The process of succession
- Key People:
- Robin Wall Kimmerer
Primary and secondary succession both create a continually changing mix of species within communities as disturbances of different intensities, sizes, and frequencies alter the landscape. The sequential progression of species during succession, however, is not random. At every stage certain species have evolved life histories to exploit the particular conditions of the community. This situation imposes a partially predictable sequence of change in the species composition of communities during succession. Initially only a small number of species from surrounding habitats are capable of thriving in a disturbed habitat. As new plant species take hold, they modify the habitat by altering such things as the amount of shade on the ground or the mineral composition of the soil. These changes allow other species that are better suited to this modified habitat to succeed the old species. These newer species are superseded, in turn, by still newer species. A similar succession of animal species occurs, and interactions between plants, animals, and environment influence the pattern and rate of successional change.
Stratification and gradation
Community structure can become stratified both vertically and horizontally during the process of succession as species become adapted to their habitat. Gradations in environmental factors such as light, temperature, or water are responsible for this fractionation. The vertical stratification that occurs within forests results from the varying degrees of light that the different strata receive: the taller the plant and the more foliage it produces, the more light it can intercept. Three or more vertical strata of plants—an herb layer, a shrub layer, a small tree layer, and a canopy tree layer—often are found in a forest. Animals are affected by this stratification of plant life. Although they can move from one layer to another quite easily, they often adhere closely to a specific layer for foraging, breeding, or other activities.
Horizontal patterns among species also can emerge from gradients in the physical environment. Differences in the amount of water or nutrients over a region can affect the distribution of animal and plant species (see biogeographic region). On a mountain, plant and animal species vary at different elevations as well as among the north, south, east, and west slopes. Drastic differences in certain factors over a very short distance can create sharp boundaries between communities, whereas gradual differences can produce a more integrated flow of species. These gradients help to maintain regional biodiversity.
Ecosystems are almost always a patchwork of communities that exist at different successional stages. The sizes, frequencies, and intensities of disturbances differ among ecosystems, creating differences in what is called the patch dynamics of communities. Along the edges of each of the patches are areas called ecotones. These junction zones often contain species of each of the overlapping communities as well as some species that have become adapted specifically for living in these zones. In many cases, the number of species and the population density are greater within the ecotone than in the surrounding communities, a phenomenon known as the edge effect.
In North America the parasitism of bird nests by brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) is particularly frequent in ecotones between mature forests and earlier successional patches. Cowbirds lay their eggs in the nests of other birds and are active mainly in early successional patches. Forest birds whose nests are deep within the interior of mature forests are less likely to be attacked than those within ecotones. The cutting of mature forests has increased the extent of ecotones, concomitantly increasing the rate of cowbird parasitism across North America.

Ecological niches
An ecological niche encompasses the habits of a species. Essentially it refers to the way a species relates to, or fits in with, its environment. As a species adapts to the physical parameters and biota within the community, natural selection favours the development of specialized features that allow the species to uniquely exploit the surrounding resources. Physical conditions of the region—such as temperature, terrain, or nutrient availability—help to mold the niche, and biological constraints such as predation, competition, or lack of resources limit the ways in which a species exploits its environment. For example, plant species differ in their requirements for light, nutrients, and microorganisms, as well as in their ability to fend off competitors and herbivores. Herbivore species can eat only a subset of the plants available within a community, and predators can capture only some of the many potential prey species. Thus the species “carves out” a niche for itself in the community (see below The effects of competition).
An example of one such niche is that of the endangered Kirtland’s warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii) found in North America. It nests only among young jack pines (Pinus banksiana) that are 2 to 4 metres (6.5 to 13 feet) tall and grow in homogenous stands. These trees are exposed to periodic fires, necessary for germination of the jack pine seeds. These fires also continuously provide extensive new regions of young trees, allowing the warblers to shift their nesting sites over the years to remain within stands of jack pine that are of the preferred height.
The niche of a species evolves as physical and biological factors in the community change—provided that such changes are slow enough to allow species to adapt to them. The main constraint on this evolution is that no two species in a community can have the same niche. Specialized modes of existence thus provide a selective advantage to coexistent species, offsetting direct competition for available resources.
Biodiversity and the stability of communities
As species adapt to one another and to their communities, they form niches and guilds. The development of more complex structures allows a greater number of species to coexist with one another. The increase in species richness and complexity acts to buffer the community from environmental stresses and disasters, rendering it more stable.