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salvia, (genus Salvia), genus of about 960 species of herbaceous and woody plants of the mint family (Lamiaceae). The genus is distributed throughout Eurasia and the Americas and is especially diverse in Central America and in the Mediterranean region. Some members are important as sources of flavouring, and many are grown as garden ornamentals. Chia (Salvia hispanica) is cultivated commercially for its edible seeds.
Physical description
Plants in the genus Salvia are herbs, shrubs, or subshrubs and are generally perennial and aromatic. The leaves can be simple or compound and are arranged oppositely along the square stems. The flowers are usually tubular with two lips and only two stamens and are borne in terminal inflorescences. They produce nutlet fruits. Some species are attractive to hummingbirds, though most are pollinated by insects.
Major species
Common sage (S. officinalis), a woody perennial growing 60 cm (2 feet) tall, bears aromatic leaves that are the source of the culinary herb. Rosemary (S. rosmarinus, formerly Rosmarinus officinalis) is another important culinary herb and has fragrant narrow leaves and small bluish flowers. Clary sage (S. sclarea), whose foliage is also used for flavouring, is a taller biennial herb with strong-smelling, hairy, heart-shaped leaves. Its white flowers and leaflike bracts below them are pinkish or violet-flushed. All three species are native to southern Europe.

Montane tropical America has many Salvia species, perhaps the most spectacular of which is Wagner’s salvia (S. wagneri), or chupamiel, a treelike shrub, native near the mountain lakes of Guatemala. It attains a height of more than 4 metres (13 feet) and has triangular 30-cm (12-inch) spikes of woolly scarlet corollas opening from magenta calyxes. Blue sage (S. farinacea) opens bright blue flowers after rains in the hills of southwestern North America. Possibly the best-known species is the garden annual scarlet sage (S. splendens) from Brazil, the blazing spikes of which contrast with dark green oval leaves.
Diviner’s sage (S. divinorum), known colloquially as salvia, is a hallucinogenic plant native to Mexico. The plant has historically been used by shamans to achieve altered states of consciousness and has grown in popularity as a recreational drug; the leaves can be eaten or smoked. The active ingredient, salvinorin A, induces intense but short-lived effects, including changes in mood and body sensations, visions, feelings of detachment, and altered perceptions of self.