- Introduction
- Definition
- Historical development of economics
- Methodological considerations in contemporary economics
- Fields of contemporary economics
- References
- Introduction
- Definition
- Historical development of economics
- Methodological considerations in contemporary economics
- Fields of contemporary economics
- References
Since Keynes, economic theory has been of two kinds: macroeconomics (study of the determinants of national income) and traditional microeconomics, which approaches the economy as if it were made up only of business firms and households (ignoring governments, banks, charities, trade unions, and all other economic institutions) interacting in two kinds of markets—product markets and those for productive services, or factor markets. Households appear as buyers in product markets and as sellers in factor markets, where they offer human labour, machines, and land for sale or hire. Firms appear as sellers in product markets and as buyers in factor markets. In each type of market, price is determined by the interaction of demand and supply; the task of microeconomic theory is to say something meaningful about the forces that shape demand and supply.
Theory of choice
Firms face certain technical constraints in producing goods and services, and households have definite preferences for some products over others. It is possible to express the technical constraints facing business firms through a series of production functions, one for each firm. A production function is simply an equation that expresses the fact that a firm’s output depends on the quantity of inputs it employs and, in particular, that inputs can be technically combined in different proportions to produce a given level of output. For example, a production engineer could calculate the largest possible output that could be produced with every possible combination of inputs. This calculation would define the range of production possibilities open to a firm, but it cannot predict how much the firm will produce, what mixture of products it will make, or what combination of inputs it will adopt; these depend on the prices of products and the prices of inputs (factors of production), which have yet to be determined. If the firm wants to maximize profits (defined as the difference between the sales value of its output and the cost of its inputs), it will select that combination of inputs that minimizes its expenses and therefore maximizes its revenue. Firms can seek efficiencies through the production function, but production choices depend, in part, on the demand for products. This leads to the part played by households in the system.
Each household is endowed with definite “tastes” that can be expressed in a series of “utility functions.” A utility function (an equation similar to the production function) shows that the pleasure or satisfaction households derive from consumption will depend on the products they purchase and on how they consume these products. Utility functions provide a general description of the household’s preferences between all the paired alternatives it might confront. Here, too, it is necessary to assume that households seek to maximize satisfaction and that they will distribute their given incomes among available consumer goods in a way that derives the largest possible “utility” from consumption. Their incomes, however, remain to be determined.
In economic theory, the production function contributes to the calculation of supply curves (graphic representations of the relationship between product price and quantity that a seller is willing and able to supply) for firms in product markets and demand curves (graphic representations of the relationship between product price and the quantity of the product demanded) for firms in factor markets. Similarly, the utility function contributes to the calculation of demand curves for households in product markets and the supply curves for households in factor markets. All of these demand and supply curves express the quantities demanded and supplied as a function of prices not because price alone determines economic behaviour but because the purpose is to arrive at a theory of price determination. Much of microeconomic theory is devoted to showing how various production and utility functions, coupled with certain assumptions about behaviour, lead to demand and supply curves such as those depicted in the figure.

Not all demand and supply curves look alike. The essential point, however, is that most demand curves are negatively inclined (consumers demand less as the price rises), while most supply curves are positively inclined (suppliers are likely to produce more at higher prices). The participants in a market will be driven to the price at which the two curves intersect; this price is called the “equilibrium” price or “market-clearing” price because it is the only price at which supply and demand are equal.
For example, in a market for butter, any change—in the production function of dairy farmers, in the utility function of butter consumers, in the prices of cows, grassland, and milking equipment, in the incomes of butter consumers, or in the prices of nondairy products that consumers buy—can be shown to lead to definite changes in the equilibrium price of butter and in the equilibrium quantity of butter produced. Even more predictable are the effects of government-imposed price limits, taxes on butter producers, or price-support programs for dairy farmers, which can be forecast with reasonable certainty. As a rule, the prediction will refer only to the direction of change (the price will go up or down), but if the demand and supply curves of butter can be defined in quantitative terms, one may also be able to foresee the actual magnitude of the change.
Theory of allocation
The analysis of the behaviour of firms and households is to some extent symmetrical: all economic agents are conceived of as ordering a series of attainable positions in terms of an entity they are trying to maximize. A firm aims to maximize its use of input combinations, while a household attempts to maximize product combinations. From the maximizing point of view, some combinations are better than others, and the best combination is called the “optimal” or “efficient” combination. As a rule, the optimal allocation equalizes the returns of the marginal (or last) unit to be transferred between all the possible uses. In the theory of the firm, an optimum allocation of outlays among the factors is the same for all factors; the “law of eventually diminishing marginal utility,” a property of a wide range of utility functions, ensures that such an optimum exists. These are merely particular examples of the “equimarginal principle,” a tool that can be applied to any decision that involves alternative courses of action. It is not only at the core of the theory of the firm and the theory of consumer behaviour, but it also underlies the theory of money, of capital, and of international trade. In fact, the whole of microeconomics is nothing more than the spelling out of this principle in ever-wider contexts.
The equimarginal principle can be widely applied because economics furnishes a technique for thinking about decisions, regardless of their character and who makes them. Military planners, for example, may consider a variety of weapons in the light of a single objective, damaging an enemy. Some of the weapons are effective against the enemy’s army, some against the enemy’s navy, and some against the air force; the problem is to find an optimal allocation of the defense budget, one that equalizes the marginal contribution of each type of weapon. But defense departments rarely have a single objective; along with maximizing damage to an enemy, there may be another objective, such as minimizing losses from attacks. In that case, the equimarginal principle will not suffice; it is necessary to know how the department ranks the two objectives in order of importance. The ranking of objectives can be determined through a utility function or a preference function.
When an institution pursues multiple ends, decisions about how to achieve them require a weighting of the ends. Every decision involves a “production function”—a statement of what is technically feasible—and a “utility function”; the equimarginal principle is then invoked to provide an efficient, optimal strategy. This principle applies just as well to the running of hospitals, churches, and schools as to the conduct of a business enterprise and is as applicable to the location of an international airport as it is to the design of a development plan for a country. This is why economists advise on activities that are obviously not being conducted for economic reasons. The general application of economics in unfamiliar places is associated with American economist Gary Becker, whose work has been characterized as “economics imperialism” for influencing areas beyond the boundaries of the discipline’s traditional concerns. In such books as An Economic Approach to Human Behavior (1976) and A Treatise on the Family (1981), Becker, who won the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1992, made innovative applications of “rational choice theory.” His work in rational choice, which went outside established economic practices to incorporate social phenomena, applied the principle of utility maximization to all decision making and appropriated the notion of determinate equilibrium outcomes to evaluate such noneconomic phenomena as marriage, divorce, the decision to have children, and choices about educating children.
As stated earlier, macroeconomics is concerned with the aggregate outcome of individual actions. Keynes’s “consumption function,” for example, which relates aggregate consumption to national income, is not built up from individual consumer behaviour; it is simply an empirical generalization. The focus is on income and expenditure flows rather than the operation of markets. Purchasing power flows through the system—from business investment to consumption—but it flows out of the system in two ways, in the form of personal and business savings. Counterbalancing the savings are investment expenditures, however, in the form of new capital goods, production plants, houses, and so forth. These constitute new injections of purchasing power in every period. Since savings and investments are carried out by different people for different motives, there is no reason why “leakages” and “injections” should be equal in every period. If they are not equal, national income (the sum of all income payments to the factors of production) will rise or fall in the next period. When planned savings equal planned investment, income will be at an equilibrium level, but when the plans of savers do not match those of investors, the level of income will go on changing until the two do match.
This simple model can take on increasingly complex dimensions by making investment a function of the interest rate or by introducing other variables such as the government budget, the money market, labour markets, imports and exports, or foreign investment. But all this is far removed from the problem of resource allocation and from the maximizing behaviour of individual economic agents, the traditional microeconomic concerns.
The split between macroeconomics and microeconomics—a difference in questions asked and in the style of answers obtained—has continued since the Keynesian revolution in the 1930s. Macroeconomic theory, however, has undergone significant change. The Keynesian system was amplified in the 1950s by the introduction of the Phillips curve, which established an inverse relationship between wage-price inflation and unemployment.
At first, this relationship seemed to be so firmly founded as to constitute a virtual “law” in economics. Gradually, however, adverse evidence about the Phillips curve appeared, and in 1968 “The Role of Monetary Policy,” first delivered as Milton Friedman’s presidential address to the American Economic Association, introduced the notorious concept of “the natural rate of unemployment” (the minimum rate of unemployment that will prevent businesses from continually raising prices). Friedman’s paper defined the essence of the school of economic thought now known as monetarism and marked the end of the Keynesian revolution, because it implied that the full-employment policies of Keynesianism would only succeed in sparking inflation. American economist Robert Lucas carried monetarism one step further: if economic agents were perfectly rational, they would correctly anticipate any effort on the part of governments to increase aggregate demand and adjust their behaviour. This concept of “rational expectations” means that macroeconomic policy measures are ineffective not only in the long run but in the very short run. It was Lucas’s concept of “rational expectations” that marked the nadir of Keynesianism, and macroeconomics after the 1970s was never again the consensual corpus of ideas it had been before.

Neoclassical economics
The preceding portrait of microeconomics and macroeconomics is characteristic of the elementary orthodox economics offered in undergraduate courses in the West, often under the heading “neoclassical economics.” Given its name by Veblen at the turn of the 20th century, this approach emphasizes the way in which firms and individuals maximize their objectives. Only at the graduate level do students encounter the many important economic problems and aspects of economic behaviour that are not caught in the neoclassical net. For example, economics is, first and foremost, the study of competition, but neoclassical economics focuses almost exclusively on one kind of competition—price competition. This focus fails to consider other competitive approaches, such as quantity competition (evidenced by discount stores, such as the American merchandising giant Wal-Mart, that use economies of scale to pass cost savings onto consumers) and quality competition (seen in product innovations and other forms of nonprice competition such as convenient location, better servicing, and faster deliveries). Advertising also plays an important role in the process of competition—in fact, it may be more significant than the competitive strategies of raising or lowering prices, yet standard neoclassical economics has little to say about advertising. The neoclassical approach also tends to ignore the complex nature of business enterprises and the organizational structures that guide effective production. In short, neoclassical economics makes important points about pricing and competition, but in its strictest definition it is not equipped to deal with the varied economic problems of the modern world.