PEOPLE KNOWN FOR: agriculture

48 Biographies
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Justus von Liebig
German chemist
Justus, baron von Liebig was a German chemist who made significant contributions to the analysis of organic compounds, the organization of laboratory-based chemistry education, and the application of chemistry...
Sir Humphry Davy
British chemist
Sir Humphry Davy was an English chemist who discovered several chemical elements (including sodium and potassium) and compounds, invented the miner’s safety lamp, and became one of the greatest exponents...
Songhai ruler
Muḥammad I Askia was a West African statesman and military leader who usurped the throne of the Songhai empire (1493) and, in a series of conquests, greatly expanded the empire and strengthened it. He...
George Washington Carver
American agricultural chemist
George Washington Carver was a revolutionary American agricultural chemist, agronomist, and experimenter who was born into slavery and sought to uplift Black farmers through the development of new products...
Pierre-Eugène-Marcellin Berthelot, engraving by Philippe-Auguste Cattelain.
French chemist
Pierre-Eugène-Marcellin Berthelot was a French organic and physical chemist, science historian, and government official. His creative thought and work significantly influenced the development of chemistry...
English writer
Arthur Young was a prolific English writer on agriculture, politics, and economics. Besides his books on agricultural subjects, he was the author of the famous Travels in France (or Travels During the...
Henry A. Wallace
33rd vice president of the United States
Henry A. Wallace was the 33rd vice president of the United States (1941–45) in the Democratic administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt. He epitomized the “common man” philosophy of the New Deal Democratic...
American farmer and writer
David Dickson was an American farmer, enslaver, and writer on Southern agriculture. A prosperous cotton farmer both before and after the American Civil War, he became known throughout his home state for...
François-Alexandre-Frédéric, duc de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt
French educator
François-Alexandre-Frédéric, duc de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt was an educator and social reformer who founded the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers at Châlons and whose model farm at Liancourt...
Cesar Chavez
American labor leader
Cesar Chavez was an organizer of migrant American farmworkers and a cofounder with Dolores Huerta of the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA) in 1962. Chavez, who was a farm labourer himself, grew...
Ruffin, Edmund
American scientist
Edmund Ruffin was known as the father of soil chemistry in the United States, who showed how to restore fertility to depleted Southeast plantations. He was also a leading secessionist for decades prior...
Ben Tillman
American politician
Ben Tillman was an outspoken U.S. populist politician who championed agrarian reform and white supremacy. Tillman served as governor of South Carolina (1890–94) and was a member of the U.S. Senate (1895–1918)....
Brain Trust: Rexford G. Tugwell
American economist
Rexford Guy Tugwell was an American economist, one of the three members of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s so-called Brain (or Brains) Trust. Tugwell attended the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton...
Israeli politician
Pinhas Lavon was an Israeli politician who held a number of government posts and was accused in 1954 of involvement in a plot to discredit Egypt by secretly attacking U.S. facilities in that country. Although...
Plunkett, Sir Horace Curzon
British agriculturalist
Sir Horace Curzon Plunkett was a pioneer of Irish agricultural cooperation who strongly influenced the rise of the agricultural cooperative movement in Great Britain and the Commonwealth. Plunkett, whose...
John Deere
American manufacturer
John Deere was a pioneer American inventor and manufacturer of agricultural implements. Apprenticed to a blacksmith at age 17, Deere set up his own smithy trade four years later and, for 12 years, did...
American farm organizer
Mary Anne Bryant Mayo was an American farm organizer, noted for her efforts toward farm-community improvement as part of the Granger movement in the United States. Mary Anne Bryant became a district school...
American entrepreneur
Samuel Zemurray was the longtime president and financial director of United Fruit Company (name changed to United Brands Company in 1970), a preeminent developer of agriculture in 13 nations of the American...
English educator
Samuel Hartlib was an English educational and agricultural reformer and a tireless advocate of universal education. After attending the University of Cambridge, Hartlib settled in England (1628) and associated...
Jethro Tull, detail of an oil painting by an unknown artist; in the collection of the Royal Society for Agriculture, London
British agronomist and inventor
Jethro Tull was an English agronomist, agriculturist, writer, and inventor whose ideas helped form the basis of modern British agriculture. Tull trained for the bar, to which he was called in 1699. But...
Robert Bakewell.
British agriculturalist
Robert Bakewell was an agriculturist who revolutionized sheep and cattle breeding in England by methodical selection, inbreeding, and culling. Bakewell made his farm famous as a model of scientific management,...
British politician
Jesse Collings was a British politician, educational and agrarian reformer whose land policy was summarized in the slogan “three acres and a cow.” A partner in a Birmingham mercantile firm (1864–79), Collings...
American agriculturalist
David Lubin was a Polish-born American merchant and agricultural reformer whose activities led to the founding (1905) of the International Institute of Agriculture as a world clearinghouse for data on...
Spanish horticulturalist
Francisco de Paula Marín was a horticultural experimenter who introduced numerous plant species to the Hawaiian Islands. Marín acquired his horticultural knowledge as a youth working in the Andalusian...
American agriculturalist
Seaman Asahel Knapp was an American agriculturist who originated the method in which an expert demonstrates, farm by farm, new agricultural discoveries and technologies. Knapp graduated (1856) from Union...
Ninomiya Sontoku
Japanese religious reformer
Ninomiya Sontoku was a Japanese agrarian reformer who helped improve agricultural techniques and whose writings exalting rural life earned him the affectionate title of the “Peasant Sage of Japan.” Born...
king of Portugal
Dinis was the sixth king of Portugal (1279–1325), who strengthened the kingdom by improving the economy and reducing the power of the nobility and the church. The son of Afonso III, Dinis was educated...
Lewis Ralph Jones, c. 1940
American botanist
Lewis Ralph Jones was a U.S. botanist and agricultural biologist, one of the first and most distinguished of American plant pathologists. Jones studied botany at the University of Michigan (Ph.D., 1889)...
English agriculturalist
Sir George Stapledon was a British agriculturalist and pioneer in the development of grassland science. Stapledon graduated in 1904 from the University of Cambridge and returned there in 1906 to begin...
Arch, Joseph
British labor leader
Joseph Arch was an organizer who became the leader of England’s agricultural labourers. The son and grandson of farm labourers, Arch used his training as a Primitive Methodist preacher to good effect in...
David Fairchild
American botanist
David Fairchild was an American botanist and agricultural explorer who supervised the introduction of many useful plants into the United States. Fairchild is specifically credited with the introduction...
“Father of the green revolution” in India
Indian scientist
M.S. Swaminathan was an Indian geneticist and agricultural scientist who spearheaded India’s agricultural transformation. Known as the “father of the green revolution” in India, he collaborated with American...
American manufacturer
William Deering was an American businessman and philanthropist whose company was at one time the largest agricultural-implement manufacturer in the world. Deering helped manage his family’s woolen mill...
Boussingault, Jean-Baptiste
French chemist
Jean-Baptiste Boussingault was a French agricultural chemist who helped identify the basic scheme of the biological nitrogen cycle when he demonstrated that plants do not absorb the element from air but...
American agriculturalist
John Lorain was an American farmer, merchant, agricultural writer, and the first person to create a hybrid by combining two types of corn. His experiments anticipated the methods employed in the century...
Dutch businessman
Jacobus Nienhuys was a Dutch businessman and planter who was responsible for establishing the tobacco industry in Sumatra (now part of Indonesia). Nienhuys went to Sumatra in 1863 in hopes of purchasing...
American naturalist and minister
John Bachman was a naturalist and Lutheran minister who helped write the text of works on North American birds and mammals by renowned naturalist and artist John James Audubon. Ordained in 1814, Bachman...
Harry Ferguson
Irish industrialist
Harry George Ferguson was a British industrialist who designed and manufactured agricultural machines, notably the Ferguson tractor. Ferguson began in 1900 to sell and repair automobiles and motorcycles,...
Stephen Moulton Babcock
American chemist
Stephen Moulton Babcock was an agricultural research chemist, often called the father of scientific dairying chiefly because of his development of the Babcock test, a simple method of measuring the butterfat...
German engineer and inventor
Max Eyth was an engineer, inventor, and a pioneer in the mechanization of agriculture. His expert knowledge of machinery and wide travels on behalf of the steam-traction engineer John Fowler furthered...
John Macarthur.
Australian agriculturalist
John Macarthur was an agriculturist and promoter who helped found the Australian wool industry, which became the world’s largest. In 1789 Macarthur went to Australia as a lieutenant in the New South Wales...
Norman Borlaug
American scientist
Norman Ernest Borlaug was an American agricultural scientist and plant pathologist, and winner of the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1970. Known as the “Father of the Green Revolution,” Borlaug helped lay the...
Russian author and philosopher
Aaron David Gordon was a Zionist writer and philosopher who inculcated the idea of a return of Jews to Palestine as agriculturists. After working for some 20 years as a minor official for the estate of...
American plant pathologist
Elvin Charles Stakman was a pioneering American plant pathologist and educator who established the methods for identifying and combatting diseases of wheat and other important food crops. Stakman received...
Romanian statesman
Ion Mihalache was a Romanian statesman and popular political leader and founder of the Peasant Party. In 1918 Mihalache formed the Peasant Party of the old Regat (Moldavia and Walachia); the party had...
Swedish politician
Gunnar Georg Emanuel Strang was a Swedish politician who was finance minister (1955–76) in a succession of Social Democratic cabinets and one of the architects of Sweden’s national social-welfare system....
Liberty Hyde Bailey
American botanist
Liberty Hyde Bailey was a botanist whose systematic study of cultivated plants transformed U.S. horticulture from a craft to an applied science and had a direct influence on the development of genetics,...
Clark, William Smith
American educator
William Smith Clark was an American educator and agricultural expert who helped organize Sapporo Agricultural School, later Hokkaido University, in Japan. He also stimulated the development of a Christian...