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By 6, kids think boys are better than girls at computer science. These programs aim to change that
• Mar. 5, 2025, 5:18 AM ET (CBC)
Related Topics and References
cryptologyList of Influential Women and Nonbinary People in ComputingMoore’s lawTuring Awardpattern recognitionanalysis of algorithmssoftware engineeringlife cycle developmentcomputerapplied logicanalysisprobability theorycombinatoricsalgebrastatisticsgeometryautomata theoryset theoryinformation theorytrigonometry
Key People

Geoffrey Hinton
British-Canadian cognitive psychologist and computer scientist

Gilles Brassard
Canadian computer scientist

Blessed Carlo Acutis
English-born Italian computer programmer

Demis Hassabis
British computer scientist

Audrey Tang
Taiwanese software developer

John M. Jumper
American computer scientist

John von Neumann
American mathematician

Vannevar Bush
American engineer

Alan Turing
British mathematician and logician

Julian Assange
Australian computer programmer

Steve Wozniak
American electronics engineer

Bill Gates
American computer programmer, businessman, and philanthropist

John Carmack
American computer-game designer

Danny Hillis
American businessman

Ahn Cheol-Soo
South Korean physician, educator, and entrepreneur

Larry Ellison
American business executive

Douglas Engelbart
American inventor

Bill Joy
American software developer and entrepreneur

Maurice Wilkes
British computer scientist

Vinton Cerf
American computer scientist
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