Religious Personages & Scholars, PAL-RAJ
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Religious Personages & Scholars Encyclopedia Articles By Title
William Paley was an English Anglican priest, Utilitarian philosopher, and author of influential works on Christianity,......
Palladius was a Galatian monk, bishop, and chronicler whose Lausiac History, an account of early Egyptian and Middle......
Papias was a bishop of Hierapolis, in Phrygia (now in Turkey), and one of the Apostolic Fathers. His work Explanation......
Paracelsus was a German-Swiss physician and alchemist who established the role of chemistry in medicine. He published......
Paramanuchit was a prince-patriarch of the Siamese Buddhist church who was a prolific writer on patriotic and moralistic......
Paramārtha was an Indian Buddhist missionary and translator whose arrival in China in 546 was important in the......
Matthew Parker was an Anglican archbishop of Canterbury (1559–75) who presided over the Elizabethan religious settlement......
Theodore Parker was an American Unitarian theologian, pastor, scholar, and social reformer who was active in the......
Paschal (I) was an antipope against both the rival antipope Theodore and the legitimate pope St. Sergius I during......
Paschal (III) was an antipope from 1164 to 1168. Against Pope Alexander III, he was one of the original supporters......
Saint Paschasius Radbertus ; feast day April 26) was a French abbot, theologian, and author whose monograph De......
Mary Mills Patrick was an American missionary and educator who oversaw the evolution of a girls’ high school into......
St. Patrick ; feast day March 17) is the patron saint and national apostle of Ireland. He is credited with bringing......
Paul of Samosata was a heretical bishop of Antioch in Syria and proponent of a kind of dynamic Monarchian doctrine......
Saint Paul of The Cross ; canonized 1867; feast day October 19) was the founder of the order of missionary priests......
St. Paul of Thebes ; feast day January 15) was an ascetic who is traditionally regarded as the first Christian......
Paul Of Venice was an Italian Augustinian philosopher and theologian who gained recognition as an educator and......
St. Paul the Apostle was one of the leaders of the first generation of Christians, often considered to be the most......
Saint Paulinus of Nola ; feast day June 22) was the bishop of Nola and one of the most important Christian Latin......
Saint Paulinus ; feast day October 10) was an Italian missionary who converted Northumbria to Christianity, became......
Peter Payne was an English theologian, diplomat, and follower of the early religious Reformer John Wycliffe. He......
Lucy Whitehead McGill Waterbury Peabody was an American missionary who was an influential force in a number of......
Arthur Peacocke was a British theologian, biochemist, and Anglican priest who claimed that science and religion......
Johannes Peder Ejler Pedersen was a Danish Old Testament scholar and Semitic philologist, important for his conception......
Saint Pelagia of Antioch ; feast day June 9) was a 15-year-old Christian virgin who, probably during the persecution......
Pelagius was a monk and theologian whose heterodox theological system known as Pelagianism emphasized the primacy......
George Cardinal Pell was an Australian prelate who served as archbishop of Sydney (2001–14) before being named......
Perpetua was a Christian martyr who wrote The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity, a journal recounting her......
Peter was the Russian Orthodox metropolitan of Kiev and Moscow (1308–26) and the first metropolitan to reside in......
Saint Peter Chrysologus ; feast day July 30) was the archbishop of Ravenna, whose orthodox discourses earned him......
St. Peter Claver ; canonized 1888; feast day September 9) was a Jesuit missionary to South America who, in dedicating......
St. Peter Damian ; feast day February 21) was a cardinal and doctor of the church, an original leader, and a forceful......
Peter Lombard was a 12th-century bishop whose Four Books of Sentences (Sententiarum libri IV) was the standard......
St. Peter Martyr ; canonized 1253; feast day April 29) was an inquisitor, vigorous preacher, and religious founder......
Saint Peter of Alcántara ; canonized 1669; feast day October 19) was a Franciscan mystic who founded an austere......
Peter Of Castelnau was a Cistercian martyr, apostolic legate, and inquisitor against the Albigenses, most particularly......
St. Peter the Apostle was a disciple of Jesus Christ, recognized in the early Christian church as the leader of......
Peter the Hermit was an ascetic and monastic founder, considered one of the most important preachers of the First......
Peter the Venerable was an outstanding French abbot of Cluny whose spiritual, intellectual, and financial reforms......
Laurentius Petri was a Lutheran churchman, a leader of the Protestant Reformation in Sweden and the first Protestant......
Petrus Aureoli was a French churchman, philosopher, and critical thinker, called Doctor facundus (“eloquent teacher”),......
Philaret was a Russian Orthodox biblical theologian and metropolitan, or archbishop, of Moscow whose scholarship,......
Philaret was a Russian Orthodox patriarch of Moscow and father of the first Romanov tsar. During the reign (1584–98)......
Philip was an antipope in July 768. Temporal rulers coveted the papal throne following the death of Pope St. Paul......
Saint Philip the Apostle ; Western feast day May 3, Eastern feast day November 14) was one of the Twelve Apostles.......
Saint Philip the Evangelist ; feast day June 6) was, in the early Christian church, one of the seven deacons appointed......
John Philip was a Scottish missionary in Southern Africa who championed the rights of the Africans against the......
Henry Phillpotts was a Church of England bishop of Exeter (from 1830), who represented the conservative High Church......
Philo Judaeus was a Greek-speaking Jewish philosopher, the most important representative of Hellenistic Judaism.......
John Philoponus was a Christian philosopher, theologian, and literary scholar whose writings expressed an independent......
Philostorgius was a Byzantine historian, partisan of Arianism, a Christian heresy asserting the inferiority of......
Philotheus Kokkinos was a theologian, monk, and patriarch of Constantinople, a leader of the Byzantine monastic......
Philoxenus of Mabbug was a Syrian bishop, theologian, and classical author. He was a leader of the Jacobite miaphysite......
Saint Photius ; feast day February 6) was the patriarch of Constantinople (858–867 and 877–886), defender of the......
Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, count di Concordia was an Italian scholar and Platonist philosopher whose De hominis......
Pimen was the 14th Russian Orthodox patriarch of Moscow and of all Russia. He served as spiritual leader of his......
Padre Pio ; canonized June 16, 2002; feast day September 23) was an Italian priest and saint of the Roman Catholic......
St. Pius I ; feast day July 11) was the Latin pope from approximately 142 to about 155. Pius was formerly enslaved,......
Maximus Planudes was a Greek Orthodox humanities scholar, anthologist, and theological polemicist in the controversy......
Saint Oliver Plunket ; canonized 1975; feast day July 11) was the Roman Catholic primate of all Ireland and the......
John Bede Polding was the first Roman Catholic bishop in Australia (from 1835), where eight years later he became......
Reginald Pole was an English prelate who broke with King Henry VIII over Henry’s antipapal policies and later became......
John Polkinghorne was an English physicist and priest who publicly championed the reconciliation of science and......
St. Polycarp ; feast day February 23) was a Greek bishop of Smyrna and Apostolic Father who was the leading 2nd-century......
Pedro Ponce de León was a Spanish Benedictine monk believed to have been the first person to develop a method for......
Saint Pontian ; feast day August 13) was the pope from 230 to 235 who summoned the Roman synod that confirmed the......
St. Martín de Porres ; canonized 1962; feast day November 3) was a Peruvian friar noted for his kindness, his nursing......
Chaim Potok was an American rabbi and author whose novels introduced to American fiction the spiritual and cultural......
Vavasor Powell was a Welsh preacher and Fifth Monarchist during the English Civil Wars and Commonwealth. Educated......
Sister Helen Prejean is an American nun, who was a leader in the movement to abolish the death penalty. Prejean......
Sally J. Priesand is an American rabbi who on June 3, 1972, became the first woman in the United States to be so......
Joseph Priestley was an English clergyman, political theorist, and physical scientist whose work contributed to......
Priscillian was an early Christian bishop who was the first heretic to receive capital punishment. A rigorous ascetic,......
Miguel Pro Juárez was a Mexican Jesuit priest martyred during anti-Roman Catholic persecutions of the 1920s in......
Proclus was the last major ancient Greek philosopher. He was influential in helping Neoplatonic ideas to spread......
Feofan Prokopovich was a Russian Orthodox theologian and archbishop of Pskov, who by his administration, oratory,......
Saint Prosper of Aquitaine ; feast day July 7) was an early Christian polemicist famous for his defense of Augustine......
Joseph Proud was an English Swedenborgian minister and hymn writer who possessed considerable gifts as a preacher.......
Samuel Provoost was a North American colonial and later U.S. clergyman, the first Protestant Episcopal bishop of......
Prudentius was a Christian Latin poet whose Psychomachia (“The Contest of the Soul”), the first completely allegorical......
Jacob Isaac ben Asher Przysucha was a Jewish Ḥasidic leader who sought to turn Polish Ḥasidism away from its reliance......
Michael Psellus was a Byzantine philosopher, theologian, and statesman whose advocacy of Platonic philosophy as......
Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite was probably a Syrian monk who, known only by his pseudonym, wrote a series of......
E.B. Pusey was an English Anglican theologian, scholar, and a leader of the Oxford movement, which sought to revive......
Robert D. Putnam is an American political scientist and educator best known for his study of social capital. Just......
Pedro Páez was a learned Jesuit priest who, in the tradition of Frumentius—founder of the Ethiopian church—went......
St. Quadratus ; feast day May 26) was the earliest known Apologist for Christianity. With only a fragment of his......
Pasquier Quesnel was a controversial French theologian who led the Jansenists (followers of Bishop Cornelius Jansen’s......
Edgar Quinet was a French poet, historian, and political philosopher who made a significant contribution to the......
Vasco de Quiroga was a Spanish bishop, social reformer, and humanist educator who founded the Colegio de San Nicolás......
Rabanus Maurus was an archbishop, Benedictine abbot, theologian, and scholar whose work so contributed to the development......
Rabbula was a reforming bishop of Edessa and theologian who was a leading figure in the Christian church in Syria.......
Rachel, in Genesis, the first book of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), one of the two wives of the patriarch Jacob.......
St. Radegunda ; feast day August 13) was the queen of the Merovingian king Chlotar I, who left her husband to become......
Florentius Radewyns was a Dutch Roman Catholic theologian, successor to Geert Groote as leader of the Brethren......
Karl Rahner was a German Jesuit priest who is widely considered to have been one of the foremost Roman Catholic......
Don Raimundo was an archbishop and leading prelate of the 12th-century Spanish Christian church, whose patronage......
Rainald Of Dassel was a German statesman, chancellor of the Holy Roman Empire, and archbishop of Cologne, the chief......
Ebrahim Raisi was president of Iran (2021–24) before his sudden death in a helicopter crash. The unpopular prosecutor—called......
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh was an Indian spiritual leader who preached an eclectic doctrine of Eastern mysticism, individual......