Davis’s contribution to the theory of landform evolution also includes the idea of process interruption as a means of accelerating change (rejuvenation) and the notion of process slowing in a late stage of process evolution as energy is consumed. The latter idea comes close to the present-day description of dynamic equilibrium, or attainment of a steady-state (climax) environment and parallels modern thinking on entropy relationships.
Davis proposed his scheme of landscape-development stages close on the heels of Charles Darwin’s theory of organic evolution, and his landscape designations “youth,” “maturity,” and “old age” are blatantly anthropomorphic. Thus, it is quite understandable why they had, at the turn of the century, such appeal and acceptance in spite of their actual lack of chronological significance. Their continued use is less comprehensible.
The geomorphic concepts of Penck and King
The theoretical groundwork laid by Davis for geomorphic evolution was further developed in a rather special fashion in 1924 by Walther Penck of Germany, and subsequently (1953) championed with variations by Lester C. King of South Africa. Both retained some Davisian devices, including peneplain, graded stream, and base-level control of erosion surfaces in Penck’s case and the latter two in King’s. Each thought that tectonic uplift punctuated the erosion cycle by initiating renewed stream incision, and each utilized the concept of parallel retreat of fluvial-structural escarpments to generate plains. King designated the planation process pedimentation, and his end point “pediplains” were surmounted by inselbergs (isolated hills standing above plains, the name being derived from the German term for “island mountains”) rather than monadnocks. Because the resulting stair-stepped landscapes (Treppen, the German word for “steps”) of scarps and flats were presumed to reflect tectonics and to be correlatable, the term Tectonic Geomorphic School has been applied to its advocates.
The notion of geomorphologists that denudational landforms reflecting tectonic pulses were sufficiently synchronized on a global basis to be correlatable has suffered much from the development of the theory of plate tectonics. The separate notion that hillslopes, once developed, retreat laterally to produce a low-inclination surface worthy of a special name (pediment–pediplain) has found more support.
In retrospect, Penck’s Treppen concept seems to suffer much of the same theoretical damage as Davis’s geographical cycle, but it is generally less ingenious. Like Davis, Penck and King made no dynamic use of climatic influences, and in fact the latter went so far as to claim that climate makes no difference. Moreover, like Davis, neither King nor Penck acknowledged the isostatic implications for erosion established nearly a century earlier. King suggested that sheetfloods “mold” the surfaces of pediments and depicted sparsely vegetated regions where this might be possible under the label semiarid. More recent work suggests that sheetfloods may be a product, rather than a cause, of the “flat” terrain on which they occur. The so-called molding would appear to be the result of desert stream-flood processes operating to local base levels in the absence of appreciable plant cover, as will be discussed below.

There is an implied landform “chronology” for a geomorphic system tied to intermittent uplift, as suggested by Penck and King, though dating such events is not readily accomplished. Furthermore, King tied his planation method to a regional sea-level erosional datum that the aforementioned constraints throw into question. Perhaps the principal contribution of the Penck–King theoretical ensemble has to do with the concept of lateral escarpment retreat, as opposed to the wearing down of lands favoured by Davis. There are in fact landforms that are widely acknowledged to be pediments. They are planar in form, truncate a wide variety of bedrock types, and can most readily be explained by scarp retreat under non-vegetated conditions. Debate continues about how much or how little moisture best encourages this process. Yet, at least the general nature of the mechanism seems to have been identified (largely by detailed studies in the area of process geomorphology) and the hydraulic constraints established by Gilbert and others seem to be satisfied.
In essence, it has been found that runoff deposits sediment in deserts where its excess transport energy is dissipated by volume loss caused by infiltration and evaporation. Runoff upslope from the depositional base level established by the long-term locus of deposition cannot erode below the resulting deposit. Such overland flow must expend its energy against non-vegetated hillslopes, resulting in their backwearing.
The pedimentation phenomenon must rank as one of the more astute geomorphic insights, regardless of the fact that the hydraulic and sedimentologic details involved were not established until later. Today, this form of land planation in association with alluvial aggradation in deserts, stream incision that establishes regional drainage networks and augments relief under humid conditions as described by Davis, and glacial scour and deposition as elucidated by Charpentier, Agassiz, and others stand as the three most widely established morphogenetic systems on Earth.