PEOPLE KNOWN FOR: agriculture
Songhai ruler
Muḥammad I Askia was a West African statesman and military leader who usurped the throne of the Songhai empire (1493) and, in a series of conquests, greatly expanded the empire and strengthened it. He...
English writer
Arthur Young was a prolific English writer on agriculture, politics, and economics. Besides his books on agricultural subjects, he was the author of the famous Travels in France (or Travels During the...
American farmer and writer
David Dickson was an American farmer, enslaver, and writer on Southern agriculture. A prosperous cotton farmer both before and after the American Civil War, he became known throughout his home state for...
Israeli politician
Pinhas Lavon was an Israeli politician who held a number of government posts and was accused in 1954 of involvement in a plot to discredit Egypt by secretly attacking U.S. facilities in that country. Although...
American farm organizer
Mary Anne Bryant Mayo was an American farm organizer, noted for her efforts toward farm-community improvement as part of the Granger movement in the United States. Mary Anne Bryant became a district school...
American entrepreneur
Samuel Zemurray was the longtime president and financial director of United Fruit Company (name changed to United Brands Company in 1970), a preeminent developer of agriculture in 13 nations of the American...
English educator
Samuel Hartlib was an English educational and agricultural reformer and a tireless advocate of universal education. After attending the University of Cambridge, Hartlib settled in England (1628) and associated...
American agriculturalist
David Lubin was a Polish-born American merchant and agricultural reformer whose activities led to the founding (1905) of the International Institute of Agriculture as a world clearinghouse for data on...
Spanish horticulturalist
Francisco de Paula Marín was a horticultural experimenter who introduced numerous plant species to the Hawaiian Islands. Marín acquired his horticultural knowledge as a youth working in the Andalusian...
American agriculturalist
Seaman Asahel Knapp was an American agriculturist who originated the method in which an expert demonstrates, farm by farm, new agricultural discoveries and technologies. Knapp graduated (1856) from Union...
English agriculturalist
Sir George Stapledon was a British agriculturalist and pioneer in the development of grassland science. Stapledon graduated in 1904 from the University of Cambridge and returned there in 1906 to begin...
American manufacturer
William Deering was an American businessman and philanthropist whose company was at one time the largest agricultural-implement manufacturer in the world. Deering helped manage his family’s woolen mill...
American agriculturalist
John Lorain was an American farmer, merchant, agricultural writer, and the first person to create a hybrid by combining two types of corn. His experiments anticipated the methods employed in the century...
Dutch businessman
Jacobus Nienhuys was a Dutch businessman and planter who was responsible for establishing the tobacco industry in Sumatra (now part of Indonesia). Nienhuys went to Sumatra in 1863 in hopes of purchasing...
American naturalist and minister
John Bachman was a naturalist and Lutheran minister who helped write the text of works on North American birds and mammals by renowned naturalist and artist John James Audubon. Ordained in 1814, Bachman...
German engineer and inventor
Max Eyth was an engineer, inventor, and a pioneer in the mechanization of agriculture. His expert knowledge of machinery and wide travels on behalf of the steam-traction engineer John Fowler furthered...
Russian author and philosopher
Aaron David Gordon was a Zionist writer and philosopher who inculcated the idea of a return of Jews to Palestine as agriculturists. After working for some 20 years as a minor official for the estate of...
American plant pathologist
Elvin Charles Stakman was a pioneering American plant pathologist and educator who established the methods for identifying and combatting diseases of wheat and other important food crops. Stakman received...
Romanian statesman
Ion Mihalache was a Romanian statesman and popular political leader and founder of the Peasant Party. In 1918 Mihalache formed the Peasant Party of the old Regat (Moldavia and Walachia); the party had...
Swedish politician
Gunnar Georg Emanuel Strang was a Swedish politician who was finance minister (1955–76) in a succession of Social Democratic cabinets and one of the architects of Sweden’s national social-welfare system....
- agriculture
- alchemy
- anatomy
- anthropology
- archaeology
- astronaut
- astronomy
- bacteriology
- biology
- botany
- cartography
- chemistry
- crystallography
- cytology
- ecology
- embryology
- entomology
- epidemiology
- exploration
- genetics
- geography
- geology
- horticulture
- immunology
- linguistics
- mathematics
- mechanics
- medicine
- meteorology
- mineralogy
- natural history
- neurology
- Nobel Prize - Chemistry
- Nobel Prize - Medicine
- Nobel Prize - Physics
- nursing
- oceanography
- optics
- ornithology
- paleontology
- petrology
- pharmacology
- physical anthropology
- physics
- physiology
- psychiatry
- psychoanalysis
- psychology
- seismology
- thermodynamics
- Turing Award
- virology
- zoology