- Also called:
- combinatorial mathematics
- Key People:
- Paul Erdős
- Andrei Okounkov
- On the Web:
- Carnegie Mellon University - Department of Mathematical Sciences - Combinatorics (PDF) (Feb. 19, 2025)
A graph G consists of a non-empty set of elements V(G) and a subset E(G) of the set of unordered pairs of distinct elements of V(G). The elements of V(G), called vertices of G, may be represented by points. If (x, y) ∊ E(G), then the edge (x, y) may be represented by an arc joining x and y. Then x and y are said to be adjacent, and the edge (x, y) is incident with x and y. If (x, y) is not an edge, then the vertices x and y are said to be nonadjacent. G is a finite graph if V(G) is finite. A graph H is a subgraph of G if V(H) ⊂ V(G) and E(H) ⊂ E(G).
A chain of a graph G is an alternating sequence of vertices and edges x0, e1, x1, e2, · · · en, xn, beginning and ending with vertices in which each edge is incident with the two vertices immediately preceding and following it. This chain joins x0 and xn and may also be denoted by x0, x1, · · ·, xn, the edges being evident by context. The chain is closed if x0 = xn and open otherwise. If the chain is closed, it is called a cycle, provided its vertices (other than x0 and xn) are distinct and n ≥ 3. The length of a chain is the number of edges in it.
A graph G is labelled when the various υ vertices are distinguished by such names as x1, x2, · · · xυ. Two graphs G and H are said to be isomorphic (written G ≃ H) if there exists a one–one correspondence between their vertex sets that preserves adjacency. For example, G1 and G2, shown in , are isomorphic under the correspondence xi ↔ yi.
Two isomorphic graphs count as the same (unlabelled) graph. A graph is said to be a tree if it contains no cycle—for example, the graph G3 of .
Enumeration of graphs
The number of labelled graphs with υ vertices is 2υ(υ − 1)/2 because υ(υ − 1)/2 is the number of pairs of vertices, and each pair is either an edge or not an edge. Cayley in 1889 showed that the number of labelled trees with υ vertices is υυ − 2.
The number of unlabelled graphs with υ vertices can be obtained by using Polya’s theorem. The first few terms of the generating function F(x), in which the coefficient of xυ gives the number of (unlabelled) graphs with υ vertices, can be given
A rooted tree has one point, its root, distinguished from others. If Tυ is the number of rooted trees with υ vertices, the generating function for Tυ can also be given
Polya in 1937 showed in his memoir already referred to that the generating function for rooted trees satisfies a functional equation
Letting tυ be the number of (unlabelled) trees with υ vertices, the generating function t(x) for tυ can be obtained in terms of T(x)
This result was obtained in 1948 by the American mathematician Richard R. Otter.
Many enumeration problems on graphs with specified properties can be solved by the application of Polya’s theorem and a generalization of it made by a Dutch mathematician, N.G. de Bruijn, in 1959.
Characterization problems of graph theory
If there is a class C of graphs each of which possesses a certain set of properties P, then the set of properties P is said to characterize the class C, provided every graph G possessing the properties P belongs to the class C. Sometimes it happens that there are some exceptional graphs that possess the properties P. Many such characterizations are known. Here is presented a typical example.
A complete graph Km is a graph with m vertices, any two of which are adjacent. The line graph H of a graph G is a graph the vertices of which correspond to the edges of G, any two vertices of H being adjacent if and only if the corresponding edges of G are incident with the same vertex of G.
A graph G is said to be regular of degree n1 if each vertex is adjacent to exactly n1 other vertices. A regular graph of degree n1 with υ vertices is said to be strongly regular with parameters (υ, n1, p111, p112) if any two adjacent vertices are both adjacent to exactly p111 other vertices and any two nonadjacent vertices are both adjacent to exactly p112 other vertices. A strongly regular graph and a two-class association are isomorphic concepts. The treatments of the scheme correspond to the vertices of the graph, two treatments being either first associates or second associates according as the corresponding vertices are either adjacent or nonadjacent.
It is easily proved that the line graph T2(m) of a complete graph Km, m ≥ 4 is strongly regular with parameters υ = m(m − 1)/2, n1 = 2(m − 2), p111 = m − 2, p112 = 4.
It is surprising that these properties characterize T2(m) except for m = 8, in which case there exist three other strongly regular graphs with the same parameters nonisomorphic to each other and to T2(m).
A partial geometry (r, k, t) is a system of two kinds of objects, points and lines, with an incidence relation obeying the following axioms:
1. Any two points are incident with not more than one line.
2. Each point is incident with r lines.
3. Each line is incident with k points.
4. Given a point P not incident with a line ℓ, there are exactly t lines incident with P and also with some point of ℓ.
A graph G is obtained from a partial geometry by taking the points of the geometry as vertices of G, two vertices of G being adjacent if and only if the corresponding points are incident with the same line of the geometry. It is strongly regular with parameters
The question of whether a strongly regular graph with the above parameters is the graph of some partial geometry is of interest. It was shown by Bose in 1963 that the answer is in the affirmative if a certain condition holds
Not much is known about the case if this condition is not satisfied, except for certain values of r and t. For example, T2(m) is isomorphic with the graph of a partial geometry (2, m − 1, 2). Hence, for m > 8 its characterization is a consequence of the above theorem. Another consequence is the following:
Given a set of k − 1 − d mutually orthogonal Latin squares of order k, the set can be extended to a complete set of k − 1 mutually orthogonal squares if a condition holds
The case d = 2 is due to Shrikhande in 1961 and the general result to the American mathematician Richard H. Bruck in 1963.