Physical Geography of Water, MOU-REP
Whether it's Lake Michigan, the Gulf of Panama, or the River Thames, bodies of water of all shapes and sizes can be found around the globe, and they play a critical role for human beings, who use such bodies of water as a source of drinking water, a means of transporting both goods and people themselves, or a place to engage in water sports, among a plethora of other possible uses. Additionally, many bodies of water provide striking scenes of natural beauty and house important marine ecosystems. Satiate your thirst for knowledge about Earth's oceans, lakes, seas, rivers, waterfalls, bays, and more.
Physical Geography of Water Encyclopedia Articles By Title
Mount Hope Bay, bay, Rhode Island and Massachusetts, U.S. It is the northeastern arm of Narragansett Bay. Mount......
Mozambique Channel, channel of the western Indian Ocean, threading between the island country of Madagascar on......
Mozambique Current, relatively warm surface current of the western Indian Ocean. The southeast trade winds move......
Multnomah Falls, waterfalls on a short tributary of the Columbia River that rises in Larch Mountain in northwestern......
Murchison Falls, waterfall on the lower Victoria Nile River in northwestern Uganda, 20 miles (32 km) east of Lake......
Muscle Shoals, section of the Tennessee River, in Colbert and Lauderdale counties, northwestern Alabama, U.S.;......
M’Clure Strait, eastern arm of the Beaufort Sea of the Arctic Ocean. It is about 170 miles (270 km) long and 60......
Bay of Naples, semicircular inlet of the Tyrrhenian Sea (an arm of the Mediterranean Sea), southwest of the city......
Narragansett Bay, inlet of the North Atlantic Ocean extending northward from Rhode Island Sound for 28 miles (45......
Bay of Navarino, small, deep, and almost landlocked bay of the Ionian Sea (Modern Greek: Ióvio Pélagos) in the......
Neptune, in Roman religion, originally the god of fresh water; by 399 bce he was identified with the Greek Poseidon......
Nereus, in Greek religion, sea god called by Homer “Old Man of the Sea,” noted for his wisdom, gift of prophecy,......
Nevada Fall, waterfall located on the Merced River in Yosemite National Park, east-central California, U.S. It......
New Hebrides Trench, submarine trench in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, on the periphery of the Coral Sea, between......
New York State Canal System, system of state-owned, state-operated waterways, 524 miles (843 km) in length, linking......
Nhue Giang River, irrigation canal in northern Vietnam. The Nhue Giang River flows north-south for about 113 km......
Niagara Falls, waterfall on the Niagara River in northeastern North America, one of the continent’s most famous......
Gulf of Nicoya, inlet that indents the west-central part of the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. The inlet extends......
Njǫrd, in Norse mythology, the god of the wind and of the sea and its riches. His aid was invoked in seafaring......
Nootka Sound, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean, on the western coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada,......
The Nore, sandbank in the Thames Estuary, extending between Shoeburyness (north) and Sheerness (south), county......
North Atlantic Current, part of a clockwise-setting ocean-current system in the North Atlantic Ocean, extending......
North Cape Current, oceanic surface current, the northernmost extension of the Norway Current (a part of the North......
North Channel, northern arm of Lake Huron in south-central Ontario, Canada, lying between the Ontario mainland......
North Channel, strait linking the Irish Sea with the North Atlantic Ocean and reaching a minimum width of 13 miles......
North Sea, shallow, northeastern arm of the Atlantic Ocean, located between the British Isles and the mainland......
North Sea Canal, waterway in the Netherlands that extends in an east-west direction between Amsterdam and IJmuiden......
Norton Sound, arm of the Bering Sea, indenting for 125 miles (200 km) the west coast of Alaska, U.S., with a width......
Norway Current, branch of the North Atlantic Current, sometimes considered a continuation of the Gulf Stream (issuing......
Norway Deep, undersea trough in the northeastern North Sea. It extends southward from Ålesund in western Norway,......
Norwegian Gyral, cyclonic ocean current flow centred at 68° N, 13° W in the Norwegian Sea. The Norwegian Gyral......
Norwegian Sea, section of the North Atlantic Ocean, bordered by the Greenland and Barents seas (northwest through......
Notre Dame Bay, inlet (55 miles [90 km] wide) of the Atlantic Ocean, indenting the northern coast of Newfoundland......
Nottawasaga Bay, large inlet of Georgian Bay (and Lake Huron) indenting Grey and Simcoe counties in southeastern......
Gulf of Ob, large inlet of the Kara Sea indenting northwestern Siberia, between the peninsulas of Yamal and Gyda,......
ocean basin, any of several vast submarine regions that collectively cover nearly three-quarters of Earth’s surface.......
ocean current, stream made up of horizontal and vertical components of the circulation system of ocean waters that......
oceanic plateau, large submarine elevation rising sharply at least 200 m (660 feet) above the surrounding deep-sea......
oceanic ridge, any of several continuous submarine mountain chains rising from the ocean floor. Individually, oceanic......
oceanic trough, an elongate depression in the seafloor that is characteristically shallower, shorter, narrower,......
Oder–Havel Canal, German waterway northeast of Berlin, linking the Havel and Oder rivers. It is 52 mi (83 km) long,......
Okefenokee Swamp, swamp and wildlife refuge in southeastern Georgia and northern Florida, U.S. It is a shallow,......
Sea of Okhotsk, northwestern arm of the Pacific Ocean, bounded on the west and north by the east coast of Asia......
Old Faithful, geyser, northwestern Wyoming, U.S., located at the head of the Upper Geyser Basin in Yellowstone......
Old Point Comfort, historic spit and point, part of the city of Hampton, southeastern Virginia, U.S. It lies at......
Gulf of Oman, northwest arm of the Arabian Sea, between the eastern portion (Oman) of the Arabian Peninsula to......
ooze, pelagic (deep-sea) sediment of which at least 30 percent is composed of the skeletal remains of microscopic......
Oslo Fjord, fjord on the Skagerrak (strait) penetrating the southern coast of Norway for 60 miles (100 km) from......
Owen Falls, waterfall on the Victoria Nile at Jinja, Ugan., below the river’s outlet from Lake Victoria. The falls......
Oya Current, surface oceanic current flowing southwest along the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Kuril Islands. Meeting......
Pacific Coast, region, western North America, possessing two unifying geologic and geographic properties—the Pacific......
Gulf of Pagasaí, gulf of the Aegean Sea, nomós (department) of Magnisía, Thessaly (Modern Greek: Thessalía), Greece.......
Palk Strait, inlet of the Bay of Bengal between southeastern India and northern Sri Lanka. It is bounded on the......
Pamlico Sound, shallow body of water along the eastern shore of North Carolina, U.S. The largest sound on the East......
Panama Canal, lock-type canal, owned and administered by the Republic of Panama, that connects the Atlantic and......
Gulf of Panama, inlet of the Pacific Ocean, bordering the southern side of the Isthmus of Panama. It is 115 miles......
Gulf of Papua, inlet of the Coral Sea (southwestern Pacific Ocean) indenting the southeast coast of the island......
Gulf of Paria, inlet of the Caribbean Sea, lying between the Venezuelan coast (including the mountainous Paria......
Passamaquoddy Bay, inlet of the Bay of Fundy (Atlantic Ocean), between southwestern New Brunswick, Can., and southeastern......
Patos Lagoon, shallow lagoon in Rio Grande do Sul estado (state), extreme southeastern Brazil. It is the largest......
Paulo Afonso Falls, series of rapids and three cataracts in northeastern Brazil on the São Francisco River along......
Pechora Sea, sea lying to the north of European Russia, between Kolguyev Island to the west and the Yugorsky Peninsula......
peninsula, in physical geography, a piece of land that is nearly surrounded by water. The word is derived from......
Penobscot Bay, inlet of the North Atlantic Ocean, on the coast of southern Maine, U.S., at the mouth of the Penobscot......
Persian Gulf, shallow marginal sea of the Indian Ocean that lies between the Arabian Peninsula and southwestern......
Peru Current, cold-water current of the southeast Pacific Ocean, with a width of about 900 km (550 miles). Relatively......
Peru-Chile Trench, submarine trench in the eastern Pacific Ocean, about 100 miles (160 km) off the coast of Peru......
Peter the Great Bay, inlet, Sea of Japan, northwestern Pacific Ocean, in the Maritime (Primorye) region of far......
Gulf of Peñas, inlet of the southeast Pacific Ocean, southwestern Chile. It extends inland for 55 miles (89 km)......
Philippine Sea, section of the western North Pacific Ocean, lying east and north of the Philippines. The floor......
Philippine Trench, submarine trench in the floor of the Philippine Sea of the western North Pacific Ocean bordering......
Pissevache Fall, waterfall on the Salanfe River, a tributary of the Rhône, in Valais canton, Switzerland, a short......
Río de la Plata, a tapering intrusion of the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast of South America between Uruguay......
platform reef, a coral reef found on continental shelves and characterized by a primarily radial growth pattern.......
Bay of Plenty, bay of the South Pacific Ocean, eastern North Island, New Zealand. About 100 miles (160 km) wide,......
Point Barrow, northernmost point of Alaska, U.S., situated on the Arctic Ocean. Archaeological evidence dates human......
Porsangen, fjord, indenting the coast of extreme northern Norway on the Arctic Ocean. An inlet of the Barents Sea,......
Port Arthur, inlet of the Tasman Sea on the south coast of the Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania, Australia. It is known......
Port Davey, inlet of the Indian Ocean, indenting southwestern Tasmania, Australia. It is a glacial fjord, its entrance......
Port Essington, inlet of the Arafura Sea, indenting the north shore of the Cobourg Peninsula, at the extreme north......
Port Jackson, inlet of the Pacific, 12 miles (19 km) long with a total area of 21 square miles (55 square km),......
Port Phillip Bay, inlet of Bass Strait on the south-central coast of Victoria, Australia, extending approximately......
Portland Inlet, arm of the Pacific Ocean, indenting western British Columbia, Canada; it is an extension of Dixon......
Poseidon, in ancient Greek religion, god of the sea (and of water generally), earthquakes, and horses. He is distinguished......
Poverty Bay, inlet of the southern Pacific Ocean, bounded by eastern North Island, New Zealand. The town of Gisborne......
Pribilof Canyon, a long submarine canyon rising from the Bering Abyssal Plain on the floor of the Bering Sea southeast......
Prince of Wales Strait, arm of the Arctic Ocean, extending northeastward for 170 miles (275 km) from Amundsen Gulf......
Prince William Sound, irregular inlet of the Gulf of Alaska, Alaska, U.S. It lies east of the Kenai Peninsula and......
Princess Charlotte Bay, inlet of the Coral Sea, indenting northeastern Queensland, Australia. Lying on the east......
Pripet Marshes, vast waterlogged region of eastern Europe, among the largest wetlands of the European continent.......
Prudhoe Bay, small inlet of the Beaufort Sea and Arctic Ocean, indenting the northern coast of Alaska, U.S. It......
Puerto Rico Trench, submarine depression in the North Atlantic Ocean, roughly parallel to the northern coast of......
Puget Sound, deep inlet of the eastern North Pacific Ocean indenting northwestern Washington, U.S. It stretches......
Pulicat Lake, saltwater lagoon on the Coromandel Coast of Andhra Pradesh state, southern India. It extends from......
Queen Charlotte Sound, broad, deep inlet of the eastern North Pacific indenting west-central British Columbia,......
quicksand, state in which saturated sand loses its supporting capacity and acquires the character of a liquid.......
Bay of Quinte, arm of Lake Ontario, southeastern Ontario, Canada, extending for 75 miles (121 km) from its entrance......
Red Sea, narrow strip of water extending southeastward from Suez, Egypt, for about 1,200 miles (1,930 km) to the......
Reichenbach Falls, falls on the Reichenbach (creek) in Bern canton, central Switzerland, one of the highest falls......
Repulse Bay, inlet of the Coral Sea, on the central Queensland coast, northeastern Australia. Oriented northwest-southeast,......