A second general feature of bonding also became apparent in the early days of chemistry. It was found that there are two large classes of compound that can be distinguished by their behaviour when dissolved in water. One class consists of electrolytes: these compounds are so called because they dissolve to give solutions that conduct electricity. Members of the other class, nonelectrolytes, dissolve to yield solutions that do not conduct electricity. The difference between the two classes gave rise to the view that there are two types of chemical bond. Electrolytes produce ions in solution; an ion is an electrically charged atom and transports its electric charge as it moves through a solution. Electrolytes therefore either consist of ions before they are dissolved or produce ions upon dissolving. Nonelectrolytes do not produce ions when they dissolve and do not consist of ions in their undissolved state.
It became apparent that some compounds are composed of ions, whereas others are composed of groups of atoms that are held together in a different manner. The latter compounds are termed covalent. In fact, it took a long time for the view to be confirmed that ions exist even before dissolution occurs, and only in the early 20th century was crucial evidence obtained that showed the presence of distinct entities, specifically sodium cations (positively charged atoms), Na+, and chloride anions (negatively charged atoms), Cl−, in solid sodium chloride (NaCl).
The periodic table
The pattern of valence and the type of bonding—ionic or covalent—characteristic of the elements were crucial components of the evidence used by the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev to compile the periodic table, in which the chemical elements are arranged in a manner that shows family resemblances. Thus, oxygen and sulfur (S), both of which have a typical valence of 2, were put into the same family, and nitrogen and phosphorus (P), with a typical valence of 3, were put into a neighbouring family. The periodic table, which is shown in , has proved to be the single most unifying concept of chemistry, for it summarizes a wealth of properties. Metallic elements generally lie to the left in the table and typically form ionic compounds. Nonmetallic elements, which form a large number of covalent compounds among themselves, typically lie to the right in the table. If for now the special case of the band of elements of columns 3 through 12 of the table, called the transition elements, is ignored, then the typical valences of elements increase from 1 on the far left, rising in steps of 1 on passing to the right, to reach 4 at the family headed by carbon (C) and then fall in steps of 1 to 1 itself at the family that contains chlorine and is headed by fluorine (F). Here, at last, is a pattern of valence that any explanation of chemical bond formation needs to justify.
Unknown to Mendeleev, and not discovered until the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, is another family of elements that were originally thought to be inert and hence were called the inert gases. This family is headed by helium (He) and includes neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), and radon (Rn). It was not until the 1960s that their chemical inertness was overcome, and some members of the family (essentially only krypton and xenon) were induced to form compounds. Accordingly, the name inert gas was replaced by the term noble gas, which reflects a chemical aloofness but not total inertness. This family of elements might at first have seemed irrelevant to an understanding of chemical bonds. However, the very fact that they do not readily form any bonds proved to be crucial to the development of modern theories of bond formation.
Additional evidence of atoms
Avogadro’s law
Until the early 20th century some regarded the atomic hypothesis as no more than an unsubstantiated hypothesis or a convenient accounting device. The reality of atoms and the molecules they formed was widely advocated but by no means universally accepted. However, opposition to the reality of atoms diminished as experimental evidence accumulated. Among such historically significant evidence were the quantitative measurements of the volumes of gases. Thus, it was noted that, when water is decomposed by electrolysis (i.e., by passing an electric current through it), the gases hydrogen and oxygen are produced in the ratio of 2:1 by volume. This observation led the Italian scientist Amedeo Avogadro to propose that equal volumes of gases (at the same temperature and pressure) contain equal numbers of molecules. The electrolysis of water was then seen to be consistent with a water molecule formed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom and hence consistent with the chemical formula H2O. (It is now known that hydrogen gas consists of H2 molecules and oxygen gas of O2 molecules, but this important detail does not upset the interpretation.)

Kinetic theory of gases
The measured volumes of gases supported the claims of the existence of atoms and molecules. The emergence of the science of mechanics furthered the understanding of atoms and molecules, as the properties of gases were predicted based on the assumption that they are composed of minute particles in ceaseless chaotic motion. From this kinetic model of gases (see gas: Kinetic theory of gases), it was possible to calculate the pressure exerted by a gas and the average speed of its molecules, and excellent agreement with observation was obtained.