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The state has distinct seasons of about equal length. It has a humid continental climate except for a marine modification in the eastern panhandle. Mean annual temperatures, reflecting latitude and elevation, range from about 56 °F (13 °C) in the south to 52 °F (11 °C) in the north and 48 °F (9 °C) in the most mountainous regions. January is the coldest month, with a statewide average of 33 °F (1 °C), and July is warmest, with a 73 °F (23 °C) average. The growing season averages 160 days but ranges from 120 to 180 days. West Virginia lies in the latitude zone of the westerly winds, so most storm tracks, fronts, and wind direction come from the northwest, west, or southwest. Mean annual precipitation varies from more than 60 inches (1,520 mm) in the mountainous areas to 35 inches (890 mm) in the rain shadow just east of the mountains. Snowfall, which makes up some 8 percent of the total precipitation, varies from a seasonal average of less than 20 inches (510 mm) in the southwest to more than 64 inches (1,620 mm) in the eastern mountains.
Plant and animal life
Forests cover more than three-fourths of the state. Accessible virgin forests were harvested about the turn of the 20th century, but successional forests have now been established except in agricultural and urban concentrations. The plateau forests consist of hardwoods of red and white oak, yellow poplar, sugar and red maple, hickory, beech, basswood, black cherry, and yellow birch. Softwoods of loblolly pine, shortleaf and white pine, spruce, and hemlock cover the mountain slopes, deep gorges, and other scattered areas. The eastern section is predominantly an oak and pine woodland. Other species such as sycamores, locusts, chestnuts, elms, and dogwoods are also common.
Rabbits, squirrels, gray foxes, opossums, skunks, raccoon, and groundhogs are common in West Virginia. The larger white-tailed deer found in abundance by the settlers are increasing in number, and black bears are found in the high country. Mountain streams and lake impoundments feature trout, bass, pikes, crappies, walleyes, and muskellunge, while the improving water quality of the larger rivers accommodates increasing numbers of perch, bluegills, catfish, and other species.
Population composition
The first pioneer settlement in what became West Virginia was by Germans along the Potomac River at Shepherdstown. The 1790 census reported 55,873 inhabitants in the western portion of Virginia, of whom about 15,000 were of German descent. In the early 1800s many orders of the Virginia government relating to the frontier occupants were printed in both German and English. English descendants dominated the settlement of the Greenbrier, New, Kanawha, and Monongahela valleys, while Scotch-Irish tended to settle in the less accessible areas. Americans of African descent shared in this early heritage, although the number of slaves in western Virginia was limited because the rugged topography curtailed extensive plantation agriculture. Only two counties, Jefferson and Kanawha, ever had more than 2,000 slaves, and in one-third of the counties slaves constituted less than 1 percent of the population. After the American Civil War the development of railroads, mining, and industry attracted blacks from the South as well as numerous labourers from southern and eastern Europe. The contrasting cultural influence of these more recent immigrants is apparent in the industrial northern panhandle and in the towns dominated by coal mining. Like much of Appalachia, West Virginia is predominantly white—more than nine-tenths—with the remaining minority population virtually all African American. There are very small numbers of Hispanics, Asians, Pacific Islanders, and Native Americans.
The Society of Friends (Quaker) and Presbyterian denominations were well established by the 1730s, with Baptists entering Berkeley county in the eastern panhandle in 1743. A Methodist circuit was established in Berkeley and Jefferson counties in 1778. Leading denominations in West Virginia are Methodist, Baptist, and Presbyterian. Roman Catholic and Lutheran adherents were prevalent in the early years of West Virginia, but they were limited primarily to the German settlements. Expansion of these faiths, particularly of Roman Catholicism, occurred with the immigration of Irish, German, Italian, Polish, and Hungarian labourers.
Settlement patterns
West Virginia ranks among the most rural states in the country, with some two-thirds of its total population living in rural, usually nonfarm, areas or in towns with fewer than 2,500 inhabitants. Broad, level ridgetops and valley bottoms are commonly cleared for agriculture and commercial and residential purposes. The field patterns are usually linear, in conformity with the landscape. Rural dwellings are distributed as ribbons of settlement along the highways or near other transportation systems. Many rural residents commute to urban areas for employment because of the decline in agriculture and the mechanization of mining.
Among West Virginia’s larger cities, Huntington, Wheeling, Parkersburg, and Weirton are situated on the Ohio River, where water and rail transport and room for expansion have permitted growth. Most urban development and industrial growth extends along other streams, as in the Kanawha and Monongahela valleys. The larger cities, with their industrial concentrations, their political importance, and their colleges and universities, dominate the state’s activities. County seats of government in the rural regions exert considerable influence over the areas they serve.