PEOPLE KNOWN FOR: psychiatry
American psychiatrist and bioengineer
Karl Deisseroth is an American psychiatrist and bioengineer best known for his development of methods that revolutionized the study of the brain and led to major advances in neuroscience and biomedical...
American psychiatrist
Harry Stack Sullivan was an American psychiatrist who developed a theory of psychiatry based on interpersonal relationships. He believed that anxiety and other psychiatric symptoms arise in fundamental...
Irish-born Australian psychiatrist
Patrick McGorry is an Irish-born Australian psychiatrist best known for his research and advocacy efforts in the area of youth mental health. McGorry was the eldest of four children. His father was a doctor....
Egyptian physician, psychiatrist, author and feminist
Nawal El Saadawi was an Egyptian public health physician, psychiatrist, author, and advocate of women’s rights. Sometimes described as “the Simone de Beauvoir of the Arab world,” El Saadawi was a feminist...
French psychiatrist and philosopher
Pierre-Félix Guattari was a French psychiatrist and philosopher and a leader of the antipsychiatry movement of the 1960s and ’70s, which challenged established thought in psychoanalysis, philosophy, and...
German psychiatrist
Ernst Kretschmer was a German psychiatrist who attempted to correlate body build and physical constitution with personality characteristics and mental illness. Kretschmer studied both philosophy and medicine...
German psychiatrist
Emil Kraepelin was a German psychiatrist, one of the most influential of his time, who developed a classification system for mental illness that influenced subsequent classifications. Kraepelin made distinctions...
Swiss psychiatrist
Hermann Rorschach was a Swiss psychiatrist who devised the inkblot test that bears his name and that was widely used clinically for diagnosing psychopathology. The eldest son of an art teacher, Rorschach...
Russian psychiatrist
Vladimir Bekhterev was a Russian neurophysiologist and psychiatrist who studied the formations of the brain and investigated conditioned reflexes. Bekhterev received a doctorate from the Medical-Surgical...
Austrian psychologist
Viktor Frankl was an Austrian psychiatrist and psychotherapist who developed the psychological approach known as logotherapy, widely recognized as the “third school” of Viennese psychotherapy, after the...
American psychiatrist
Alvin Poussaint was an American psychiatrist specializing in child psychiatry and in issues of racial identity and health among African Americans. Poussaint also served as a consultant to popular television...
British psychiatrist
R.D. Laing was a British psychiatrist noted for his alternative approach to the treatment of schizophrenia. Laing was born into a working-class family and grew up in Glasgow. He studied medicine and psychiatry...
American physician
Arthur M. Sackler was an American physician, medical publisher, and art collector who made large donations of money and art to universities and museums. Sackler studied at New York University (B.S., 1933;...
French psychologist
Jacques Lacan was a French psychoanalyst who gained an international reputation as an original interpreter of Sigmund Freud’s work. Lacan earned a medical degree in 1932 and was a practicing psychiatrist...
German psychiatrist
Karl Bühler was a German psychiatrist and psychologist who was known chiefly for his studies of the thought process. Bühler received a medical degree from the University of Strasbourg, studied psychology...
Austrian neurophysiologist and psychiatrist
Manfred J. Sakel was a Polish neurophysiologist and psychiatrist who introduced insulin-shock therapy for schizophrenia. Sakel received his medical training at the University of Vienna, graduating in 1925,...
Swiss psychiatrist
Auguste-Henri Forel was a Swiss neuroanatomist, psychiatrist, and entomologist known for his investigations of brain structure. Forel studied medicine at the University of Zürich from 1866 to 1871 and...
French psychiatrist
Jean-Étienne-Dominique Esquirol was an early French psychiatrist who was the first to combine precise clinical descriptions with the statistical analysis of mental illnesses. A student of Philippe Pinel,...
Swiss psychiatrist and writer
Ludwig Binswanger was a Swiss psychiatrist and writer who applied the principles of existential phenomenology, especially as expressed by Martin Heidegger, to psychotherapy. Diagnosing certain psychic...
American psychiatrist
Rudolf Dreikurs was an Austrian-born American psychiatrist and educator who developed the Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler’s system of individual psychology into a pragmatic method for understanding...
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