- Also called:
- combinatorial mathematics
- Key People:
- Paul Erdős
- Andrei Okounkov
- On the Web:
- Carnegie Mellon University - Department of Mathematical Sciences - Combinatorics (PDF) (Feb. 19, 2025)
The name combinatorial geometry, first used by Swiss mathematician Hugo Hadwiger, is not quite accurately descriptive of the nature of the subject. Combinatorial geometry does touch on those aspects of geometry that deal with arrangements, combinations, and enumerations of geometric objects; but it takes in much more. The field is so new that there has scarcely been time for it to acquire a well-defined position in the mathematical world. Rather it tends to overlap parts of topology (especially algebraic topology), number theory, analysis, and, of course, geometry. The subject concerns itself with relations among members of finite systems of geometric figures subject to various conditions and restrictions. More specifically, it includes problems of covering, packing, symmetry, extrema (maxima and minima), continuity, tangency, equalities, and inequalities, many of these with special emphasis on their application to the theory of convex bodies. A few of the fundamental problems of combinatorial geometry originated with Newton and Euler. The majority of the significant advances in the field, however, have been made since the 1940s.
The unifying aspect of these disparate topics is the quality or style or spirit of the questions and the methods of attacking these questions. Among those branches of mathematics that interest serious working mathematicians, combinatorial geometry is one of the few branches that can be presented on an intuitive basis, without recourse by the investigator to any advanced theoretical considerations or abstractions.
Yet the problems are far from trivial, and many remain unsolved. They can be handled only with the aid of the most careful and often delicate reasoning that displays the variety and vitality of geometric methods in a modern setting. A few of the answers are natural and are intuitively suggested by the questions. Many of the others, however, require proofs of unusual ingenuity and depth even in the two-dimensional case. Sometimes a plane solution may be readily extendible to higher dimensions, but sometimes just the opposite is true, and a three-dimensional or n-dimensional problem may be entirely different from its two-dimensional counterpart. Each new problem must be attacked individually. The continuing charm and challenge of the subject are at least in part due to the relative simplicity of the statements coupled with the elusive nature of their solutions.
Some historically important topics of combinatorial geometry
Packing and covering
It is easily seen that six equal circular disks may be placed around another disk of the same size so that the central one is touched by all the others but no two overlap (analogous three-dimensional situation, around a given ball (solid sphere) it is possible to place 12 balls of equal size, all touching the first one but not overlapping it or each other. One such arrangement may be obtained by placing the 12 surrounding balls at the midpoints of edges of a suitable cube that encloses the central ball; each of the 12 balls then touches four other balls in addition to the central one. But if the 12 balls are centred at the 12 vertices of a suitable regular icosahedron surrounding the given ball, there is an appreciable amount of free space between each of the surrounding balls and its neighbours. (If the spheres have radius 1, the distances between the centres of the surrounding spheres are at least 2/cos 18° = 2.1029 · · · .) It appears, therefore, that by judicious positioning it might be possible to have 13 equal non-overlapping spheres touch another of the same size. This dilemma between 12 and 13, one of the first nontrivial problems of combinatorial geometry, was the object of discussion between Isaac Newton and David Gregory in 1694. Newton believed 12 to be the correct number, but this claim was not proved until 1953. The analogous problem in four-dimensional space was solved in 2003, the answer being 24.
) and that it is not possible to place seven disks in such a way. In theThe problem of the 13 balls is a typical example of the branch of combinatorial geometry that deals with packings and coverings. In packing problems the aim is to place figures of a given shape or size without overlap as economically as possibly, either inside another given figure or subject to some other restriction.
Problems of packing and covering have been the objects of much study, and some striking conclusions have been obtained. For each plane convex set K, for example, it is possible to arrange nonoverlapping translates of K so as to cover at least two-thirds of the plane; if K is a triangle (and only in that case), no arrangement of nonoverlapping translates covers more than two-thirds of the plane ( ). Another famous problem was Kepler’s conjecture, which concerns the densest packing of spheres. If the spheres are packed in cannonball fashion—that is, in the way cannonballs are stacked to form a triangular pyramid, indefinitely extended—then they fill π/Square root of√18, or about 0.74, of the space. In 1611 the German astronomer Johannes Kepler conjectured that this is the greatest density possible, but it was proved only in 1998 by the American mathematician Thomas Hales.
Covering problems deal in an analogous manner with economical ways of placing given figures so as to cover (that is, contain in their union) another given figure. One famous covering problem, posed by the French mathematician Henri Lebesgue in 1914, is still unsolved: What is the size and shape of the universal cover of least area? Here a convex set C is called universal cover if for each set A in the plane such that diam A 1 it is possible to move C to a suitable position in which it covers A. The diameter diam A of a set A is defined as the least upper bound of the mutual distances of points of the set A. If A is a compact set, then diam A is simply the greatest distance between any two points of A. Thus, if A is an equilateral triangle of side 1, then diam A = 1; and if B is a cube of edge length 1, then diam B = Square root of√3.