Cenozoic igneous provinces
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From about 60 to 50 million years ago there were important igneous extrusions and intrusions in northwestern Britain. In Northern Ireland and northwestern Scotland, basaltic lava flows (e.g., in the Giant’s Causeway and the northern part of the isle of Skye) are associated with northwest–southeast-trending basaltic dikes and many plutonic (igneous rock formed deep within the crust) complexes, which are probably the roots of volcanoes. The dikes extend southeastward across northern England and continue under the North Sea. Related lavas occur in the Faroe Islands. Those igneous rocks formed in the faulted and thinned continental margin of northwestern Europe contemporaneously with the rifting and seafloor spreading that gave rise to the Atlantic Ocean.
The Mid-Atlantic Ridge plate boundary, separating the North American and the Eurasian plates, extends through the centre of Iceland. Along that ridge the Atlantic Ocean is still growing, and on Iceland that activity is expressed as major rifts, volcanoes, and steam geysers. The entire island is made of lavas, the oldest of which, on the northwestern coast, came from eruptions about 16 million years ago. Iceland thus preserves a unique record of the last stages of development of one of the world’s major accreting plate boundaries, most of which is elsewhere submarine.
Brian Frederick WindleyPleistocene glaciation
The Pleistocene Epoch occupies the Quaternary Period (i.e., the past 2.6 million years), with the exception of the past 11,700 years, which are called the Holocene Epoch. Although the precise causes of the ice ages that mark the Pleistocene are controversial, it is known that prior to that succession of glacial stages northern Europe had risen to a much higher elevation than now and that ice formed to great depths there, as in the rest of the Atlantic landmass and the Alpine areas. The Pleistocene was punctuated by warm interglacial periods separating glacial advances; during its latter part, humans occupied niches in the more southerly parts of the continent.
Glaciers are the most powerful engines provided by nature for the transport—by plucking or quarrying—of large masses of rock, and certainly the European glaciers transformed the physique both of their source areas and of the lands to which they moved. Many physical forms of northern and Alpine Europe resulted from glacial erosion, supplemented by weathering, and the surfaces of areas where the glaciers eventually withered away consisted of masses of transported material. Southern Scandinavia, southern Finland, the Swiss Plateau, and the North European Plain were thickly plastered with a variety of forms, including boulder-studded clay, gravels, sands, and the windblown deposits known as loess. New drainage patterns were formed as well. The melting of so much ice raised the level of the oceans by an estimated 320 feet (98 metres) or more, while former ice-clad lands, including the North Sea area, began to rise isostatically (see isostasy). It was not until quite late in the Holocene that the northern seas of Europe—the Irish, North, and Baltic—took, by stages, their present shape.
Modern geologic framework
Although the exposed rocks of Europe are increasingly obscured by the works of humans, and while detailed understanding of rock patterns presents challenges even to the expert, the major formations of the continent are clear. In the north lie wide areas of worn-down ancient rocks, stripped of soil by the glaciers but compensated in some measure by the coastal plains created by uplift. In contrast, southern Europe, although incorporating such relicts as massifs of Paleozoic rocks, is essentially a youthful world, not yet fully fashioned, as evidenced by continuing seismic disturbances. Eastern Europe, based on the vast Russian Platform, is a stable world still young in surface, since the floor of its shield rocks is deeply concealed beneath Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits, above which glacial material covers the northern half and loess deposits enrich the south. Although in scale that platform is a continental area, river development facilitates access to inland seas in both the north and the south. Ancient rocks, lying near the surface, offer mineral wealth, and the former Volga-Ural seas have left a residue of petroleum and mineral salts. For the rest, western and central Europe show great diversity of landforms and landscape as well as varied soil and mineral resources. Alpine ranges in the south and southeast combine high altitude and relief with scenic attractions and—more importantly—with high precipitation and water dispersion. Highland areas, remnants of faulted Hercynian belts surrounded by younger strata, provide another type of wooded landscape, with their contained coalfields. Iceland has the youngest landscape of Europe, with its spectacular semi-active volcanoes, high waterfalls, extensive glaciers, and steam geysers. Lastly, lowlands, of great human value, recall their varied origins—former sea and lake basins, lowlands of glacial deposition, parts of eroded synclinal structures, and alluvial and marine plains won from the sea by isostasy or, as exemplified by the Dutch polders, by the work of humans.