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With aging, the bones gradually lose calcium. As a result, they become more fragile and are more likely to break, even with minor falls. Healing of fractures is also slower in the old than in the young. Recent advances in orthopedic surgery, with the replacement of parts of a broken bone or joint with new structures or the introduction of metallic pegs to hold broken parts together, have been of great value to elderly people.
The incidence of osteoporosis, a disease characterized by a loss of calcium and minerals from bone, also increases with age. It occurs more frequently in women after menopause than in men and is especially evident in the spinal column. Back pain is a primary symptom of the disease. It can be treated by increasing calcium intake in association with the administration of anabolic hormones.
The mobility of joints diminishes with age and the incidence of arthritis increases.
Respiratory system
Vital capacity, or the total amount of air that can be expelled from the lung after a maximum inspiration, diminishes with age, as does the total volume of air that can be contained in the lungs. In contrast, the amount of air that cannot be expelled from the lung increases. These changes in respiratory mechanisms are primarily a reflection of the increased stiffness of the bony cage of the chest and decreased strength of the muscles that move the chest during respiration.
The lung also contains elastin and collagen to give it elastic properties. As indicated previously, the formation of cross-links in elastin and collagen that takes place with aging reduces the elastic properties of the lung.

The transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide from the air in the lungs to the blood is influenced by the amount of blood flowing through the lungs as well as by the amount of air moved in and out. The characteristics of the membranes that separate blood and air in the lungs are also important in maintaining an adequate supply of oxygen to the body. Although with age there is a slight reduction in the amount of oxygen that can be moved from the air to the blood in the lungs, the reduction becomes apparent only when large amounts of oxygen are required, as during strenuous exercise. It is thought that a primary factor in the impairment of oxygen transfer in the lungs of elderly subjects is the lack of appropriate adjustment of the blood flow to the air sacs in the lung.
Emphysema, abnormal distension of the lungs with air, is a lung disease reaching its highest incidence between ages 45 and 65. In the United States the death rate from emphysema increased dramatically in the mid-20th century and remained high. Smoking, which causes bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi), was the primary contributing factor behind the increase. The combination of signs and symptoms of emphysema and bronchitis is known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a progressive respiratory disease.
Measurements of lung function are significantly lower in cigarette smokers than in nonsmokers of the same age. Values for cigarette smokers are, on the average, about equal to those of nonsmokers who are 10–15 years older. There is evidence, however, that when cigarette smokers quit smoking, measurements of pulmonary function closely approach those of nonsmokers within one to two years, even in the case of heavy smokers 50–60 years old.
The kidney removes wastes from the body by separating them from the blood and forming urine. In this process many substances are accumulated in the urine at a higher concentration than in the blood. With advancing age the concentrating ability of the kidney falls, so that a greater volume of water is required to excrete the same amount of waste material. This loss in concentrating ability is probably partially offset by a decrease in the excretory load because of reduced activity, alterations in food intake, and the reduction in muscle mass of the elderly. These changes in kidney function may not be reflected in urine volume, since volumes fluctuate widely at all ages and are determined primarily by fluid intake.
The reduction in renal (kidney) function is due in part to a gradual reduction in blood flow to the kidney. Since the kidney receives a great excess of blood (about 25 percent of the blood pumped by the heart each minute), the reduction with age does not normally result in an accumulation of waste products in the blood. Any such accumulation is the result of disease that damages the kidney. The reduced concentrating ability of the kidney results from a loss of some of the nephrons, the functional elements of the kidney, and the reduced activity of cellular enzymes.
Regulatory mechanisms
Some physiological characteristics, such as the mechanisms that regulate the acidity of the blood or its sugar level, are adequate to maintain normal levels under resting conditions even in very old people. However, the aged require more time than the young to reestablish normal levels when changes from the normal occur.
In order to test the effectiveness of control mechanisms of the body, physiologists produce changes experimentally and determine the rate of recovery. When the acidity of the blood is increased to the same extent in old and young subjects, it is returned to normal within 6–8 hours in the young, while in the elderly 18–24 hours are required. Similarly, the rate of return to fasting levels after sugar has been administered intravenously or orally is slower in the old than in the young. The response to insulin, which accelerates the removal of sugar from the blood, is also diminished in the elderly.
The body’s physiological mechanisms for adjusting to changes in environmental temperature are less adequate in the old than in the young. Consequently, older people may prefer more uniform and slightly higher temperatures than the young. High temperatures are more hazardous to the elderly, and the incidence of heat prostration in hot weather increases with age.
Exercise is one of the physiological stresses of daily living. In reasonable amounts it is a valuable stimulus to maintain physiological vigour. A number of studies have indicated a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease among adults who indulge in physical activity than in those who do not.
The capacity to perform muscular work diminishes progressively in the elderly. Muscle strength diminishes, though the reduction in strength is less in muscles that continue to be used throughout adult life than in those that are not. Thus, a part of the reduction in muscle strength may be an atrophy of disuse.
Maximum work capacity is reduced in the elderly, largely because of the inability to deliver enough oxygen to the working muscles. In the young, the need for oxygen is met for the most part by increasing the heart rate. Under conditions of maximum work, young adults can increase their heart rate to over 200 beats per minute, the elderly to only about 150 per minute. In addition, the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the blood is reduced in the elderly under conditions of strenuous exercise.
With less than maximum exercise, there is a greater increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration in the old than in the young; that is, a given work load induces a greater physiological stress in the old than in the young. Furthermore, recovery of blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration to resting values takes longer in the old.