Sources of recovery
- Date:
- 1929 - c. 1939
- Location:
- Europe
- United States
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Given the key roles of monetary contraction and the gold standard in causing the Great Depression, it is not surprising that currency devaluations and monetary expansion were the leading sources of recovery throughout the world. There is a notable correlation between the times at which countries abandoned the gold standard (or devalued their currencies substantially) and when they experienced renewed growth in their output. For example, Britain, which was forced off the gold standard in September 1931, recovered relatively early, while the United States, which did not effectively devalue its currency until 1933, recovered substantially later. Similarly, the Latin American countries of Argentina and Brazil, which began to devalue in 1929, experienced relatively mild downturns and had largely recovered by 1935. In contrast, the “Gold Bloc” countries of Belgium and France, which were particularly wedded to the gold standard and slow to devalue, still had industrial production in 1935 well below that of 1929.
Devaluation, however, did not increase output directly. Rather, it allowed countries to expand their money supplies without concern about gold movements and exchange rates. Countries that took greater advantage of this freedom saw greater recovery. The monetary expansion that began in the United States in early 1933 was particularly dramatic. The American money supply increased nearly 42 percent between 1933 and 1937. This monetary expansion stemmed largely from a substantial gold inflow to the United States, caused in part by the rising political tensions in Europe that preceded World War II. Monetary expansion stimulated spending by lowering interest rates and making credit more widely available. It also created expectations of inflation, rather than deflation, thereby giving potential borrowers greater confidence that their wages and profits would be sufficient to cover their loan payments if they chose to borrow. One sign that monetary expansion stimulated recovery in the United States by encouraging borrowing was that consumer and business spending on interest-sensitive items such as cars, trucks, and machinery rose well before consumer spending on services.
Fiscal policy played a relatively small role in stimulating recovery in the United States. Indeed, the Revenue Act of 1932 increased American tax rates greatly in an attempt to balance the federal budget, and by doing so it dealt another contractionary blow to the economy by further discouraging spending. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal, initiated in early 1933, did include a number of new federal programs aimed at generating recovery. For example, the Works Progress Administration (WPA) hired the unemployed to work on government building projects, and the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) constructed dams and power plants in a particularly depressed area. However, the actual increases in government spending and the government budget deficit were small relative to the size of the economy. This is especially apparent when state government budget deficits are included, because those deficits actually declined at the same time that the federal deficit rose. As a result, the new spending programs initiated by the New Deal had little direct expansionary effect on the economy. Whether they may nevertheless have had positive effects on consumer and business sentiment remains an open question.
Some New Deal programs may have actually hindered recovery. The National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933, for example, set up the National Recovery Administration (NRA), which encouraged firms in each industry to adopt a code of behavior. These codes discouraged price competition between firms, set minimum wages in each industry, and sometimes limited production. Likewise, the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 created the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), which set voluntary guidelines and gave incentive payments to farmers to restrict production in hopes of raising agricultural prices. Modern research suggests that such anticompetitive practices and wage and price guidelines led to inflation in the early recovery period in the United States and discouraged reemployment and production.
Recovery in the United States was stopped short by another distinct recession that began in May 1937 and lasted until June 1938. One source of the 1937–38 recession was a decision by the Federal Reserve to greatly increase reserve requirements. This move, which was prompted by fears that the economy might be developing speculative excess, caused the money supply to cease its rapid growth and to actually fall again. Fiscal contraction and a decrease in inventory investment due to labor unrest are also thought to have contributed to the downturn. That the United States experienced a second, very severe contraction before it had completely recovered from the enormous decline of the early 1930s is the main reason that the United States remained depressed for virtually the entire decade.

World War II played only a modest role in the recovery of the U.S. economy. Despite the recession of 1937–38, real GDP in the United States was well above its pre-Depression level by 1939, and by 1941 it had recovered to within about 10 percent of its long-run trend path. Therefore, in a fundamental sense, the United States had largely recovered before military spending accelerated noticeably. At the same time, the U.S. economy was still somewhat below trend at the start of the war, and the unemployment rate averaged just under 10 percent in 1941. The government budget deficit grew rapidly in 1941 and 1942 because of the military buildup, and the Federal Reserve responded to the threat and later the reality of war by increasing the money supply greatly over the same period. This expansionary fiscal and monetary policy, together with widespread conscription beginning in 1942, quickly returned the economy to its trend path and reduced the unemployment rate to below its pre-Depression level. So, while the war was not the main impetus for the recovery in the United States, it played a role in completing the return to full employment.
The role of fiscal expansion, and especially of military expenditure, in generating recovery varied substantially across countries. Great Britain, like the United States, did not use fiscal expansion to a noticeable extent early in its recovery. It did, however, increase military spending substantially after 1937. France raised taxes in the mid-1930s in an effort to defend the gold standard but then ran large budget deficits starting in 1936. The expansionary effect of these deficits, however, was counteracted somewhat by a legislated reduction in the French workweek from 46 to 40 hours—a change that raised costs and depressed production. Fiscal policy was used more successfully in Germany and Japan. The German budget deficit as a percent of domestic product increased little early in the recovery, but it grew substantially after 1934 as a result of spending on public works and rearmament. In Japan, government expenditures, particularly military spending, rose from 31 to 38 percent of domestic product between 1932 and 1934, resulting in substantial budget deficits. This fiscal stimulus, combined with substantial monetary expansion and an undervalued yen, returned the Japanese economy to full employment relatively quickly.