The complexities of terrestrial surface change demand a theoretical overview that is both flexible and multifaceted. Oversimplified, sweeping landscape generalizations that apply to the whole Earth such as the postulates of Davis and King can hardly be employed when dealing with a planet where virtually every geomorphic element constitutes a potential interruption or complication to every other system. Nevertheless, there do seem to be certain kinds of activity that are repeated sporadically in both tectonic and climatic realms. These repetitions encourage the re-creation of particular suites of landforms and could be taken to imply a certain rationality to events. However, they probably are no more rational than eddies in a river that develop only where possible.
Matters of geographic and chronological scale also enter into the question of what is indeed geomorphically possible and repeatable. The interplay between density variations in matter and gravity dictates that the Earth’s core (once formed) must remain firmly fixed, and so too must the lighter substances that make up the lithosphere. Concentration of the least dense solids in the continents is involved in a complex process now associated with plate tectonics, and it is at this level that a discussion of landform evolution must begin.
Although the designers of the plate tectonics theoretical framework did not single out continents as landforms of a special kind, such is one of the basic consequences of that theoretical construct. Continents are first-order landforms, and there seemingly will be only one cycle of continental denudation in the history of the Earth. It began with the earliest concentration of continental lithosphere at the surface, and it presumably will end, as suggested above, when the last endogenic forces (i.e., those within the Earth) expire and gravity and entropy have their way as the internal systems of the planet run down. The details (in the context of this cycle’s span of 8 billion to 10 billion years) hardly matter, since the results are inevitable—unless, of course, the Sun becomes a nova and disrupts things.
Second-order features on continents consist primarily of mountains and the relatively low-elevation areas that come into existence as the mountains rise. In the context of continental landforms, mountains and the geomorphic systems that act upon them are unique in that the uplift creates an excess of potential energy, one far above that of the remaining land area. Landform evolution in mountains is necessarily skewed by this special kind of excess energy. Davis seemed to sense this in his theorizing, but he did not understand the limits on slope as a denudational influence and the variety of climatic and tectonic factors at work.
Orogenic and epeirogenic morphogenesis
Orogenic geomorphic systems
Such mountain-building systems evolve in the special contexts of type, setting, and style. The principal orogenic varieties recognized are (1) mountains of continent-continent collision type formed by lithospheric plate interaction along continental margins, (2) mountains of the collision type associated with oceanic trenches (sometimes developed along a single continental margin) with an adjacent plate-tectonic subduction system (see below), and (3) rift-type mountains extending into continental interiors where transcurrent faults shear cratons and deform associated sediment veneers or where spreading zones develop to create fault-block (horst-graben) mountainous terrain. Geologic time is sufficient for several orogenic events of each type to have occurred, and different rules apply to the geomorphic evolution of any given type.
Mountains of the continent-continent collision type have special attributes that direct their geomorphic evolution. These distinctive characteristics are the following:
- The collision creating the mountains incorporates a finite volume of rock that is not augmented following the collision.
- The orogenic rock mass is subject to isostatic uplift during denudation; in general, sedimentary rock types are exposed first, followed by crystalline varieties.
- The collision that initiates such orogenesis ultimately adds rock to the adjacent craton, and in thickening the adjacent crust often initiates nearby cratonic tilting and/or uplift.
- Because such mountains develop between continents and are thus elevated in the midst of a consequent megacontinent (Pangaea in the case of the Appalachians), they are far from oceanic evaporation sources and therefore often undergo initial denudation under arid geomorphic systems in the manner of the present mountains of central Asia.
- As the climatic setting of such mountains is largely established tectonically, it may endure in the same climate for scores of millions of years and, as noted in 1901 by the American geomorphologist Douglas W. Johnson, a desert mountain range tends to bury itself in its own waste.
- Re-exposure of such mountains to nearby precipitation sources by plate adjustments may result in dramatic climate changes from arid to humid, so that perennial fluvial erosion is widely initiated on a relict arid, alluvial cover mass with resulting transverse drainage by superimposition. In illustration, one can compare the Appalachian Mountains of North America and the Zagros Mountains of Iran, as described by the American geomorphologist Theodore M. Oberlander in 1965.
- Because of their finite initial rock volume, mountains of the continent-continent collision type can be lowered by erosion, somewhat in the manner visualized by Davis. No such structures more than 500 million years old show mountainous relief.
- Volcanic landforms are rarely a part of the topography during orogenesis of this mountain type.
Mountains of the collision type associated with oceanic trenches have their own distinct attributes that control evolution. These are as follows:
- The merging of a pair of lithospheric plates along a deep-sea trench initiates orogenesis tied to the subduction process (i.e., the sinking of one plate beneath another at convergent plate boundaries).
- Rock mass is added to the orogenic belt via subduction as long as the trench remains “operational.”
- Denudation accompanies uplift and may reduce rock mass in the orogenic system in the long run, but whether the total mass is growing, shrinking, or static depends on the budget established by additions from subduction versus losses from erosion.
- Mountainous elevations tend to increase through much of the life of the orogenic system, since rock lost through erosion is generally removed locally and linearly by rivers and glaciers (the Andes exemplify the type bordering a continent, and they appear to be higher now than at any time since they began to form 150 million years ago).
- Because mountains of the trench-associated subduction type develop and endure adjacent to an ocean on at least one side, they are subject to climatic variability tied to such factors as latitudinal position, orientation with respect to prevailing wind patterns, ocean surface temperatures, and progressively increasing elevations.
- Examples such as the Andes that border a continent can show alternating segments that are highly volcanic.
- Andean types also may display highly contrasting denudational systems under a variety of climatic conditions on opposite sides as well as along the length of the range.
- Although an erosion cycle resulting in overall lowering of a trench-associated mountain system does not appear viable as long as the trench endures, a complex steady-state mass situation would seem to be one potential development during this time.
- Occasionally orogenesis related to trench-continent interaction may extend far inland; the parts of the Andes exhibiting this trait display mechanical rock deformation but little volcanism, and a similar genetic mechanism has been suggested for the Rocky Mountains of North America.
- During their early years, the Rocky Mountains displayed volcanic phases accompanied by upthrusting but now seem tectonically quiescent and are apparently experiencing denudational lowering.
Rift-type mountains are primarily of the block-fault variety. They have the following set of special attributes:
- Block-fault mountains appear to originate where a spreading ridge of the plate-tectonic type develops.
- On continents, the spreading is expressed in high-angle faulting and may be accompanied by volcanism of tholeiitic basalt type.
- Rifting may be limited to linear zones, as in the Rift Valley system of East Africa, or may be more broadly expressed, as in the Basin and Range Province of the western United States.
- The extent of rifting may be limited to mere surficial fracturing of the continental crust, or it may extend to actual rupturing of a lithospheric plate and renewal of seafloor spreading, as occurred along the Atlantic seaboard of North America at the end of the Jurassic.
- Because block-fault mountains are of endogenic origin, they may occur in and experience a variety of denudational environments. The examples from Africa and North America cited above are in settings ranging from arid to humid. The highest such mountains show glacial effects.
For a detailed discussion of mountains and their evolution, see mountain.