Wars, Battles & Armed Conflicts, TRE-Ṣāʿ

Wars, battles, and other domestic or international conflicts, whether armed or diplomatic, are often the outcome of a dispute over natural resources or a struggle for power, influence, and wealth. Major conflicts between nations, peoples, and political groups can end up shifting the cultural and political geography of the world and can also effect change, whether intentional or not, in societal values and the balance of power.
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Wars, Battles & Armed Conflicts Encyclopedia Articles By Title

trench warfare
trench warfare, warfare in which opposing armed forces attack, counterattack, and defend from relatively permanent......
Trenton and Princeton, Battles of
Battles of Trenton and Princeton, (1776–77), in the American Revolution, a series of engagements won by the Continental......
Trincomalee, Battle of
Battle of Trincomalee, savage naval battle that occurred on September 3, 1782, during the Anglo-French War (1778–83).......
Triple Alliance, War of the
War of the Triple Alliance, (1864/65–70), the bloodiest conflict in Latin American history, fought between Paraguay......
Tripoli Harbor, Second Battle of
Second Battle of Tripoli Harbor, U.S. blockade and attack on Tripoli, Libya, on August 3, 1804, as part of the......
Trojan War
Trojan War, legendary conflict between the early Greeks and the people of Troy in western Anatolia, dated by later......
Troppau, Congress of
Congress of Troppau, (October–December 1820), meeting of the Holy Alliance powers, held at Troppau in Silesia (modern......
Troubles, Time of
Time of Troubles, period of political crisis in Russia that followed the demise of the Rurik dynasty (1598) and......
Tsushima, Battle of
Battle of Tsushima, (May 27–29, 1905), naval engagement of the Russo-Japanese War, the final, crushing defeat of......
Tukaroi, Battle of
Battle of Tukaroi, (March 3, 1575), conflict between the forces of the Indian Mughal emperor Akbar under Munʿīm......
Tupamaro, Uruguayan leftist urban guerrilla organization founded in about 1963. The group was named for Túpac Amaru......
Turnus, legendary warrior and leader of the Rutuli people, best known from his appearance in the second half of......
two-theatre war
two-theatre war, a defense-planning model used to estimate the size and composition of U.S. forces necessary for......
U.S. invasion of Grenada
U.S. invasion of Grenada, (October 25, 1983), U.S.-led invasion of the Caribbean country of Grenada to overthrow......
Ugra, Battle of the
Battle of the Ugra, (1480), bloodless confrontation between the armies of Muscovy and the Golden Horde, traditionally......
Ulm, Battle of
Battle of Ulm, (Sept. 25–Oct. 20, 1805), major strategic triumph of Napoleon, conducted by his Grand Army of about......
UNITA, Angolan political party that was originally founded to free the nation from Portuguese colonial rule. UNITA......
United States Navy
United States Navy (USN), major branch of the United States armed forces charged with the defense of the country......
urban revolution
urban revolution, in anthropology and archaeology, the processes by which agricultural village societies developed......
USS Liberty incident
USS Liberty incident, attack on the USS Liberty, a United States Navy signals intelligence ship, by the Israel......
Valencia, Conquest of
The Spanish nobleman Rodrigo Díaz, commonly known as El Cid(from the Arabic al-sayyid, “the lord”), was a mercenary......
Valmy, Battle of
Although little more than a skirmish that occurred on September 20, 1792, during the French Revolutionary Wars,......
Varna, Battle of
Battle of Varna, Turkish victory over a largely Hungarian force on November 10, 1444, in what is now Bulgaria,......
Vendée, Wars of the
Wars of the Vendée, (1793–96), counterrevolutionary insurrections in the west of France during the French Revolution.......
Verdun, Battle of
Battle of Verdun, (February 21–December 18, 1916), World War I engagement in which the French repulsed a major......
Vicksburg Campaign
Vicksburg Campaign, (1862–63), in the American Civil War, the campaign by Union forces to take the Confederate......
Vienna, Siege of
In 1529 the Ottoman Empire made a determined effort to capture Vienna, the capital of the Habsburg Austrian Empire.......
Vienna, Siege of
Siege of Vienna, (July 17–September 12, 1683), expedition by the Ottomans against the Habsburg Holy Roman emperor......
Viet Cong
Viet Cong (VC), the guerrilla force that, with the support of the North Vietnamese Army, fought against South Vietnam......
Vietnam War POWs and MIAs
On January 27, 1973, the Paris Peace Accords were signed, officially bringing to an end the American war in Vietnam.......
visit and search
visit and search, procedure adopted by a belligerent warship to ascertain whether a merchant vessel is liable to......
Vitoria, Battle of
Battle of Vitoria, (June 21, 1813), decisive battle of the Peninsular War that finally broke Napoleon’s power in......
Vittorio Veneto, Battle of
Battle of Vittorio Veneto, decisive Italian victory and the final offensive launched on the Italian Front during......
Vorskla River, Battle of the
Battle of the Vorskla River, (Aug. 12, 1399), major victory of the Golden Horde (the westernmost division of the......
Waco siege
Waco siege, a 51-day standoff between Branch Davidians and federal agents that ended on April 19, 1993, when the......
Wagram, Battle of
Battle of Wagram, (July 5–6, 1809), victory for Napoleon, which forced Austria to sign an armistice and led eventually......
Wake Island, Battle of
Battle of Wake Island, (December 8–23, 1941), during World War II, battle for Wake Island, an atoll consisting......
Wandiwash, Battle of
Battle of Wandiwash, (Jan. 22, 1760), in the history of India, a confrontation between the French, under the comte......
war finance
war finance, fiscal and monetary methods that are used in meeting the costs of war, including taxation, compulsory......
War of Attrition
War of Attrition, inconclusive war (1969–70) chiefly between Egypt and Israel. The conflict, launched by Egypt,......
War Powers Act
War Powers Act, law passed by the U.S. Congress on November 7, 1973, over the veto of Pres. Richard Nixon. The......
War Resisters’ International
War Resisters’ International (WRI), an international secular pacifist organization with headquarters in London......
war, law of
law of war, that part of international law dealing with the inception, conduct, and termination of warfare. Its......
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, resistance by Polish Jews under Nazi occupation in 1943 to the deportations from Warsaw......
Warsaw Uprising
Warsaw Uprising, (August-October 1944), insurrection in Warsaw during World War II by which Poles unsuccessfully......
Warsaw, Battle of
Sweden invaded Poland-Lithuania in 1655, starting the First Northern War that would last until 1660. The Swedish......
Warsaw, Battle of
Battle of Warsaw, Polish victory on August 12–25, 1920, during the Russo-Polish War (1919–20). Polish forces won......
Washington Conference
Washington Conference, (1921–22), international conference called by the United States to limit the naval arms......
Water Witch incident
Water Witch incident, (1855), brief military skirmish near the Paraguayan Ft. Itapirú, involving the USS “Water......
Waterloo, Battle of
Battle of Waterloo, (June 18, 1815), Napoleon’s final defeat, ending 23 years of recurrent warfare between France......
Watling Street, Battle of
Battle of Watling Street, battle fought between Britons and Romans in 61 CE about 25 miles west of modern metropolitan......
Wesselényi Conspiracy
Wesselényi Conspiracy, (c. 1664–71), group of Hungarians, organized by Ferenc Wesselényi, that unsuccessfully plotted......
Whiskey Rebellion
Whiskey Rebellion, (1794), in American history, uprising that afforded the new U.S. government its first opportunity......
White Lotus Rebellion
White Lotus Rebellion, (1796–1804), large-scale uprising in the mountainous regions of central China that contributed......
White Mountain, Battle of
Battle of White Mountain, (Nov. 8, 1620), battle fought near Prague in Bohemia. The battle marked the first major......
White Plains, Battle of
Battle of White Plains, (Oct. 28, 1776), in the U.S. War of Independence, indecisive action forcing American withdrawal,......
Wilderness, Battle of the
Battle of the Wilderness, battle in the American Civil War fought in northern Virginia on May 5–7, 1864, the first......
Wilmington coup and massacre
Wilmington coup and massacre, political coup and massacre in which the multiracial Fusionist (Republican and Populist)......
Wilson’s Creek, Battle of
Battle of Wilson’s Creek, (Aug. 10, 1861), in the American Civil War, successful Southern engagement fought between......
Wittstock, Battle of
Battle of Wittstock, (Oct. 4, 1636), military engagement of the Thirty Years’ War, the greatest victory of the......
Women in Black
Women in Black, international network of women who organize silent protests for peace and in opposition to war,......
Worcester, Battle of
The English Civil Wars—the long-drawn-out conflict between Royalists and their opponents across the British Isles,......
World War II: The horror of war in pictures
The deadliest and most destructive war in human history claimed between 40 and 50 million lives, displaced tens......
Yalu River, Battle of the
Battle of the Yalu River, large naval engagement and decisive Japanese victory in the Yellow Sea on September 17,......
Yamasee War
Yamasee War, (1715–16), in British-American colonial history, conflict between Indigenous Americans, mainly Yamasee,......
Yangzhou Massacre
The Fall of Beijing in 1644 was followed by years of costly warfare, as the newly victorious Manchu fought to extend......
Yarmouk, Battle of
After a devastating blow to the Sassanid Persians at Firaz, Muslim Arab forces under the command of Khalid ibn......
Yellow Sea, Battle of the
Battle of the Yellow Sea, naval engagement of the Russo-Japanese War on August 10, 1904. In August 1904, Russian......
Yemen Uprising of 2011–12
In early 2011 a wave of pro-democracy protests swept the Middle East and North Africa, unseating leaders in Tunisia......
Yeosu-Suncheon Rebellion
Yeosu-Suncheon Rebellion, (1948) left-wing military and civilian protest against the nascent South Korean government......
Yom Kippur War
Yom Kippur War, fourth of the Arab-Israeli wars, which was initiated by Egypt and Syria on October 6, 1973, on......
Yorktown, Siege of
Siege of Yorktown, (September 28–October 19, 1781), joint Franco-American land and sea campaign that entrapped......
Young Turk Revolution
Young Turk Revolution, (July 3–23, 1908), revolt against the autocracy of the Ottoman sultan Abdülhamid II inspired......
Ypres, First Battle of
First Battle of Ypres, (October 19–November 22, 1914), first of three costly World War I battles centred on the......
Ypres, Second Battle of
Second Battle of Ypres, (April 22–May 25, 1915), second of three costly battles in World War I at Ypres (now Ieper),......
Zama, Battle of
Battle of Zama, (202 bce), victory of the Romans led by Scipio Africanus the Elder over the Carthaginians commanded......
Zanj rebellion
Zanj rebellion, (ad 869–883), a black-slave revolt against the ʿAbbāsid caliphal empire. A number of Basran landowners......
Zapatista National Liberation Army
Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN), guerrilla group in Mexico, founded in the late 20th century and named......
Zara, Siege of
Siege of Zara, (1202), a major episode of the Fourth Crusade; the first attack on a Christian city by a crusading......
Zebrzydowski Rebellion
Zebrzydowski Rebellion, (1606–07), armed uprising of Polish nobles led by Mikołaj Zebrzydowski against their king......
Zeebrugge Raid
Zeebrugge Raid, naval engagement between British and German forces on April 22–23, 1918, during World War I. Desperate......
Zemlya i Volya
Zemlya i Volya, first Russian political party to openly advocate a policy of revolution; it had been preceded only......
Zenta, Battle of
Battle of Zenta, (September 11, 1697), decisive military victory of Austrian forces over an Ottoman army at Zenta......
Zuiderzee, Battle on the
Battle on the Zuiderzee, sea battle fought on the Zuiderzee, an inland sea in the northern Netherlands, on October......
Çeşme, Battle of
Battle of Çeşme, (July 6–7, 1770), naval clash in which a Russian fleet defeated and destroyed the Ottoman fleet......
Ōnin War
The Ōnin War was fought between the families of two samurais who were close to the Ashikaga Shogun of Japan. By......
ʿAyn Jālūt, Battle of
Battle of ʿAyn Jālūt, decisive victory of the Mamluks of Egypt over the invading Mongols on September 3, 1260,......
Ḥaṭṭīn, Battle of
Battle of Ḥaṭṭīn, (July 4, 1187), battle in northern Palestine that marked the defeat and annihilation of the Christian......
Ṣiffīn, Battle of
Battle of Ṣiffīn, (May–July 657 ce), series of negotiations and skirmishes during the first Muslim civil war (fitnah;......
Ṣāʿiqah, al-
al-Ṣāʿiqah, Syrian guerrilla force sponsored by the Syrian government with the purpose of promoting the interests......

Wars, Battles & Armed Conflicts Encyclopedia Articles By Title