- Introduction
- Quantity and quality of the labour force
- Deployment of the labour force
- Fixing rates of pay
- The structure of pay
- Movement of the general level of pay
- References
- Introduction
- Quantity and quality of the labour force
- Deployment of the labour force
- Fixing rates of pay
- The structure of pay
- Movement of the general level of pay
- References
Deployment of the labour force
The contribution of education and training to economic development is apparent in the changes that have taken place in the deployment of labour in the developing economies. When the deployment of the labour force is followed over a period of time, certain patterns appear. One of these arises from changes in methods of production. In farming, improvements in technique and equipment have made possible an increasing output from a declining labour force. In industry, the extension of research and development, the increased complexity of products and equipment, and new methods of collecting, storing, and processing information, along with other developments of management procedures, have all acted to increase the numbers of administrative, clerical, and technical workers relative to manual workers. A second course of change has affected occupations linked with particular industries, when those industries have contracted or expanded as compared with others. Coal mining and cotton textiles are examples of contraction. The service industries, on the other hand, have expanded: a greater proportion of household expenditure is devoted to services; education has extended; governments have provided more social services. A third course of change has its origins in relation to supply. Domestic services, for instance, have contracted because improved education and the opening up of other occupations to women has enabled many to take up work that they prefer. One general tendency is that as standards of living rise the service industries absorb a greater proportion of the labour force, because the rising demand for their output is not generally offset, as in manufacturing, by a progressive reduction in the amount of labour required to produce a given output.
The far-reaching changes that have come about in the relative numbers in different occupations and industries have called for corresponding changes in the training and allocation of young entrants to employment and for the movement of workers already in employment to other kinds of work and, often, other places. Though part of this adaptation has been unplanned and undirected, a number of governments have undertaken to foster the process of adaptation by a labour-market policy. One means of applying this policy is the provision of information to job seekers as to vacancies immediately available, and to workers at large as to the prospects and requirements of particular occupations. Labour-market policy also tries to guide entrants toward those occupations for which an expansion of demand is expected. One way of doing this is by promoting the training and retraining of selected persons for selected occupations. The function of retraining may be extended, as in Sweden, to offer all workers opportunities to qualify themselves for better-paid jobs throughout their working lives.
Fixing rates of pay
Wages may be fixed by collective bargaining between unions and management or by individual bargaining between worker and employer or simply by custom. When the status of wage earner became distinguished from other forms of labour, it was marked by the existence of an individual agreement about the rate of pay between wage earner and employer. The law still recognizes the individual contract of service even where the rate of pay has been fixed collectively. In earlier days there was often not even individual bargaining, because customary rates of pay prevailed that might be unchanged for many years at a time. In southern England, for instance, the prevailing rate for building craftsmen remained at sixpence a day for 120 years after 1412; for most of the 500 years after 1412, the building craftsman’s rate was half again as great as the labourer’s, or nearly so.
After industrialization had set in, custom continued in some measure to regulate rates of pay and to protect workers who entered into individual agreements. But its sway was much less extensive: from time to time rates changed. Although there was at first no reference to the cost of living, when price increases were general and sustained, there must have been informal understandings among the wage earners of a locality that each in making his own agreement would hold out for a higher rate. At times of increased demand for labour, moreover, the employer would have to offer a rate sufficient to attract and retain the wage earners against the competition of other employers. The necessity of holding needed labour is today the governing factor for employers who have workers with whom they do not negotiate either collectively or individually—generally clerical and administrative workers.
Frequently where the safeguards both of custom and of competition for workers have been missing, workers have felt the need to combine in order to bargain collectively. The force of custom declined as industrialization created new jobs and moved workers into new localities. Business fluctuations brought unemployment so that instead of employers competing for labour, workers were often competing for jobs. Thus industrialization has been universally associated with the rise of trade unions. (For a history of trade unionism, see organized labour.)
Trade unions and bargaining areas
A main purpose of the trade union was to maintain a minimum rate of pay for its members, a purpose that led unions to extend or delimit both their membership and the number of employers with whom they bargained. The starting point was typically the club of craftsmen in a certain locality, concerned to ensure that none of its members worked for less than the rate it recognized from time to time as a minimum and to raise that rate when opportunity offered. By bringing all who worked in the same craft and district into membership, the club could reduce the risk of their bidding against each other; and if it could also limit the number entering the craft—by controlling the number of apprentices—it would be more likely to be able to raise the rates. However, since it was still likely to be subject to the competition of members of the same craft coming in from other places, and some of its own members might move in search of work, it had an interest in extending its coverage over all members of the craft throughout the labour market.
If the labour market was not coextensive with the product market, however, the union might still find itself exposed to the competition of workers at a distance if these worked at lower rates and so enabled their products to be sold at lower prices. Thus there was reason to extend the coverage of the union up to the boundary of the market for the product, though it was not practicable to organize workers in other countries. However, the union would see no advantage in bringing workers of other occupations into membership; on the contrary, it was felt that one could expect employers to concede a raise more readily if it would have to be paid to only a restricted membership. What has been said here of the craft union applies to all unions insofar as their aim is to maintain and raise the pay of members of a given occupation: the pursuit of that aim will lead them to embrace all the members of the occupation throughout the market for their product and to establish a basic rate throughout this bargaining area.

The reactions of employers both reinforce and modify this tendency. The ability of any one employer to pay a given rate depends largely on what rates are being paid by other employers who compete in the product market. When competition is close and labour costs are a substantial proportion of total costs, all employers selling in a given product market have a strong inducement to negotiate only through an employers’ association that embraces them all. Most employers’ associations are in fact industrywide, though some are limited to particular regions or sectors of an industry. Employers also know that what is conceded to employees in one occupation will commonly be demanded by those in others, unless they are divided by such a gulf as used to separate the manual from the clerical workers. Employers therefore commonly prefer to reach an agreement with all their workers in common and may make this a condition of negotiation. They thereby put pressure on occupational unions either to extend, amalgamate, and divide up until they form industrial unions each embracing all the manual workers in a given industry, as the Swedish unions have done, or to enter into confederations that provide all the unions having members in a given industry with a common front for the purpose of bargaining—the course followed by British unions.
Many semiskilled and unskilled workers are unable to seek bargaining advantage by restricting the membership of their unions to one defined occupation: they have to seek it rather through the accumulation of funds and the force of numbers—for them, “unity is strength.” Some unions have therefore adopted the principle of industrial unionism from the outset, in accordance with the tendency noted above toward establishing industrywide bargaining areas. Others, the general unions, have set out to recruit workers from every occupation and industry; but for bargaining purposes they have commonly had to act on behalf of their members in each industry separately. In any clash between the forces delimiting the bargaining area and those delimiting the trade union, the former generally prove the stronger.