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West Virginia is one of the premier coal-mining regions in the country and the world. Since the 1970s the annual tonnage produced has increased, although the number employed in the industry has steadily declined. This decline is explained in part by continued mechanization, improved mining techniques and productivity, and the switch from deep to surface mining. Coal mining and mine employment in West Virginia are threatened further on two fronts. The thin layers of coal deposits below the surface of southern West Virginia’s mountains require a type of surface mining, called “mountaintop removal,” that is particularly devastating to the landscape, and environmental laws restrict its expansion. In addition, concerns about air quality—focused on sulfur emissions and, more recently, production of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide—have subdued the demand for the coal mined in the north-central part of the state.
West Virginia’s three other leading industries—chemicals, primary metals, and lumber and wood products—are relatively stable. The glass industry, which utilizes the state’s abundance of silica sand, was established in the Wheeling area as early as the 1830s. Today the state’s glassmakers produce art glass, products for the home, and glass for commercial and industrial uses such as in laboratory equipment and household appliances.
Services, labour, and taxation
In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, West Virginia increasingly moved away from a coal- and industry-based economy to a service economy. Tourism led the way in growth in the service sector. The state improved its telecommunications infrastructure, and numerous telephone and Internet service centres moved to the state, capitalizing on the low rural wage rate and relatively inexpensive land, services, and buildings. For the same reasons, the federal government also moved facilities from the nearby crowded and expensive Washington, D.C., metropolitan area to West Virginia, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s National Crime Information Center in Clarksburg.
West Virginia has a strong tradition of union activity. Among the events in the state that were significant in the history of organizing in the United States was the showdown between management and labour in Matewan, in the southwestern part of the state, in 1920. Coal miners there attempted to unionize; detectives hired by the coal company then sought to evict the miners unlawfully from their company-owned housing, and in the ensuing violence 12 people were killed. In the early 21st century a slightly greater proportion of the state’s employed workers were enrolled in labour unions than the national average.
The West Virginia state government receives about half its revenues from various sales taxes and nearly one-third from individual income taxes. A smaller proportion of revenue comes from corporate income taxes.
The larger cities and the state’s perimeters are well served by transportation facilities. The rugged terrain of West Virginia limited early transportation and contributed to isolation and slow economic growth. The landscape is still a formidable obstacle, but good progress has been made. Interstate highways that cross the state have improved internal travel and economic development. Roads of the Appalachian Highway Corridor, a project funded in part by the ARC, have been instrumental in completing the network of other federal and state routes. A major engineering feat was the completion (1977) of the New River Gorge Bridge near Fayetteville; the single-arch steel span, 876 feet (267 metres) above the river, drastically reduced travel time there, as motorists formerly had to make a long detour over mountain roads. The major river systems of the western plateau provide some 450 miles (725 km) of navigable waterway. Although West Virginia has more than two dozen airports, most lack regularly scheduled major carrier service; however, major airlines serve Charleston and Huntington, and commuter lines help fill the void. Railroads, which run primarily east-west, provide coal and freight haulage over nearly 2,500 miles (4,000 km) of line. Amtrak provides passenger rail service through the southern part of the state. Many abandoned railroads have been turned into hiking and biking trails in keeping with the growth in tourist activity.