September 26, 2023
Having about one million adherents today, Druze is a religious sect of Islam that has not accepted any converts since 1043 CE.

What Is the Most Widely Practiced Religion in the World?
The world’s major religions have followers in the billions. Find out which one has the most.
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Sep 25
What famous U.S. institution started their day with a Chinese gong? -
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What animal drinks 150 gallons of milk a day? -
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How did a congressman help establish the temporary insanity legal defense? -
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Where is camouflage illegal to wear? -
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What subtle baseball skill is highly valued in South Korea? -
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What state song referred to Lincoln as a despot? -
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Did pirates say “arr”? -
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What countries don’t have written constitutions? -
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What did LEGO make before bricks? -
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What common object has about 80 percent of all nonradioactive elements?