water, ocean water mass found in all the southern oceans at depths of about 1,650 to 4,000......
Antilles Current, branch of the Atlantic North Equatorial Current, forming part of the clockwise-setting ocean-current......
Apalachee Bay, arm of the Gulf of Mexico indenting the coast of northern Florida, U.S., 25 miles (40 km) south......
Gulf of Aqaba, northeastern arm of the Red Sea, penetrating between Saudi Arabia and the Sinai Peninsula. It varies......
Arabian Sea, northwestern part of the Indian Ocean, covering a total area of about 1,491,000 square miles (3,862,000......
Arafura Sea, shallow sea of the western Pacific Ocean, occupying 250,000 square miles (650,000 square km) between......
Arakan, coastal geographic region in southwestern Myanmar (Burma). Although Arakan is the historical name for the......
Aral Sea, a once-large saltwater lake of Central Asia. It straddles the boundary between Kazakhstan to the north......
Arfersiorfik Fjord, fjord in western Greenland, extending east from Davis Strait to the inland icecap. It is 95......
Gulf of Argolís, deep inlet of the Mirtóön Sea, a western arm of the Aegean, eastern Peloponnese (Modern Greek:......
Astoria Canyon, submarine canyon and fan-valley system of the Pacific continental margin, off the coast of Oregon,......
Atchafalaya Bay, arm of the Gulf of Mexico, extending southeastward along the southern coast of Louisiana, U.S.,......
atoll, coral reef enclosing a lagoon. Atolls consist of ribbons of reef that may not always be circular but whose......
Augrabies Falls, series of separately channeled cataracts and rapids on the Orange River in arid Northern Cape......
Sea of Azov, inland sea situated off the southern shores of Ukraine and Russia. It forms a northern extension of......
Bab el-Mandeb Strait, strait between Arabia (northeast) and Africa (southwest) that connects the Red Sea (northwest)......
back-arc basin, submarine basin that forms behind an island arc. Such basins are typically found along the western......
Baffin Bay, arm of the North Atlantic Ocean with an area of 266,000 square miles (689,000 square km), extending......
Baffin Island Current, surface oceanic current, a southward-moving water outflow along the west side of Baffin......
Baltic Sea, arm of the North Atlantic Ocean, extending northward from the latitude of southern Denmark almost to......
Banda Sea, portion of the western South Pacific Ocean, bounded by the southern islands of the Moluccas of Indonesia......
bank, rocky or sandy submerged elevation of the seafloor with a summit less than 200 m (650 feet) below the surface......
Bantry Bay, long inlet of the Atlantic Ocean, southwestern County Cork, Ireland. The bay has a maximum length of......
Barataria Bay, inlet of the Gulf of Mexico, about 15 miles (24 km) long and 12 miles (19 km) wide, in southeastern......
Barents Sea, outlying portion of the Arctic Ocean 800 miles (1,300 km) long and 650 miles (1,050 km) wide and covering......
Barra Kunda Falls, waterfalls located 300 miles (480 km) upstream from the mouth of the Gambia River, on the northeastern......
barrier reef, a coral reef (q.v.) roughly parallel to a shore and separated from it by a lagoon or other body of......
Barrow Canyon, submarine canyon incised into the Arctic continental shelf off Alaska. From its head in the Chukchi......
Bass Strait, channel separating Victoria, Australia, from the island of Tasmania on the south. Its maximum width......
Gulf of Batabanó, inlet of the Caribbean Sea, indenting southwestern Cuba. The gulf stretches from the shore of......
Bath, town, seat (1820) of Morgan county, in the eastern panhandle of West Virginia, U.S., near the Potomac River.......
bay, concavity of a coastline or reentrant of the sea, formed by the movements of either the sea or a lake. The......
beach, sediments that accumulate along the sea or lake shores, the configuration and contours of which depend on......
Beachy Head, prominent headland on the English Channel coast in the administrative county of East Sussex, historic......
Beagle Channel, strait in the Tierra del Fuego archipelago at the southern tip of South America. The channel, trending......
Beaufort Sea, outlying sea of the Arctic Ocean situated north of Canada and Alaska. It extends northeastward from......
Belfast Lough, inlet of the North Channel that connects the Irish Sea with the Atlantic, 12 miles (20 kilometers)......
Belize Barrier Reef, coral reef that is second in size after the Great Barrier Reef of Australia and is the largest......
Strait of Belle Isle, northern entrance from the Atlantic Ocean to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, eastern Canada. The......
Benadir, traditional coastal region, southern Somalia, on the Horn of Africa. The name, from Persian bandar, “port,”......
Bay of Bengal, large but relatively shallow embayment of the northeastern Indian Ocean, occupying an area of about......
Benguela Current, oceanic current that is a branch of the West Wind Drift of the Southern Hemisphere. It flows......
Bight of Benin, bay of the Atlantic Ocean on the western coast of Africa that extends eastward for about 400 miles......
Bereguardo Canal, historic canal in Lombardy, Italy, the first canal in Europe to use a series of pound locks (locks......
Bering Canyon, submarine canyon in the Bering Sea that is about 250 miles (400 km) long—possibly the longest submarine......
Bering Sea and Strait, northernmost part of the Pacific Ocean, separating the continents of Asia and North America.......
Bering Strait, strait linking the Arctic Ocean with the Bering Sea and separating the continents of Asia and North......
berm, terrace of a beach that has formed in the backshore, above the water level at high tide. Berms are commonly......
Bermuda Triangle, section of the North Atlantic Ocean off North America in which more than 50 ships and 20 airplanes......
Bight of Biafra, bay of the Atlantic Ocean on the western coast of Africa, extending east, then south, for 370......
Bian Canal, historic canal running northwest-southeast through Henan, Anhui, and Jiangsu provinces of eastern China.......
Big Cypress Swamp, large forest morass lying mainly in Collier county, southern Florida, U.S., and covering 2,400......
Big Sur, scenic region in western California, U.S., that comprises a 100-mile- (160-km-) long ruggedly beautiful......
biogenic ooze, any pelagic sediment that contains more than 30 percent skeletal material. These sediments can be......
Bay of Biscay, wide inlet of the North Atlantic Ocean indenting the coast of western Europe. Forming a roughly......
Biscayne Bay, shallow inlet of the Atlantic Ocean, indenting the southeast coast of Florida, U.S. About 40 miles......
Bismarck Sea, section of the southwestern Pacific Ocean, bounded to the southwest by the northeast coast of New......
Black Sea, large inland sea situated at the southeastern extremity of Europe. It is bordered by Ukraine to the......
Bohai Sea, gulf, shallow northwestern arm of the Yellow Sea, off the northern coast of China. It is enclosed by......
Bohol Sea, section of the western North Pacific Ocean. Measuring about 170 miles (270 km) east–west, it is bounded......
Cape Bojador, extension of the West African coast into the Atlantic Ocean, now part of Western Sahara. Located......
Bokna Fjord, inlet of the North Sea in southwestern Norway. At its mouth, between the southern tip of Karm Island......
Bonavista Bay, inlet of the Atlantic Ocean, indenting eastern Newfoundland, Canada, between Cape Freels (northwest)......
Bosporus, strait (boğaz, “throat”) uniting the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmara and separating parts of Asian Turkey......
Botany Bay, inlet of the Tasman Sea (Pacific Ocean), indenting New South Wales, Australia. Roughly circular, about......
Bay of Bothnia, gulf forming the northern part of the Gulf of Bothnia, the northern arm of the Baltic Sea, which......