Religious Personages & Scholars, DAM-EPH
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Religious Personages & Scholars Encyclopedia Articles By Title
St. Damien of Molokai ; canonized October 11, 2009; feast day May 10) was a Belgian priest who devoted his life......
Frei Damião was an Italian-born Brazilian Roman Catholic monk. He became a Capuchin friar at age 16 and later studied......
ad-Damīrī was a Muslim theologian, best known for his encyclopaedia of animals. A student of some of the leading......
Daochuo was a Chinese Buddhist monk and advocate of the Pure Land doctrine. His predecessor Tanluan had preached......
Muḥammad ibn Ismāʿīl ad-Darazī was a propagandist for the Ismāʿīlī sect of Islam and the man for whom the religion......
St. David ; feast day March 1) was a 6th-century bishop who is revered as the patron saint of Wales. Little is......
Randall Thomas Davidson, Baron Davidson , Baron Davidson, was an Anglican archbishop of Canterbury who was prominent......
Samuel Davies was a Presbyterian preacher in the American colonies who defended religious dissent and helped lead......
Deborah, prophet and heroine in the Old Testament (Judg. 4 and 5), who inspired the Israelites to a mighty victory......
Decius was a Roman emperor (249–251) who fought the Gothic invasion of Moesia and instituted the first organized......
John Dee was an English mathematician, natural philosopher, and student of the occult. Dee entered St. John’s College,......
Léon-Gustave Dehon was a French Roman Catholic priest who founded the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred......
Delilah, in the Old Testament, the central figure of Samson’s last love story (Judges 16). She was a Philistine......
Elijah Delmedigo was a Jewish philosopher known for his Beḥinat ha-dat (“Investigation of Religion”), in which......
Sister Mary Joseph Dempsey was an American nurse and hospital administrator, remembered for her exceptional medical......
Hans Denck was a German theologian and Reformer who opposed Lutheranism in favour of Anabaptism, the Reformation......
St. Denis ; feast day: Western church, October 9; Eastern church, October 3) was allegedly the first bishop of......
Robert Desgabets was a French Benedictine monk, writer, philosopher, and scientist who applied the ideas and methods......
Devadatta was a Buddhist monk who sought to reform the sangha (monastic community) by imposing upon it a stricter......
Diadochus Of Photice was a theologian, mystic, and bishop of Photice, Epirus, who was a staunch defender of orthodox......
Jonathan Dickinson was a prominent Presbyterian clergyman of the American colonial period and the first president......
Didymus The Blind was an Eastern church theologian who headed the influential catechetical school of Alexandria.......
Dimitrios was the 269th ecumenical patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox church. After studying at the French lycée......
Dinah, in the Old Testament (Genesis 30:21; 34; 46:15), daughter of Jacob by Leah; Dinah was abducted and raped......
Diocletian was a Roman emperor (284–305 ce) who restored efficient government to the empire after the near anarchy......
Dionysius Exiguus was a celebrated 6th-century canonist who is considered the inventor of the Christian calendar,......
St. Dionysius of Alexandria ; feast day November 17) was the bishop of Alexandria, then the most important Eastern......
Dionysius Telmaharensis was a patriarch of the Syrian Jacobite church and author of an important source document......
Dionysius The Areopagite was a biblical figure, converted by St. Paul at Athens (Acts 17:34), who acquired a notable......
Dionysius the Carthusian was a theologian and mystic, one of the important contributors to, and propagators of,......
St. Dionysius ; feast day December 6) was the pope from 259/260 to December 26, 268. While a presbyter during the......
Dioscorus was a Christian patriarch of Alexandria and eastern prelate who was deposed and excommunicated by the......
Dioscorus was a pope, or antipope, for 23 days in 530. A deacon in the Alexandrian Church, he clashed with the......
Father Divine was a prominent African American religious leader of the 1930s. The Depression-era movement he founded,......
Dmitry Ivanovich was the youngest son of Ivan IV (the Terrible), whose death cast suspicion on imperial adviser......
Patrick Dodson is an Australian activist and politician who became one of Australia’s most influential Indigenous......
St. Dominic ; canonized July 3, 1234; feast day August 8) was the founder of the Order of Friars Preachers (Dominicans),......
Isaak August Dorner was a German Protestant theologian who sought to interpret Kantian and post-Kantian thought......
Dosítheos was the patriarch of Jerusalem, an important church politician and theologian of the Greek church who......
John Alexander Dowie was a U.S. evangelist and faith healer who founded the Christian Catholic Church and the City......
Eugen Drewermann is a German theologian, psychotherapist, and Roman Catholic priest whose innovations in points......
St. Katharine Drexel ; feast day [U.S.] March 3) was the American founder of the Blessed Sacrament Sisters for......
Charles Du Bos was a French critic of French and English literature whose writings on William Shakespeare, Percy......
Jean-Antoine Dubois was a French educator, abbot, and priest who attempted to convert the Hindus of India to Roman......
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne ; canonized July 3, 1988; feast day November 18) was a missionary who founded the......
Alexander Duff was the Church of Scotland’s first missionary to India, highly influential on later missionary endeavours......
Robert Duncan is an American Anglican clergyman who was the first archbishop and primate of the Anglican Church......
Blessed John Duns Scotus ; beatified March 20, 1993) was an influential Franciscan realist philosopher and Scholastic......
Saint Dunstan of Canterbury ; feast day May 19) was an English abbot, celebrated archbishop of Canterbury, and......
Félix-Antoine-Philibert Dupanloup was a Roman Catholic bishop of Orléans who was a clerical spokesman for the liberal......
Jacques Davy Duperron was a French cardinal, remembered especially for his part in the conversion of King Henry......
Antoine Duprat was the chancellor of France and cardinal known for his service as one of Francis I’s most trusted......
Simeon ben Zemah Duran was the first Spanish Jewish rabbi to be paid a regular salary by the community and author......
Guillaume Durand was a French prelate who was a renowned canonist and medieval liturgist. After receiving a doctorate......
Durandus of Saint-Pourçain was a French bishop, theologian, and philosopher known primarily for his opposition......
Émile Durkheim was a French social scientist who developed a vigorous methodology combining empirical research......
Jean Duvergier de Hauranne, abbé de Saint-Cyran was a French abbot of Saint-Cyran and a founder of the Jansenist......
Timothy Dwight was an American educator, theologian, and poet who had a strong instructive influence during his......
Mary Dyer was a British-born religious figure whose martyrdom to her Quaker faith helped relieve the persecution......
Ferenc Dávid was a Unitarian preacher, writer, and theologian influential in promoting religious toleration and......
Johann Joseph Ignaz von Döllinger was a German historical scholar and a prominent Roman Catholic theologian who......
Dōgen was a leading Japanese Buddhist during the Kamakura period (1192–1333), who introduced Zen to Japan in the......
Dōkyō was a Japanese Buddhist priest who attempted to usurp the Japanese imperial throne. In 761 Dōkyō won the......
Dōshō was a Japanese priest who helped introduce Buddhism into his country. Dōshō served as a temple priest at......
Ealdred was an Anglo-Saxon archbishop of York from 1061, who played an important part in secular politics at the......
John Earle was an Anglican clergyman, best known as the author of Micro-cosmographie. Or, A Peece of the World......
Ebbo of Reims was an archbishop whose pioneering missions to the North helped prepare the ground for the Christianization......
Johann Eck was a German theologian who was Martin Luther’s principal Roman Catholic opponent. Early in his career......
Meister Eckhart was a Dominican theologian and writer who was the greatest German speculative mystic. In the transcripts......
St. Edmund of Abingdon ; feast day November 16) was a distinguished scholar and outspoken archbishop of Canterbury,......
Alfred George Edwards was the first archbishop of Wales, who sought successfully to create a native church more......
Jonathan Edwards was the greatest theologian and philosopher of British American Puritanism, stimulator of the......
Ehud, in the Old Testament (Judges 3:12–4:1), son of Gera, the Benjaminite, Israelite hero who delivered Israel......
Johann Gottfried Eichhorn was a German biblical scholar and orientalist who taught at Jena and Göttingen. He was......
Walther Eichrodt was a German scholar who showed the importance to biblical studies of an understanding of the......
Eleazar ben Azariah was a Jewish rabbinic scholar, one of the Palestinian tannaim (those who compiled the Jewish......
Eleazar ben Judah Of Worms was a Jewish rabbi, mystic, Talmudist, and codifier. Along with the Sefer Ḥasidim (1538;......
St. Eleutherius ; feast day May 26) was the pope from about 175 to 189. During his pontificate the church was involved......
Mircea Eliade was a historian of religions, phenomenologist of religion, and author of novels, novellas, and short......
Elias Of Cortona was a disciple of St. Francis of Assisi and a leading figure in the early history of the Franciscan......
Elihu, in the Hebrew Bible, a comforter of Job, the biblical prototype of undeserved suffering. Because Elihu’s......
Elijah was a Hebrew prophet who ranks with Moses in saving the religion of Yahweh from being corrupted by the nature......
Elijah ben Solomon was the gaon (“excellency”) of Vilna and the outstanding authority in Jewish religious and cultural......
John Eliot was a Puritan missionary to the Native Americans of Massachusetts Bay Colony whose translation of the......
Eliphaz The Temanite, in the Old Testament Book of Job (chapters 4, 5, 15, 22), one of three friends who sought......
Elisha, in the Old Testament, Israelite prophet, the pupil of Elijah, and also his successor (c. 851 bc). He instigated......
Elisha ben Abuyah was a Jewish scholar who renounced his faith and who came to be regarded in later ages as a prototype......
Ignacio Ellacuría was a Spanish-born El Salvadoran Jesuit priest, academic, philosopher, theologian, and human......
Jacques Ellul was a French political and social scientist, Protestant theologian, and philosopher of technology,......
William Elphinstone was a Scottish bishop and statesman, and the founder of the University of Aberdeen. Elphinstone......
Philip Embury was an Irish-American preacher and one of the founders of Methodism in the United States. Converted......
Jacob Israel Emden was a rabbi and Talmudic scholar primarily known for his lengthy quarrel with Rabbi Jonathan......
Thomas Emlyn was an English Presbyterian minister and writer who first publicly adopted the name Unitarian to designate......
Blessed Anna Katharina Emmerick ; beatified October 3, 2004) was a German nun and mystic whose visions were recorded......
Hieronymus Emser was a German theologian, lecturer, editor, and polemicist who is remembered chiefly for his long......
Witch of Endor, in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament; 1 Samuel 28:3–25), a female sorcerer who was visited by Saul,......
John England was an Irish-born American Roman Catholic prelate who became the first bishop of Charleston and who......
Ennin was a Buddhist priest of the early Heian period, founder of the Sammon branch of the Tendai sect, who brought......
Magnus Felix Ennodius was a Latin poet, prose writer, rhetorician, and bishop, some of whose prose works are valuable......
Saint Ephraem Syrus ; Western feast day June 9, Eastern feast day January 28) was a Christian theologian, poet,......