Economy of New South Wales
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Economically, New South Wales is the most important state in Australia, with about one-third of the country’s sheep, one-fifth of its cattle, and one-third of its small number of pigs. It produces a large share of Australia’s grain, including wheat, corn (maize), and sorghum, and most of its silver, lead, and zinc. The state’s share of dairy production has greatly declined because of industry deregulation and more efficient Victorian production, and its share of coal production has fallen with the rise of Queensland exports, although it remains a major producer from open-pit, or open-cut, mines in the Hunter River valley. The state has retained the largest concentration of manufacturing of any Australian state, but an expansion in heavy industries around the mid-20th century came to an end in the 1970s. As in the rest of Australia, the sector has declined since then due to reduced tariffs, a small market, lack of skills, and a floating Australian dollar.
From the 1980s the downturn in these aspects of the state’s economy has been partially balanced by growth in the service sector. Sydney in particular became a national and Asia-Pacific centre for finance and insurance offices, banking headquarters, property and business services, and information and communications management. Growth in these areas led to the city’s marked deindustrialization, and manufacturing employment declined significantly there after 1980. However, postindustrial Sydney has proven vulnerable to international economic instability, particularly as New South Wales has not received the kind of increased income from the resources sector that has benefited states such as Queensland and Western Australia. While the growth of services in the late 20th and early 21st centuries has created new jobs and contributed to a downward trend in unemployment, the associated labour market was volatile and characterized by relatively high rates of part-time employment.
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing
Agriculture is practiced throughout the state, except in the western third. About three-fifths of the acreage under crops is sown for wheat for domestic consumption and for a precarious export market threatened by subsidies in other wheat-exporting countries. Other grains include corn, oats, rice, millet, and sorghum. Potatoes, alfalfa (lucerne), grapes, sugarcane, citrus fruits, and pome fruits (fleshy fruits of the rose family, such as apples and pears) are also grown. Farmers live on their farms, which range in size from 200 acres (80 hectares) in the coastal dairy and sugar belt to 5,000 acres (2,000 hectares) in the “fat-lamb” country of the tablelands and in the wheat-sheep areas of the slopes. Beyond lie the vast leaseholds of the Western Division, where tracts of 100,000 acres (40,500 hectares) are not uncommon. Historically, excellent wine has been produced in the Hunter valley, and the production of wine grapes has spread extensively through New South Wales. The state’s viticulture reflects regional variations and has received increasing international recognition. Cotton has rapidly increased in irrigated areas, as has rice growing, although both sectors have had to adapt to prolonged drought conditions. New South Wales farmers have emphasized the relatively chemical-free nature of their production to international markets interested in “green” agriculture, and they have adopted advanced techniques in the selection and breeding of plant varieties in order to increase yields and capture more specialized markets.
New South Wales is Australia’s most important timber-producing state, accounting for about half of Australia’s production. Historically, this activity has been encouraged by the very low prices set by the state’s forestry commission, Forests NSW, and since the 1990s has been the regulated by a series of regional agreements and restructurings to place the industry on a sustainable footing. Reforestation, of both eucalypts and pine forests, is a regular program. There also is a major program of replanting trees over much of the cleared inland forests.
The fishing resources of the New South Wales coast are limited by a narrow continental shelf. Several species have been identified as overfished, and both commercial and recreation catches are closely monitored. Intensive aquaculture industries—for example, in Sydney rock oysters—have been developed.

Resources and power
The most important mineral resource is the black coal of the Sydney Basin, which is mined at Wollongong, at Lithgow, and in the Hunter valley. Coalfields are also located in the Gunnedah and the Narrabri areas. Many old shaft (underground) mines have closed, and open-pit mines have opened in the Hunter valley and at Ulan. The main silver, lead, and zinc deposits are at Broken Hill; fluctuating prices have limited full exploitation of the resources. Copper mining is important in Cobar. Tin is still obtained in small quantities in the New England region of northeastern New South Wales, and mineral sands mining extracts rutile, the basis for titanium.
Coal is the main power source. There is, however, some hydroelectric power from the Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Scheme, a major development initiated in 1949 by interstate cooperation. Natural gas supplies are piped in from South Australia and Victoria. Renewable energy sources—solar, wind, and biomass—were increasingly exploited in the early 21st century, although the initial investment costs were high.
D.N. Jeans Nicholas BrownManufacturing
Employment in manufacturing has declined steadily in New South Wales since the 1970s, and the sector proved slow to respond to streamlining measures taken in the 1980s, such as staff reductions and the reduction of tariffs. Given a relatively high (for Australia) orientation to export markets, the sector has also been vulnerable to international fluctuations. While one-third of Australian manufacturing remained in New South Wales as of the early 21st century, employment in the sector continued to decline. Textiles, clothing, and footwear manufacturing were particularly affected by the importation of cheaper goods. Food, tobacco, and printing were not affected to the same extent, but paints and chemicals were also in decline in terms of production, employment, and wage and salary levels.
Almost three-fourths of the state’s manufacturing industries are located in Sydney, with engineering, metal trade industries, oil refining, petrochemicals, and food processing particularly concentrated there. Sydney also bore the brunt of factory closures and unemployment as industries increasingly relocated from away from the inner city to outer suburban areas. Newcastle’s steelworks closed in 1999, and with them went many associated industries.
New management strategies, centring on innovation, investment in human capital, and niche capabilities, have been adopted to meet these pressures. Medical, biomedical, pharmaceutical, and surgical products, architectural aluminum, aerospace components, and computing equipment are among the areas in which New South Wales accounts for a large part of Australia’s manufacturing production. The sector continues to confront the challenges of lower-cost international competitors, rapid technological change, and restricted access to capital and skills.